The 2020 Taurus Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 7:49a PDT on Saturday, 31st October 2020 in the majority of the world, but on Sunday, 1st November in Far East and South Pacific nations (8.63°). This is an especially curious Full Moon because of the intensity of the transits active at the time of max phase. Yet the real news in this 2020 Taurus Full Moon phase re the massive changes under way that are now touching everyone’s lives. The reality of this societal transformation is beginning to hit home for all of us. No one is exempt, and no one is immune. Every person’s life and lifestyle is changing now.

I usually do a whole thing, then list the transits. But this time around, I’m putting the transits first, then I’ll explain how these energies stack up on one another.

  • What may be the most important transit of this 2020 Taurus Full Moon phase is the one which involves the Full Moon itself – Scorpio 5/6 Sun opposite (Taurus Moon conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (8°) – The societal shift is reaching everyone now. People who thought they’d be shielded or spared from the impact are now realizing they are not exempt or immune. More people are beginning to understand that their lifestyles and livelihoods really are changing, and we will not be going back to the old “normal”. A new normal has yet to take form, so we’re in the chaotic in-between for now, which neither Scorpio nor Taurus really enjoys.

    This absence of enjoyment is because Taurus and Scorpio are fixed energy signs – Taurus (fixed earth energy) prefers to either have things maintain a status quo (no matter how uncomfortable their circumstances may be), and Scorpio (fixed water energy – think “still waters run deep”) prefers to have things be decisive and clear so there’s no question about where things stand. Neither Taurus’ stubbornness nor Scorpio’s tendency to push extremes is effective at this time. There’s simply too much uncertainty.

Numerologically, 5 energy is all about change, chaos, and adaptability. It isn’t a surprise that things are so discombobulated right now in most of the world, which is experiencing this Full Moon energy on a 9 Universal Day of endings and completions, which also happens to be the last day of a 5 Universal Month. Yet in the Far East and South Pacific, there may be an effort or expectation of protection from the craziness the rest of the world is experiencing as they are experiencing the Full Moon under a 7 Universal Day of analysis, thought, and reflection, which also happens to be the first day of a 6 universal month of nurturing, care, and protection. Yet their heavily strategic efforts to shield themselves and others from the pandemonium may end up doing more harm than good in the long run. The Uranus influence from its conjunction with the Moon will be felt by everyone – everyone everywhere will feel the impact of this Full Moon phase.

  • Libra Venus opposite Aries Chiron Retrograde (4-5°) – Your partner(s) may be trying to help you heal. Let them! You may be clinging so tightly to your self-identity wounds, you’re inadvertently rejecting the kindness they’re extending to you or the challenges they’re bringing to you which are necessary to help you awaken and shift into a new and healthier way of seeing yourself. This is an opportunity to grow through and move beyond your long-held pain to finally experience being at peace with yourself, which may allow you to be at peace with another/others.
  • (Capricorn Pallas Athena conjunct Jupiter) sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (18-20°) – The patterns of the societal structures we’ve had in place are becoming more obvious by the day, but what’s also becoming increasingly clear is the support and encouragement to maintain people’s delusions of societal superiority or grandeur. There’s a great deal of hope that someone will save us all from whatever the perceived danger may be, but hope alone won’t stop what may be coming. That hope must inspire actions to save ourselves.
  • Capricorn Pallas Athena conjunct Jupiter conjunct Pluto (19-22°) – The patterns emerging and events happening now, they aren’t new. They’ve been around for centuries if not millennia. This has all happened before. Yet now, it’s time for society to break these patterns and be freed of them. It’s time for society to transform. But transformation isn’t just big change – it’s the death or destruction of one form of being to allow the birth of a new form of being to emerge. The hard part is that we’re at the beginning of this process – the collapse. Yet we must go through this shedding phase in order to clear space for the (re)birth phase to occur. And harder still, this “death” is going to take a while – at least another 3-4 years. But if we’re willing to acknowledge the patterns we see repeating or trying to repeat, we can stop them… but only with extreme action. The question is whether or not people are willing to take extreme actions to keep history from repeating.
  • Libra Mercury Retrograde square Capricorn Saturn (26°) – Renewed talk of equity, fairness, and justice are challenging the authoritarian/disciplinarian/paternal intentions of Saturn in its home sign of Capricorn. This transit does not generate a peaceful energy – in fact, it may (finally) bring the epiphany that justice, equity, and peace are going to be much more difficult to establish out of our current circumstances than earlier believed. Saturn may have some people trying to be more diligent about using authority to silence the voices for justice; Mercury Retrograde may have others trying to be louder and more creative in getting their voices heard, but will people be “too nice” in their efforts, or recognize that the time for civility, politeness, and niceties may be over?
  • Capricorn Saturn semi-sextile Aquarius Ceres (26-29°) – Those same authoritarian/disciplinarian/paternal energies and efforts are leading people to a reassessment of our collective social and societal values. What do we individually and collectively stand for as individuals? As a community? As humanity? And what is more important to us – the financial and material achievements of and within a society, or people’s contributions to society through their unique self-expressions? We’ll need to answer that question sooner than later.
  • Libra Mercury Retrograde trine Aquarius Ceres (26-29°) – This may be your second chance to be vocal about humanitarian values of fairness, equity, justice, and peace. The question is, how willing are you to allow your voice to be heard on a public scale? Are you willing and ready to let others know your values and where you stand? This may also be a need for you to speak up about imbalances or inequities in your personal relationships, both one-on-one and in your groups/communities. These conversations are likely to address significant differences in values and world view.
  • Taurus Black Moon Lilith sextile Aquarius Ceres (29-1°) – Regarding values and world view, it’s one thing to reconnect with the innate values of ingenuity and compassion within the diversity of humanity, but it’s another thing to place a financial, material, or physical valuation on actual human lives to support ego-driven livelihoods. Are you seeing people as people or as property? Are other people seeing you as a person or as property?
  • Taurus Black Moon Lilith trine Virgo Vesta (1-3°) – An ego-driven focus on material, physical, and financial resources and property may empower those of us determined to hold onto what we have, and find them seeking every means possible within our current everyday systems to disrupt routines and defend our interests.
  • Virgo Vesta semi-sextile Libra Venus (3-4°) – That same dedicated and determined effort to “make it work” by any means necessary means partnerships will be needed. The work that needs to be done right now cannot be done alone. Relationships and allyships will be of paramount importance at this time.

