The 2018 Libra New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 8:47p PDT on Monday, 8th October 2018 (17.80°). Libra is the energy of balance, equality, fairness, justice, peace, and beauty; and this is usually a welcome energy. Yet this 2018 Libra Sun period is proving to be quite the revelation of imbalance and disruption. What we’re all going through right now collectively (and for some of us, individually) – this definitely isn’t pretty. This 2018 Libra New Moon provides an opportunity for us to face the ugliness of the matters-at-hand with calmer and more logical heads, encouraging us to take our individual and collective first steps toward what can be done to balance the scales of justice, restore peace and beauty in our daily lives, and level out the playing field for all to have opportunities to level up our individual lives.

This New Moon occurs on a numerological 2 universal day here in the Americas and areas west of them – a day which draws even more focus to our 1-on-1 relationships and partnerships of all kinds than the Libra Sun already does. This is backed by the 11 universal year energy – a year of individuals emerging as inspirational leaders, encouraging others to stand up and forge their own paths to their fullest self-expression. However, inspiration is not synonymous with abdication of responsibility – this isn’t about waiting for someone else to tell you how to be a leader for yourself in your own life or someone to do something in response to your assertions or aggressions. Unfortunately, this is where 11 and 2 find their challenge on this New Moon day – realizing that some of your relationships and partnerships may be keeping you from honoring your individual truth, preventing you from sharing your True abilities and talents with the world. This dynamic is about you realizing what you need to do, recognizing how you can do it, and figuring out ways you can share it with others in a way that is uniquely yours. That’s where the 3 universal month energy comes into play – learning what and how to do what you need to do in order to grow into your self-expression and expand that self-expression into the world for the benefit of the world. However, the inspiration of this 2018 Libra New Moon – despite its inclination of partnership – isn’t born of a dependency on others to do the work for you. In fact, if you’re waiting for others to do it for you, you aren’t going to make the most of this New Moon energy. You have to take some sort of action on your own behalf. The rest of the world will be experiencing this Libra New Moon under the influence of a 3 universal day, and will be growing and expanding upon this energy of confidently self-responsible new beginnings in their own ways, seeking to make greater individual contributions to the world community.

This 2018 Libra New Moon is also a revelation of our personal and collective values. Ceres is in conjunction with the Sun+Moon conjunction in Libra (14.87°) and it actually precedes them in succession to form a stellium configuration, making the awareness of the imbalances present in our collective and individual values first and foremost in our consciousness, even before the emotional awareness of how the (im)balance of power in our relationships may be affecting us. Now that we are becoming clear about who stands where in our lives, this begs the question – again – of what are we going to do about it?

Of course, the Libra Ceres+Sun+Moon stellium, already quite powerful, is made more powerful through a square transit with Capricorn Pluto at the time of max phase, bringing the authoritative power of our societal institutions to the fore. Pluto’s challenging presence either empowers or destroys, so it’s important to notice who and what is being empowered as well as who and what is being destroyed. Of course, Pluto as the ruler of Scorpio is also representative of the phoenix which rises from the ashes. It’s important to remember that whatever is being destroyed, on some level, likely needs to be destroyed due to corruption, stagnation, and/or regression. Yet out of its ashes, a new, stronger, more effective structure can emerge. The strength of this ‘rebirth’ is contingent on the lessons of its proverbial death being learned quickly and applied effectively.

Remember the 2018 Cancer New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse three months ago and how I mentioned that no one who was getting things done cared about how you felt about what was happening? This Libra New Moon is the square or challenge to that Cancer New Moon eclipse energy from earlier this year. It’s a reminder that those people still don’t care how you feel – they care more about getting their goals accomplished and their objectives checked off their lists than they ever will about your feelings or opinions or perspectives. Now, recent events may find you better understanding what that means. When we discussed that Cancer New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse, we discussed the need to recognize that things would never be the same. Now, under the influence of the Libra New Moon, we have reached the moment of truth, and I’ll ask the same question I asked then – what are we going to do about it?

What are YOU going to do about it?

This 2018 Libra New Moon is the moment of truth in that many of us say we want a level playing field in certain or all mattes of our lives. Yet if the field were really leveled, would we each do what it takes to level up our individual or collective lives? In other words, would you take the action steps necessary to live into your potential – without playing victim to others, without pointing fingers of blame at others, without anyone else being responsible for your actions but you?

And if you really want that opportunity, what are you willing to do to bring that opportunity about?

Which direction will you choose to move in and which actions do you take in the face of increasing imbalance and disruption? What will you do to bring balance, peace, and beauty back into your life and into the world around you? Which steps are you willing to take and how much ugliness are you willing to face in order to bring these matters (back) into balance?

