independence-day-background_zy1qvjydOkay. It’s time.

I felt okay about writing about each of the major party candidates back in May (Clinton, Trump), before this election cycle became so complicated and convoluted. Now…I admit – I’ve avoided writing this post. As passionate as I am about current events both domestic and international, this election cycle is one in which the Higher-objective messages have been coming in strong and clear and it’s been a challenge to address these without “taking sides”, so I haven’t said much of anything in a while.

That said, I’ve done my best to honor that Higher objectivity in the regular posts. It’s been interesting tuning into those Higher energies when I blog and post, being conscious in honoring the purity of the messages coming through, even if some of them may read as “partisan”. Even though some of you may be upset about what I’ve been posting this election cycle and what I have been getting about the present and future, it’s time to address what’s coming forth without mincing words. After my beta group meeting this morning and after running some errands, it realize it’s necessary to dish out some difficult truths.

So…here we go.

I drafted charts for when the very first polling office opened at 12:00 midnight in a town called Dixville Notch in New Hampshire, U.S.A. Here’s what we’ve got.


Let’s start by talking numerology.

Today, Tuesday, 8th November 2016 is a Scorpio 1 universal day, indicates new beginnings, initiative energy, assertion and possibly aggression – a LOT of proactivity. People aren’t going to be waiting around for things to happen – they’re going to have their say. So far, this has been proven accurate as there has been a great deal of early voting in the states which allow it and the lines to vote in person have been long. People are proactively creating their future, which is lovely to see. Scorpio’s energy lends itself to a powerful and profound experience – voting isn’t being taken lightly this time. People feel like their votes mean something, and they aren’t taking them for granted. Even the people who are choosing not to vote have seemed to do their due diligence in making that choice.

This 1 universal day is occurring under a Scorpio 2 universal month energy. As result, this election cycle is revealing the deeper truths of our relationships. People have had to take a deeper look at their true feelings and beliefs this time around, and many have found that they don’t like what they’ve seen, heard, or learned about themselves, each other, others, and their government(s). This election cycle is touching a nerve, and an emotional one at that. People are aware that significant changes are underway – changes which will not only change their government, but their own everyday lives.

The day has an 8 impression energy – power, influence, and transformation…but also control and manipulation. Impression means how the day appears and/or feels, and this day appears and feels significant, and this energy only reinforces the emotional-intuitive awareness of a profound shift of consciousness occurring. It’s so significant that many people are doing whatever they can to feel like they have control over the situation. Even the situation itself feels rather controlled, and in some cases, it may even feel forced or manipulated in some way. This is why we may see more questioning than usual of the results – people will want to have a deeper look at the totals because they won’t trust what is being said. There’s too much at stake.

The day also has a 1 projection energy, and combined with the afore-mentioned 1 universal day energy, this encourages the newness of whatever choices are made. The decisions made today will change the status quo…

…and though we’d like to convince ourselves that we are experiencing a genesis, we must remember that all of this is happening under a 9 universal year energy – an energy of fulfillments, completions, endings, and clearings. This may be a new beginning, but a beginning most people won’t expect – this may very well be the beginning of the end of the United States as we’ve known it.

Let’s shift over to astrology to explain further.

First, the long-range stuff.

Those of you who follow this blog know I’ve been writing about our current Pluto in Capricorn period almost ad nauseum. I’ve addressed how transformative it is, and how it represents the empowerment or the destruction of societal institutions such as governments, corporations, financial institutions, educational institutions, and the like. I’ve also mentioned how the United States has its natal Pluto in Capricorn and how it will experience its Pluto Return in the year 2020 (the next election). The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was in the late 1700s during the American and French Revolutions. This is a strong indicator that whatever is working and serving the original intent of this nation’s creation will be empowered, while whatever is betraying this nation’s inherent truth will collapse under its own corruption or be destroyed.

Another factor is Uranus in Aries. Though it’s currently retrograde, it will continue forward in Aries until it exits (after a post-retrograde re-entry) in 2019. This, too, indicates that the masses/general public will be initiative, pro-active, and possibly aggressive in making their intentions known. People will not sit around waiting for things to happen – they will stand up and take action in whatever they believe their best interests to be.

And one more enduring presence is Neptune in Pisces (until 2026) which gives an idealistic or delusional tone to the matters at hand. People may try to continue to avoid, ignore, or deny the growing pains the U.S. is experiencing. They may continue to believe that the U.S. is almighty and powerful in the world and that despite our challenges and problems, we still have a right to tell everyone else in the world how to live and be. That’s going to be changing over these next few years as the U.S. finds it necessary to accept its changing global role and may be forced to deal with healing itself before doing its part in healing the world. In fact, healing itself may be its best contribution to the healing and compassionate unification of the world at this time.

With these three energies combined, I feel it’s safe to say that the United States is about to experience a transformation, and very possibly its second revolution.

Now…how does all of that affect us today? And what are the transits of the day?

