On 29th December at 1:29a PST, Uranus returned to direct motion in the sign of Aries. This is PERFECT timing (as it always is). But this timing is especially good because it happens right before we complete a numerological 9 universal year and begin a numerological 1 universal year. It inspires us into action to take action to complete what is undone in this year coming to a close (kind of like this blog post), and readies us to take our first steps in the upcoming year ahead.

Uranus Direct in Aries brings a distinct revolutionary energy to the matters at hand. This is due in large part to the fact that Uranus naturally brings a rebellious or independent energy to the fore, and it’s especially feisty in Aries, the sign of initiative action and assertive (possibly aggressive) behavior. Uranus in this sign also brings an eagerness to not only assert unique self-expression within a community, but also to do so in an assertive and insistent way. It’s almost as if individuals are fighting for their unique self-expression within their communities, networks, and other social environments.

Yet the thing for Uranus is that it is also about collaborating with others in the community. Everyone brings something unique to the table that contributes to the greater whole. There will be some cases in which the fight isn’t in order to assert one’s individuality – it’s in order to form or promote a community or humanitarian cause.

No matter which way you slice it or dice it, Uranus in Aries is fighting for someone – either individually or collectively – to be known.

While in retrograde motion, Uranus in Aries  had all of us to some degree in “response mode”. In most situations, we’d wait to see how others would take action/fight for themselves, then decide if we wanted to go along with their behaviors. We’d wait and see if our own inner truth felt like it was the right thing to do to join their cause or crusade. This was a great energy under the 9 universal year because it gave each of us a chance to see who and what we wanted to continue being aligned with…and who and what we no longer wanted to be aligned with.

Now in direct motion, we aren’t waiting for anyone. Community action is self-initiated. The 1 universal year is giving us the inspiration and the courage to take action which inspire us as individuals, and through our individuality, we find others with common perspectives and values to form communities with.

In other words, by going our own ways, we are led to new communities. And because we find people who align with our perspectives and values, we come together and may find that we’re willing to fight for them as an extension of ourselves.

That said, let’s look at the transits involving this December 2016 incarnation of Uranus Direct in Aries to see what we’re fighting for.

At the time Uranus in Aries turned direct, it was (and still is)…

…conjunct Ceres in Aries – You may be fighting for your personal values to be implemented or upheld, and in the process, you maybe realizing that either your community isn’t aligning with your will OR maybe your values are no longer aligning with your community. Your realization of this misalignment may find you rebelling against your tribe…until you realize that maybe it’s better to just walk away and go it alone. Yet Uranus never truly goes alone, and eventually, you’ll find others who share your values  – your new social tribe.

…opposite Jupiter in Libra – You may be increasingly aware of how things are imbalanced, unequal, or unjust in some way(s). Yet you may be challenged in bringing those imbalances into balance because others in your community do not want them balanced (they are in positions of advantage with the imbalance in place) OR you may be challenged by those trying to bring or restore balance because you are the one (or among the ones) who are in a position of advantage in the imbalance and you don’t want to lose your perks. Either way, this opposition indicates a battle between the two sides of the scale for at least equality if not outright supremacy. Yet there needs to be an acknowledgment of the other side’s anger and fear before any resolution or compromise can be made.

…trine Juno conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius (most exact with Juno on 5th January)– There is a commitment to truth that is being aligned with and focused on. There is a determination to see a search for factual truth as far as it can go. This is one stubborn combination of elements, and Uranus in Aries conjunct Ceres gives it even more fire to use in its crusade for truth. Those who are not being honest or truthful in their dealings may feel the walls closing in on them. And of course, those who are felling trapped will act trapped – like caged animals lashing out at their captors. Get ready to see the ugly side of people who don’t like being confronted about shortcomings with facts – they will be angry and reactive in impulsive and damaging ways. However, those acting in alignment with factual truth will find themselves and their efforts very productive and expansive during this time, especially efforts which are collaborative or humanitarian in nature.

The December 2016 Uranus Direct in Aries will also make its presence especially known…

…from 4th-10th January (most exact on the 7th) when it makes square aspect to the Capricorn 11 Sun – something is either revealed to or through the community or the general public by some means likely having to do with mass media/technology OR someone or something’s will is assertively (or aggressively) imposed on others in the community or in society in general, initiating or amplifying a community or public conflict. You may find yourself having to change your plans as real-world circumstances make your original plans difficult if not impossible to fulfill. (Plan B, anyone?)

…from 12th-18th January (most exact on the 15th) when it makes a semi-sextile aspect with Mars in Pisces – If Mars is acting from clear, honest, and philanthropic vision, there may be strong community support for one’s actions. However, if Mars is acting from a place of delusion or deception, the community may turn on the activity or take action to counter it. It will be an interesting time to see if and how one or both energies show up in your life and in the world around you, and how you choose to respond to them. Take note: these energies are likely to show up when you least expect them to and how you least expect them to from people you’ll probably least expect to encounter in this way. This will be a wonderful time to notice what is supported and encouraged, and what is resisted or blocked…or rather, what plays out in factual truth and integrity, and what needs to be discarded as false and fraudulent. It’s also a great time to act upon what you notice in alignment with your individual personal values.

One thing is for certain – with Uranus, you can always expect the unexpected. And with this December 2016 Uranus in Aries, expect to be surprised by the initiatives taken and the battles chosen to be fought and/or resolved.

And you may find yourself surprised most of all…by you.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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