The Cancer 9 Sun makes conjunction with the Cancer Moon at 7:48p PDT on Thursday, 12th July 2018 (20.69°). This isn’t just any New Moon – this 2018 Cancer New Moon is also a Partial Solar Eclipse here in North America at the time of its maximum phase. New Moons are known as the “clean slates” of the lunar phases, and due to the eclipse, this one has a bit more heft to it.

We often don’t realize what we have until it’s gone (even for just a moment), so this eclipse – which will have the cardinal water energy of the Cancer Moon partially obscuring the Cancer 9 Sun from the Earth’s view – will bring us into a hyperawareness of how we may not be getting as much done as we’d like because we’ve been so caught up in our emotional energies. Those of us who tend to become extremely emotionally invested in matters may find ourselves also being very unproductive… and being very irritated with those who are being extremely productive while we seem to be flailing at every turn. By missing some of the Sun’s light for a little while, we may find our emotions eased up enough to realize that all we’ve really been missing and needing in order to feel like our emotions have some grounding is some actual, tangible results.

The fact is… no one getting things done right now cares about your feelings. They’re too busy getting their business taken care of to emotionally invest in your upsets. This realization hit quite a few of us in the heads during the Capricorn Full Moon a couple of weeks ago. Now, this 2018 Cancer New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse is encouraging you to redirect your emotional energies toward what you want to accomplish, to what you want to see in the world which would have you feel better about yourself and your life… and then it encourages you to take action to actually do something about it… and to start with what you can do for yourself in your own life.

That’s right. Yourself in your own life. There’s no use in trying to save the world if you don’t have your own stuff worked out.

Of course, in redirecting your energies to your own life, you may discover you have a whole bunch of stuff going on that really does not require your emotional energy or attention. This is where the “clean slate” part of the New Moon phase comes into play – it’s time to do some (emotional) purging.

This purge to create a clean slate is very much supported by the 9 numerological month energy of July 2018 – an energy of fulfillments, completions, and endings. The eclipse energy helps us exercise discernment and gain clarity about what gets to be cleared out in order for our focus to be sharpened and our emotional investments to be tangibly productive.

In the process, this 2018 Cancer 9 New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse is likely to serve two important purposes:

  • To remind us of how important it is for us to pause before acting upon our emotions – to consider whether or not acting on our emotions will serve us well or take us away from what we really want to accomplish. As previously mentioned, this Cancer 9 New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse is an opportunity to hit the reset button on our emotional investments and to see if we are really invested in what is truly most important to us.
  • To remind us of the compassion and care we can have for ourselves. As the Moon brings its shadow, we will also remember what it feels like to forget to attend to our own emotional truths, and as the Sun’s light returns, we may become more aware of how much we’ve allowed the ways of the “real world” to harden our hearts and keep us focused on material and financial goals which may or may not bring us the emotional peace and reassurance we seek. In order to maintain the resolve to emotionally invest in others, we first must emotionally (and possibly financially/materially, spiritually, and intellectually) invest in ourselves.

But the biggest question is…

In the face of so many emotional upsets and pleas, what will we do? What will be done? How, if at all, will arguments and protests and acts of force affect the choice of the powers-that-be? Will changes be made to advance humanity into its continued evolution through collectively choices to retire the past and move toward an unknown and uncertain future… or will choices be made and steps be taken to hinder or prevent humanity’s progress with a crusade to make everything old become “new” again (otherwise known as “history repeating”)?

Only the next few days, weeks, and months will tell.

Today’s New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse occurs on a numerological 3 universal day here in the Americas and a 22 universal day for the rest of the world. In the Americas, this could prove to be an expansive day with communications moving quickly and lessons being delivered and (hopefully) learned just as quickly. In the rest of the world, it’s a day of relationship awareness, specifically the role relationships have in building networks of all kinds – professional, societal, personal/social, etc. Under the 9 month energy, there will be quick assessments of what information can be taken seriously and what information can be discarded; and there will be quick assessments of which relationships can be relied upon to align with certain objectives, intentions, and agendas, and which relationships can be discarded.

Don’t be fooled into believing the events of this day – and especially the events during the 12 hours before and after this celestial event – aren’t as significant because this is only a partial eclipse. There’s plenty of power in this one, especially because the Cancer 9 Sun + Moon eclipse is in near-exact opposition to Capricorn Pluto Retrograde at the time of maximum phase (20°). If anything, the energy of the Partial Eclipse amplifies this powerful opposition.

This is no small thing. The “new beginnings” which emerge from this moment will be felt for quite a while to come. That’s because Pluto is power for the purposes of creation or destruction, and in Capricorn, that power applies to the disempowerment and destruction of the societal or institutional power structures in place, and the likely creation and empowerment of their replacements. Its presence will assist us in assessing whether or not we’re still collectively and individually emotionally invested in our societal institutions, or if we have lost touch and/or given up on the systems and structures originally created to keep institutions and individuals in positions of power in check. This 2018 Cancer 9 New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse in opposition to Capricorn Pluto Retrograde marks the beginning of a new phase of a major transformative period – one in which the old, outdated systems, structures, and standards must die in order for new, updated systems, structures, and standards must be birthed.

