Jupiter in Scorpio returned to direct motion at 1:02p PDT on Tuesday, 10th July 2018, bringing a close to Jupiter’s period of reflective assessment and placing Jupiter’s power back into our own hands for our direct application of its transformative potential for growth and expansion. After 4 months of gaining greater awareness of our depths and darkness through witnessing others’ darkness being brought to light, Jupiter Direct in Scorpio now encourages us to tap into the power of our own emotional depths and darkness and to consider how we may use our power to emerge from the depths through a positive, enlightening transformation of ourselves and our lives.

This transformation process is easier said than done. That’s because transformation isn’t simply change – it’s the figurative or literal death of one way of being in order to allow a new way of being to emerge. Think caterpillar to butterfly. The caterpillar must “die” in order for the butterfly to emerge. It’s a similar process in your own life – you’ll have to fully allow something or someone you believe yourself to be to “die” in order to allow a new, more authentic and potent part of your self-expression to emerge and grow.

Many of us – especially in “Western” civilization – have a very difficult time with death. We don’t accept it nor do we embrace it easily. We resist it emphatically because we don’t know or understand it and we tend to fear what we don’t know or understand. The fact is that most of us don’t really want to understand death, so we fear it… which leads us to fear the real transformation we claim to want for ourselves.

The thing is, we also tend to fear our own emotional depths and darkness… or we did until the Jupiter Retrograde in Scorpio period over these last four months. The retrograde helped us become more aware of the fact that we all have dark sides, yet it’s how we choose to use the energy in that darkness to quietly yet powerfully bring truths to light or, in some cases, to think we’re keeping others in the dark when we’re really exposing ourselves for all to see. Nevertheless, facing our depths and darkness can be extremely confronting, especially for those who insist on seeing themselves as “light beings” and think of darkness as bad, evil, or wrong. The fear can be so strong that sometimes, it feels like one could “die” from the exposure…

… which is the point.

As we put these two fears together, it’s important to realize that when it comes to transformation, we’re often afraid of one or the other – either the depths or the death. And usually, we’re afraid of our darkness because we fear the death of who we believe ourselves to be. We may have to come to terms with the fact that we may not be who we believed ourselves to be – we may not be as “good” as we thought we were… or as “bad” as we thought we were… or not as “light” as we thought we were… or as “dark” as we thought we were…

So how do we know if we’re ready for transformation?

That darkness? That’s you inside your chrysalis – your cocoon. That’s your vehicle to the beauty and wonder you seek. Don’t be afraid of it and recognize when it – when the matters of your life – have become too confining to bear.

If you’ve outgrown your current circumstances; if you’re feeling as if your current environment or circumstance is limiting you or keeping you stuck; if you feel like your life no longer matches or reflects who you truly are; if you’re feeling emotionally ready to explode because you don’t have the “freedom” to be who you truly are… then you’re ready to break out of your chrysalis – you’re ready for your transformation. And that transformation is going to feel like a leap of faith into the unknown and uncertain, with the only certainty being that things will be very different than before.

That’s the whole point of transformation – to completely change the outlook and experience of your life. And it will require you to embrace and expose your depths and darkness in order to come to terms with them so you can face and release the fears which hold you back from stepping forward into your growth and expansion.

Are you truly ready to transform yourself and your life? Are you truly ready to let go of the emotional upsets which used to motivate you but now only serve to hold you back? Are you ready to grow beyond your self-sabotaging habits to experience (and to allow others to experience) your power and brilliance?

Are you ready to grow out of your darkness and into your light, allowing all of yourself to be seen and known in the great wide open?

Now’s the time to find out.

Jupiter will continue its direct motion in Scorpio now until 8th November 2018 when it enters its home sign of Sagittarius.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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