I wrote about Donald John Trump (born 14.June.1946 at 10:54a local time in Queens, New York) back in May 2016 during the primary races. At that point, he had triumphed over the rest of the GOP field while the Democrats still had a couple of months to go (logistically speaking) in their primary decision.

Now that’s he’s our U.S. President-elect, I recommend you read the earlier article as well as this one which provides additional insight.

Now, let’s take a closer look at Donald J. Trump – our next President of the United States. (I’ll try not to be too redundant.)

Trump will be the 45th President of the United States. 45 reduces to a 9, which is the number of leadership by completion and generally, fulfillments, completions, and endings. Other “9” U.S. Presidents are Lyndon B. Johnson (#36 – D) who became President as result of JFK’s assassination and was instrumental in the passage of civil rights legislation and the Vietnam War, William Howard Taft (#27 – D) who was the first President to also serve as Chief Justice (#10) of the U.S. Supreme Court after his single term as President (a single term which inspired Teddy Roosevelt forming the Bull Moose Party as a more progressive alternative to the Democratic Party – sound familiar?), Ulysses S. Grant (#18 – R) who led the Union Army to victory during the U.S. Civil War prior to his terms as President, and William Henry Harrison (#9 – W) who was the last British-born U.S. national and the first President to die while in office for the shortest tenure in history (only one month!).


2016 U.S. Presidential Election – Winner Called

Trump clinched the election on what was technically an 11 universal day in a 2 universal month in a 9 universal year – a day of heightened awareness of community in a month representing duality, relationship/partnership/companionship, and support in a year also representing completions, fulfillment, and endings. These numbers indicate that Trump will be someone who gets things done with the community taking strong interest in his activities and progress. Yet he won’t necessarily be able to accomplish what he gets done alone. In fact, he may require more support than any president before him, which – like the other “9” Presidents before him – may mark a turning point in the history the position of President of the United States as well as the history of the United States.

At the time the election was called for Trump as the winner of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, there was a Libra Jupiter-Capricorn Pluto square (growing awareness of injustices and imbalances in our institutions of power), a Libra Jupiter-Sagittarius Saturn sextile (experiential truths create standards demanding a restoration of fairness, equality, and/or justice), Scorpio Sun + Lilith conjunction trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde (a deep desire for trust and intimacy to be established and long-held wounds to be healed, though they may be re-opened), Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres Retrograde conjunction (people reacting based upon what they believe to be their personal values – values which they may be second-guessing), and a Pisces South Node + Neptune Retrograde conjunction (ideals rooted in the past which must be revisited in order to manifest them or complete them). These astrological transits affirm the “turning point” energy of this election. In fact, they reveal a societal turning point for the United States as a whole.

Now let’s discuss the man himself.

Donald Trump - Natal Chart

Donald Trump – Natal Chart

Trump is a base combination Gemini 4 – he’s duplicitous & unpredictable, can be playful and childlike, likes gathering information and learning more than delivering or teaching it professionally-speaking, and he enjoys playing mind games with others so he can’t be pigeon-holed. Trump’s Gemini Sun/base is in his 10th house of public-professional persona, so he’ll bring his Gemini student approach – his inquisitive and curious nature – to his role as POTUS. In fact, that may be what drew him to the role – 1) a curiosity to learn what the job’s all about, and 2) a curiosity to see how much publicity he could draw from running. I don’t think he expected to win, and frankly, I don’t think he was running to win.

But now that he has won, this experience will mature Trump significantly, as he quickly realizes that running “the free world” is not a game or a reality show – it’s actually real and his words and choices have consequences. He will be forced to take it seriously, and may find himself in over his head at times if not the entire time. He’s not used to the kind of pressure he’ll face as President – he will be held responsible and accountable in ways he’s never had to be in the past, and he’ll have far fewer ways to avoid consequences for his actions (or lack thereof).

Trump will rely heavily on his advisors and the members of his administration to teach & inform him, which may open him more than usual to influence of others (a.k.a. – manipulation by others’ agendas). The 4 component of Trump’s base energy reveals that he needs security & stability, and he’s likely to establish and maintain a close-knit & reliable circle of “ducks” he can keep in a row, valuing their loyalty and dependability deeply (especially loyalty). This is why his cabinet and administration appointments should be drawing a great deal of interest and will carry so much weight moving forward – he is likely to select people who have proven loyal to and supportive of him, and he will be relying on their knowledge, expertise, and objectivity (or lack thereof). But if any of his administration and cabinet appointments make him look bad or fail him in any way, you can be certain to hear those two famous words – “you’re fired”. I will not be surprised if there is a high turnover rate in his administration.