  • But which old, outdated elements will die because they are holding humanity back from its progress? Which ones will survive and support the forward evolution of humanity?
  • And which old outdated elements will refuse to go down without a fight? Which elements should die but won’t die… and will hold back humanity every way they can until they can fight no more?
  • And what can those who are committed to forward progress do right now to counter the efforts of those determined to slow to stop the natural advancement of our collective destiny?

In order to move forward, we must start with ourselves. In order to bring truly new beginnings into our lives, we get to take responsibility for our emotional truths and for our actions (or lack thereof). We get to allow what no longer emotionally nurtures, supports, or cares for or about us to be released from our lives. We get to hold others accountable and responsible for how they feel and let them handle their own feelings and their own life matters. This will be a very difficult step for many of us who have avoided our own emotions by trying to manage others, yet it is the first step if we are going to have the power and strength to move us all forward. We each must carry our own emotional weight.

Once we aren’t saddled with extra emotional drama, we’ll be freed up to see the light. That’s the funny thing – many of the opportunities of this 2018 Cancer New Moon + Eclipse may be missed if we’re too focused on the darkness to see the light emerging, which is why purging what no longer serves is so valuable right now.

It’s an easy thing to do right now, focusing on the darkness. There’s plenty of it around right now – so much, in fact, it’s rather difficult if not impossible to avoid. Yet that’s why this New Moon + Eclipse is a perfect time to look for and recognize the points of light emerging from the darkness. Where are the opportunities to be emotionally invested in things and people which align with our genuine self-expressions? Where can we care for ourselves and each other in pro-active ways which actually matter?

They’re available to us if we’re willing to put down everyone else’s drama and deal with our own.

That said, there are four other significant astrological events/transits on this day – two geometric configurations, a powerful square, and a powerful trine. Let’s take a look at their effects on us at this time.

  • A Compounded Earth Grand Trine (2-5°) involving Capricorn Saturn Retrograde trine Taurus Uranus conjunct Juno trine Virgo Venus conjunct Ceres – Strict enforcement of rules and regulations encourages shifts in social and societal values which may result in affirmations for some and new commitments to new and very different values by others. These value shifts and commitments empower people to rethink the value of their partnerships with others. Do the partners or parties involved still work effectively together? Do they still share similar or compatible values, or have they gone too far apart from each other for their partnership to serve its practical purposes for the parties involved? If they no longer value the connection or each other within the connection, under the energy of the Cancer 9 Sun, it may be time to either give the connection a new purpose or to bring the connection to an end. In the face of endings, new connections may emerge which allow for more productive connections with more efficient, effective, and tangible results.
  • A Fixed Mode Nodal T-Square (applying, 2-5°) involving Aquarius South Node square Taurus Uranus conjunct Juno square Leo North Node – Will choices be made to regress our evolution and repeat the past, or to progress our evolution and forge a new and different future? It will depend entirely on whether or not we are committed to change or fearful of it. Individuals, groups, communities, societies, and possibly even nations will decisively define themselves and their social and societal values by their choices at this time. With the fixed mode energy, these decisions will be well-publicized and will stick and be built upon even if the parties involved try to “change their minds” or their tunes soon after.
  • Aries Chiron Retrograde square Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (applying, 2-4°) – Many of us will find ourselves faced with new rules, regulations, and disciplinary actions preventing us from taking action in ways we’ve done in the past. Consider that these new “obstructions” may be forcing us to redirect our attention and resources to our own self-identity wounds and our own self-care needs. Are our actions serving our own best interests, or are we doing more harm than good for ourselves trying to serve everyone else? This square challenges us to counter-intuitively shift the focus of our actions to ourselves, even if we believe it makes us look better to act on others’ behalf.
  • Scorpio Jupiter trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde (separating, 13-16°) – The last remnant of the Water Grand Trine which made it presence known over the last few weeks, these two bodies amplify the emotional energy in the air. Even though they do not make aspect with the New Moon conjunction, Jupiter brings increased awareness of the emotional truths we often keep hidden yet may feel more courageous about bringing those emotional truths to light. This is great in that people are more apt to allow their “dark sides” to come out of the darkness and into the light. The bad news is that people may actually end up being worse than they think they are.

We will feel the waning energy of this Cancer 9 New Moon + Partial Solar Eclipse through Sunday, 15th July, encouraging us to clear our slates and prepare to take steps toward new and next; yet the effects of the eclipse will be felt for the next few months, especially since this is the first of three eclipses we will experience over the next 4.5 weeks. Reassessing and resetting our values will be a focus over the next 6-7 months and these resets will make impacts for years to come. Which new beginnings will we choose for ourselves now?

The next eclipse is a Total Lunar Eclipse experienced through the Aquarius Full Moon on 27th July.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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