Pluto in Capricorn is involved with two major transits today – a gradually-applying square with Jupiter in Libra (most exact on 24th November), and a quickly-separating sextile with the Scorpio 2 Sun (most exact yesterday). The Jupiter-Pluto square is one in which partnerships and 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds are being challenged and tested in regard to balances of power, influence, and control. We are likely to see growing rifts between institutions vying for power and influence (and/or control) over the societal status quo. We are also likely to see matters of justice, fairness, and equality coming to the fore through various institutional conflicts of interest. We are going to recognize which institutions are on which sides of these conflicts as the Sun-Pluto sextile – though short-lived (4th-10th November) – will prove valuable in revealing allegiances. What has long been secret finally comes to light, and that light helps bring awareness of just how deep the imbalances we are facing may run.

The Scorpio 2 Sun is in approaching conjunction with Scorpio Black Moon Lilith. Though this transit is most exact on 11th November, it starts making its presence known today by reminding us just how deeply we feel our darkness and depth as a nation. We need love and compassion more than ever today, but the one thing we need in order for love and compassion to be both given and received is to feel heard, known, and understood on a deeper level than simple head nods and empty platitudes. The sad thing is…neither candidate for the President of the United States nor many of the people we are voting into various offices today can truly understand or relate to the majority of the populace on this deep level. Many of them already have their in-office agendas set and those agendas have little to nothing to do with all of us. This may prove to be the root cause of a huge rift in the fabric of our nation post-election.

Mercury in Scorpio is quite active today, making an approaching square with the Aquarius Moon at midnight (which will last through the morning hours), a trine with Pisces Chiron Retrograde, and a quincunx with the Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres Retrograde conjunction. The Mercury-Moon square will reveal just how displeased and challenged the general public feels in having to make their choices in the voting booths today. The Mercury-Chiron Rx trine reveals responses which will have mixed results – some people will be intending their votes to count toward peace and love, while others will be intending their votes to be an act of war. Be ready for quite a few people to take on roles as victims and martyrs post-election if and when they don’t get their way(s)…but also be ready to start the healing process once we know what we’re all dealing with. And the Mercury-Uranus Rx + CeresRx quincunx reveals the disconnect between the candidates’ rhetoric and the general public’s values and needs. The intentions of the majority of those being elected and the desires of the people at large are not in alignment, and that will prove itself over these next few months and years.

Venus in Sagittarius makes sextile aspect to the Aquarius Moon in the morning hours, and trine aspect to the Aries Uranus Retrograde + Ceres Retrograde conjunction today. In this morning, all of these energies combine to form a wedge configuration. This wedge indicates an adventurous approach to the events of the day – a willingness to be open to the process and its results. It also ensures that truths will come to light, and those truths will likely stir up some activity and actions. The Aquarius Moon helps keep things peaceful in the first half of  the day, but as the day goes on and the Aquarius Moon and its air-element objectivity moves on into later degrees, the adventures may become a bit more dicey – think less “we’re all in this together” and more “stake claim in wild west”. The passions of the Venus-Uranus Rx-Ceres Rx fire are left to burn with intense heat, seeking allies for their perceived values battles present and future.

And finally, there’s Juno in Sagittarius sextile Mars in Capricorn. Now you may say that this doesn’t make sense as Sag and Cap are in adjacent signs. But Mars moves into Aquarius at 9:51p PST/12:51 EST, bringing forth assertive action on the public scale and making it a true sextile aspect. Let’s just say that no one will be sleeping soundly tonight. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if activity levels and aggressions don’t ramp up overnight. This will be kind of like picking teams on the playground – once the results come in, everyone will know where they stand and the game will begin in earnest.

Yet what we may find is that as the game continues, the two sides have more in common than not. Common ground and common intentions may emerge, uniting the two sides in unexpected and unprecedented ways.

That said, I’m not going to make a prediction about who will win this election – not because I don’t have a strong sense of who will win, but because I don’t believe it will serve to predict a winner. I will say that astrologically and numerologically speaking, the best people to lead this country through the work the United States needs to do in its evolutionary growth process were taken out of the race over the summer and have no chance of winning this evening. To be blunt, neither of the major candidates nor their VP running mates will be a good choice moving forward, and whomever is chosen will probably be a one-term president.

I don’t mean to be a downer, but seriously – this country is about to go through a really rough identity redefinition period, and none of the four people at the top of the major party tickets are equipped nor prepared to handle what is about to occur under their tenure – not with the government system and processes in the state they’re currently in. The checks and balances built into the system will not be able to self-regulate, and it will be up to “we the people” to be proactive in figuring out and standing for the values and freedoms we collectively wish to stand for, the wounds we collectively need to address and heal, and the priorities which we collectively agree need to be set.

Yes, citizens of America. It’s time for a re-evolution, and it will be up to us to right this ship.

We can do it and will do it once we realize that we have more in common than in difference. We can and will come together to rise above something that will seem larger than us, but is no match for us if we can unite in common intention and purpose.

It’s time for a re-evolution, and we’ve only just begun.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Please join me in sending loving, healing, peaceful energies and intentions to all tonight, increasing the presence of peace, balance, courage, and truth to the world in the face of whatever is and may come.

Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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