Maintaining his personal resource foundation & the comfort of familiar surroundings is also extremely important to him, and this may present one of his first and biggest challenges – he most likely will not be able to fully separate himself from his business interests and his Trump Towers primary residence in order to properly to fulfill his Presidential duties, creating some unprecedented conflicts of interest which are likely to be very serious and problematic.

Trump has a Leo 11 projection/ascendant, which means he sees himself as a leader who “should” be acknowledged for bringing creative inspiration to others, and he does his best to project charm and likeability. He wants people to like him, and perceives himself to be an affable and relatable guy, though the way(s) he goes about it may not always ring as honest or authentic. His desire to be seen by others in a positive light is a significant part of the reason he doesn’t take criticism well AT ALL – he struggles with knowing that people don’t like him, and he’s often quick to attack any perceived offenders with the intention of hurting them as much as he perceives himself to be hurt. This could prove extremely challenging as he interacts with other world leaders who may or may not be fond of him and/or the United States.

Despite his thin skin for criticism, Trump tries and will continue to try very hard to relate positively to the community and/or public as a whole, and will continue to do his best to be seen as an ‘every man’ for the public. This will be challenging for him as he’s quickly going to learn that he really can’t please all of the people, especially when 53% of those who voted (which was actually only 25% of eligible voters) didn’t want him as POTUS. It’ll be interesting to see if and how he tries to balance/unify this country after such a divided campaign season.

On a private and more personal level, Trump is known for being a very generous and sincere person in some personal one-on-one interactions. He has no problem using his wealth to make life easier for others, and there are accounts of him doing lovely acts of kindness for others. With his 4th house Sagittarius 5 Moon, I have no doubt these are sincere acts, yet they do serve a dual purpose – they support the “nice guy” reputation he wants to have as well as provide positive, practical assistance to those he is emotionally invested in.

His 4th house Moon also indicates his real personal truth comes out privately, but rarely publicly. Opposite his Gemini 4 Sun, he’ll say & do what he thinks the public and his professional peers want to hear & see. It’ll be interesting to see if he honors his open-minded, open-hearted and expansive personal truth OR if he tries to people-please in his policy decisions as his personal truth is likely far more open-minded, worldly, and considerate of ‘the big picture’ than most conservatives tend to be.

To that point, I don’t think he’ll end up being as conservative as some hope he will be as he will likely do whatever gets him the most positive favor with the most influential people possible. But it will be interesting to see who he perceives those most influential people to be – will it be Republican leaders, world leaders, lobbyists, his most loyal advisors and advocates during his campaign, or the people/general public? It may seem very uncertain with his daisy-chain stellium of Uranus-North Node-Gemini 4 Sun, but despite his penchant for rebellion and attention, he’s more inclined to put his 4 energy and his most loyal confidantes before the public affection at first. But his most predictable trait is his desire for public affection, and the adoring public will eventually always win out over any other collection of people save one: his family.
Despite his generous acts of kindness, Trump’s greatest strength and biggest weakness is one in the same – his self-importance, or dare I say, narcissism. It’s largely driven by his 12th house Mars conjunct his Leo 11 projection square (challenging) his Taurus 5 impression. Everything he does is to make himself the center of attention and make himself look like “the best” person. He’s very intuitively adept in knowing the when, where, & how to get the spotlight on himself. It’s an emotion-driven need for him, and the 12th house Mars placement makes him very idealistic if not delusional about his self-image & the impact of his actions/behavior upon others. This is where we go back to his Leo 11 projection, which has him trying so hard to be liked by everyone. His Mars is conjunct his projection point/Ascendant, revealing that he is genuinely unable to understand why people wouldn’t or don’t like him. This is the other part of why he doesn’t take criticism well – he really believes he can do no wrong, and he will play victim or blame others when he is wrong. He is incapable of owning up to his mistakes or his errors in judgment, and this may cost him some important, valuable, and crucial relationships within his administration and in his dealings with foreign leaders and dignitaries.

He maintains a strong hand of control over his personal life, which again reinforces the challenge he may have in letting it go to be POTUS. Before now, he was able to control every aspect of his comings and goings. Now, he and his family will be under secret service protection for the rest of his life – they will never have their complete privacy or control over their lives again.

As we know he can be counted on to seek the spotlight, he’s rarely if ever outshone. The only thing that can outshine Donald Trump is genuine power. His press conference after his first meeting with the outgoing President Obama was one of those rare times, and I expect he’ll have quite a few more of those occasions in the months and years to come. (By the way, Obama is a base Leo 11 – what Trump tries to project himself to be through his ascendant is what Obama actually is. Side by side, Trump had no chance of being the star in that scenario.)

It’ll be an interesting four years to say the least. Trump’s election brings us into uncharted territory regarding the U.S. Presidency, and it’s sure to be a journey that will be unlike any other in history.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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