The 2020 Taurus Full Moon opens up a path to change like no other has done this year. It’s a big road with plenty of room for all of us to begin a journey, traveling into territory uncharted in our lifetimes, and possibly uncharted in the history of humanity.

Though the Moon is in Taurus, emotionally encouraging us to stick with what is familiar and “safe”, Taurus Uranus Retrograde says “nope, I’m going to force you to evolve”. And as Uranus brings its surprises to shake us out of our complacency, the Scorpio Sun reveals the extremes to which “familiar is no longer recognizable and “safe” is no longer safe. As result, though it may bring deep emotional discomfort or despair, we are forced into that evolution.

Uranus also rules technology, mass broadcasting, and popular culture. We have accelerated our technological capability so much in the last 180 years, and exponentially so. We have more informational, communicative, and creative power available to us than we ever have before, and this could come into play now.

But we have to choose to use it, and we have to choose how we want to use it to break the patterns of the past, as well as identify which patterns we are trying to change.

The most important thing to remember throughout this 2020 Taurus Full Moon phase (from Wednesday 28th October through Tuesday 3rd November) is that the events and action plans initiated during this time will affect you, your lifestyle, your livelihood, and possibly your actual life either immediately or in the very near future. These effects will be felt emotionally and spiritually, but many people will tune out those feelings until they are affected on the physical, material, and/or financial levels. There are still too many of us who believe we are invincible or that we or people in our everyday lives and closest circles won’t be touched by what is happening now.

Yet during and coming out of this Full Moon, suddenly, many of the threats to our stability, security, and safety may become more real than hypothetical. Out of nowhere, their impact is and will continue to be felt. For those who thought they were exceptional and exempt from the chaos, the changes begin hitting home in earnest now… or hit a lot closer to home than they had before now.

For those who not accustomed to abrupt disruptions to their routines and privileges – especially those who have already been upset or offended by the disruptions which have already occurred this calendar year – this 2020 Taurus Full Moon phase may be rather shocking. Things many people thought would never happen will begin happening; or if they’ve already been happening, they will intensify and/or expand their presence. This will especially be the case for those who believed themselves immune to or exempt from the challenges “those other people” face. This may have everyone (finally) realizing that nothing can or will protect every area of their life from the impact of these next stages of societal transformation.

We will all quickly learn – if we haven’t before now – that when the changes hit home, we must adapt. We, too, must change.

And with that, welcome to the evolution… of humanity.
Now, during and coming out of this powerful 2020 Taurus Full Moon, we get to decide how we want to evolve.

Thank you for reading Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ LL&B, Grace




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