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Mercury entered its home sign of Gemini at 4:32p PDT on 12th June 2016. When it did, it started us on a greatly accelerated journey through our intellectual and communicative processes.

Mercury is the planet of intellect and communication. Our thoughts and words – both in written and spoken form – are greatly influenced by Mercury’s presence. Mercury is also known for speeding up everything it touches. Youthful and exuberant, Mercury is eager to learn, know, and understand.

Gemini is known for being the ‘student energy’ of the Zodiac. Often eager to learn about and understand itself and its place in the world, it encourages us to ask questions and absorb the wisdom of the answers. Because Gemini is Mercury’s sign of rulership, Mercury’s childlike curiosity and playfulness are amplified by this placement.

When Mercury is at home in Gemini, everything moves faster. Our minds are quicker, our mouths are quicker, our actions are quicker. Our experience of life is accelerated. If you’re not ready to move forward, you may find yourself in one of two situations:

  • You may not think you know or have learned enough to move forward, OR…
  • …You may think you have more time to think about your circumstances (a.k.a. – procrastination).

Either way, don’t wait. Say it. Do it. Go. Now.

Under the influence of this 2016 Mercury in Gemini, it’s better to take the steps forward and learn as you go than it is to wait until later. Otherwise, you may find yourself trying to catch up later (if possible), or you may risk being left behind altogether.

This isn’t just a time to act. It’s also a time to speak your mind – to reveal what you’ve learned from all your listening. This isn’t to say that you should stop listening and learning. It is to say that in order to move forward, you may need to speak up for yourself and what you want to learn or understand next. If you’re not asking questions or engaging in an exchange of information, it’s probably a good indicator that you’re not that interested. Move on from the subjects and activities which no longer awaken or satisfy your mind. By speaking your mind, you may find your true destination!

One upcoming transit prior to the 2016 Summer Solstice:

Gemini Mercury opposite Sagittarius Saturn Rx most exact on 17th June – If you feel stuck or held back from moving forward, ask questions and listen for answers. What do you need to know or understand about the steps you’re trying to take? Most of all, are the steps truly in alignment with your True self and your True life purpose? This may be the Universe’s way of keeping you ON track rather than trying to derail you – consider choosing another option or moving in a different direction.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…
~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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