The 2016 Gemini Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 4:05p PST today, Tuesday 13th December 2016 (22.44°) in the majority of the Western world. However, for the rest of the world, this Full Moon will be occurring in the first half of the day on Wednesday 14th December.

Gemini is the perpetual child-student of the Zodiac. It is playful, curious, witty, and duplicitous. It is quick-minded or has quick reflexes, and possibly has both.

As a Moon energy, Gemini has an emotional need to intellectually understand why it feels what it feels, yet it rarely has the patience to delve deeply into that question the way emotional matters usually need to be delved into for those feelings to be truly understood. Sometimes this has to do with maturity, but more often than not, it has to do with the fact that Gemini’s mind simply needs too much intellectual stimulation – it gets bored too quickly to stick with a subject long enough to get its answer(s). Unlike most other signs, Gemini is actually at its best when it can freely distribute its on more than one thing at once. It does best when it can gather information from a multitude of sources rather than just one…so that’s what this 2016 Gemini Full Moon is trying to do – figure out how it feels about what it is learning and why it feels that way from a number of different sources.

My nickname for Sagittarius 3 energy is “The Student of the World”. This is because this energy tends to know quite a bit, but has a big mind which can rarely be filled with too much information. Therefore, it seeks out more information…and more information…and more information…because in its mind, there’s no such thing as too much information. Yet Sagittarius is all about learning through experience, and this is where the “world” part comes into play. It seeks out places to go and things to do in order to gather the knowledge it seeks and gain the wisdom of having “been there and done that.”

To that point, when the light of the Sagittarius 3 Sun is reflected upon the Gemini Moon, we may individually and collectively find that our emotional need to learn and know is triggered by questions of “what do we really know to be true?” Yes, there’s a ton of information around us. We are living in an information age with almost everything we could ever want to know accessible through a computer that fits in the palm of our hands. But is the information we are finding or being given factual? Can it be trusted? Is it true?

This is where’s Sagittarius’ wisdom of experience comes into play. You see, Sag doesn’t simply believe it because someone says it – they’ve gone out or want to go out and experience it for themselves. They want to know first-hand that what they are speaking and sharing or teaching is true.

That’s also why the Sagittarius 3 Sun + Saturn conjunction energy we’ve been living with for the last week or so has been so intense – it’s been holding us each and all accountable and responsible for the facts we’ve either overlooked or ignored about our present circumstances.  It’s held us back from forward progression in the areas of our individual and collective/community/cultural lives where we don’t have all of the real facts of the matters at hand, while also allowing us to find success and expansion in the areas where factual truth prevails and where our actions are aligned with factual truth.

At the moment the 2016 Gemini Full Moon is at maximum phase (4:05p PST – 22.44°), we’ve moved just barely outside of the 3° orb for the Sun + Saturn conjunction we’ve been experiencing these last few days. This brings…well, I don’t know if I’d call it relief, but I would call it a shift in focus. After days of relentlessly being held accountable and responsible for your alignment with and expression of fundamental and Universal truths, The 2016 Gemini Full Moon simply reveals both how much you already know about being your authentically self-expressed, and how much you still need to learn about living into your authentic self-expression. There’s enough of the Sun-Saturn conjunction energy left where this combo could bring a very rude awakening for you as you may learn that instead of others not understanding you, it may actually be a matter of you either not communicating clearly, openly, or factually enough, you not knowing as much as you thought you did, or your truths not being as factual as you and/or others believed them to be.

There’s another transit which is within 3° orb hen the Full Moon reaches maximum phase – a mutable energy T-Square configuration of the Sagittarius 3 Sun-Gemini Moon opposition being squared by Chiron in Pisces. This means your knowledge base is being challenged by long-held emotional-spiritual wounds which are both individual and collective, calling upon you (and all of us, really) to both apply what you know and learn what you don’t. This t-square is revealing people as being either more or less than competent for their roles.  It’s also revealing people as a collective whole to be more or less aware of honesty and deception than some may have originally believed them to be. As Pisces represents All-That-Is, this transit is revealing just how interconnected we all are and everything is. The dots are starting to connect, and it’s challenging each of us to think and perceive the world differently than we may have before now. We may find we have to adjust or change what we beleived to be true in order to align our perspectives and world views with what is actually true.

The Sun + Saturn conjunction and the T-Square aren’t the only transits of note on this 2016 Gemini Full Moon day. There’s one more which may be a key factor is the dynamics of the day.

There’s an Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres conjunction that’s still in play, and it is trine the Sagittarius 3 Sun and sextile the Gemini Moon. This means that people are agitated if not downright angry about their current circumstances or the circumstances of the collective whole.  The current state of matters does not align with their personal values, or they are realizing their personal values are contributing to the current state of matters and they are upset with themselves as they realize their values may need to adjust or altogether change. This supports the Moon’s energy which is encouraging people to acknowledge how they really feel about the information they are finding or being given. This also empowers and emboldens the Sun’s energy which is encouraging people to go out and figure out for themselves how they can learn what they need to learn in order to make the change(s) they want to make in the world around them.

This is a numerological 7 universal day for about a third of us in the world, which will encourage people to take a step back, meditate on and/.or think about current circumstances and current events, and assess where matters actually stand. This will be a good day to get in touch with what you actually and factually know and what your feelings are about that information. For the rest of the us, this will be occurring on an 8 universal day – a day on which matters of power and influence come to a head.

In other words, those of us in the Western world will be thinking about where our lives are now, how we got here, where we want to go from here, and how we will get there… while those of us in the Middle East and Eastern world will be in position to make some power plays or at least position ourselves to make some strong plays at some point in the near or distant future based upon how much power and influence we’ve had before, where we are now, how much power and influence do we want, and how we will get there.

It’s been fun witnessing the lead-up into this 2016 Gemini Full Moon. I look forward to the rest of this day and what will follow, especially as it pertains to how authentic and truthful we are being about our own individual and collective self-expressions as result of the truths being revealed to us…or not.

We’ll feel the immediate effects of this Full Moon through Friday 16th December. However, I have a feeling the effects of this day will be far more enduring.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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