With those questions in mind, the events around and born of this 2018 Libra New Moon energy may leave some feeling more powerful than ever, while others may feel more defeated than ever before. However, neither side should become complacent with their current positions. Pluto is, ultimately, the catalyst for transformation, and the events around this 2018 Libra New Moon are the latest in your individual transformation process and in the collective transformation of community and of humanity-at-large.

Here’s a bit more about the transits in place at the maximum phase of the 2018 Libra New Moon:

  • There’s a weak T-Square involving Leo White Moon Selene (7.64°) opposite Aquarius Black Moon Lilith (7.07°) conjunct Mars (9.37°) with all three making square transit to Scorpio Venus Retrograde (10.62°). What emerges here is an awareness that the actions currently being taken are placing collective/tribal notoriety over an individual consciousness of what you are actually creating for yourself and your life. This is forcing those who could or “should” be in partnership with you to make their true feelings and positions known, and in turn, forcing you to choose which communities you want to align with as you seek to align with the community which best supports your individual values and self-expression. This used to be a subtle call to choose, but now, there is a glaring need for balance with circumstances calling loudly and powerfully for an equal and opposite reaction. The square reveals the choice to align with one side or the other – either for the public notoriety or the individual consciousness – and it magnifies the challenge we each and all face in seeking a balance of both.

Scorpio Venus Retrograde is reflective of others’ control and power issues being brought to light. This reveals how your partners (or others that you’re in relationship with) may be using their power to influence you and others. It may also reveal how much power and influence you do or don’t have over those same people. Sometimes, these power plays may be efforts to develop intimacy and trust; other times, these may be plays for control or supremacy. Whether these pushes are driven by genuine intentions or manipulations of others may force you to confront how you may or may not be using your own power and influence. Are you allowing others or external circumstances to control you? And if so, are you choosing to be powerful or powerless in the face of your circumstances?

  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde (29.41°) is in sextile aspect to Gemini Juno (0.61°) at the time of maximum phase. Both elements of this pairing are also quincunx to Libra Mercury (28.65°) and semi-sextile to Taurus Uranus Retrograde (1.15°) to form a Boomerang/Yod configuration. Chiron brings others’ emotional and spiritual pain to light in response to the re-opening of long-held wounds, bringing a shared experience of those wounds to the fore. As people awaken to the fact that they’re not alone in their pain, they are coming together in Oneness to address it. The challenge in this awakening is discerning between those glorifying victimization and those truly seeking to address it and overcome it. Those stuck in victim mentality will not find much solace or strength in the events at this time, while those ready to cease their roles as victims will find more than enough strength to fuel their determination to heal and carry on. Juno in Gemini, in some ways, amplifies the commitment of the Libra Mercury position to seek fairness and justice through making these voices heard and known, louder and clearer than ever… yet it also reveals that there is a strong commitment to presenting multiple alternatives to the logic and reason of the matters being amplified. There are two sides to every story, but at this time, there will be more than two stories with more than two efforts to dismiss the abundance of variations with one sweep of the proverbial hand.

But it’s the Uranus Retrograde that’s the key here. Though it’s in Taurus at the New Moon’s max phase, forcing us to look at our personal values and how they are being played out in the public arena; Uranus Retrograde re-enters Aries – the sign of action, assertiveness, and aggression on… Tuesday, 6th November (and U.S. citizens, you know what day that is). The events initiated under the energy of this 2018 Libra New Moon energy will surely come to a head once Uranus re-enters Aries. There will be feedback (as there always is with retrogrades), and this particular feedback will be very telling about current popular perspective(s), individual and collective intentions for the future, and will likely plant the seeds for future events on the community, society, and humanity levels of our life experiences.

  • And there’s one more significant transit during this 2018 Libra New Moon – Taurus Uranus Retrograde trine Capricorn Saturn. This reveals Saturn’s authoritative and disciplinarian presence being used to “align” the public with its values. It is an effort by the powers-that-be to force others to “get in line” with their agenda, to respect their authority or face “discipline” for non-compliance. Be wary of anyone and anything that doesn’t allow you to express your disagreement or dissent, and be especially wary of those who run away or hide from you when you suggest or express a different opinion or perspective as their evasion is their admission of their inability to deal with anyone or anything that will not affirm their beliefs. This Libra New Moon will provide a moment of truth in many relationships as there will be no mistaking which individuals and groups are worthy of your interactive time and effort. Some of these lessons may be learned the hard way as you realize you cannot heal those who don’t want to be healed nor can you fix those who don’t want to deal with their brokenness. Let them go in love and peace as the more you try to convince them, the more you hurt them and they will hurt you.

This 2018 Libra New Moon is a time to acknowledge and come to terms with the imbalances and the ugliness of the circumstances we face. It is also a time to do something about them if we want to find balance and beauty in our lives again, or maybe, for the first time. Are we ready to level out the playing field so we can level up our lives, or is that what we’re most afraid of?

We’re about to find out.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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