sunburst - 2016 Pisces New MoonThe 2016 Pisces New Moon isn’t any New Moon – this event marks the genuine beginning of a healing process and the awakening of compassionate consciousness in a world which has been structured to allow anything but such an awakening. It’s no accident or coincidence that this 2016 Pisces New Moon at maximum phase at 5:54p PST also brings the only Total Solar Eclipse of 2016 reaching its maximum totality at 5:59p PST today, 8th March 2016.

During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, blocking the Sun’s light from our view. In a Total Solar Eclipse, the Moon’s shadow completely covers the Sun’s light except for a glow which persists around the edges. If we consider how this is showing up in the events of the world right now here in March 2016, there are many trying to obscure the Light of Truth with their over-the-top emotional and spiritual responses to the energetic shifts and changes which are occurring within and around us all. That Light, however, is determined to make itself known despite efforts to keep it from revealing Truth to All. Its subtle glow around the edges reminds us that there’s something more to life than the darkness that is temporarily in front of us…if we can hold on for a little while longer.

This subtle yet persistent presence of Light represents the spiritual-emotional awakening that is occurring within many people. More and more of us are gradually becoming aware of how everyone and everything is interconnected, and we are becoming more sensitive to the energies and emotions around us in the process. This 2016 Pisces New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse could be considered the birth of a new Higher consciousness – the tipping of the scale which finally has a majority of humanity further awakening to the interconnection of All-That-Is. This awakening to Oneness has finally arrived to its point of no return in the best possible way.

Pisces energy is mutable water sign energy, encouraging inspiration, imagination, and intuition. The sign of visionaries, artists, and dreamers, it also increases and enhances emotional-spiritual sensitivity, which makes it easier for people to be empathic and compassionate. There’s a sense that we’re all in this world together – that we get to come together and work together to create the world in which we want to exist.

For some of us, these empathic and intuitive sensitivities are extremely uncomfortable. We may not be used to feeling so much, and we aren’t sure what to do with these emotions. The entire point is…you get to feel them. If you’ve been diligent in avoiding your emotions and intuitions or intuitive or psychic abilities, you are now being called upon to experience them, embrace them, and learn how to use them in service to yourself and others’ Highest good.

For others of us, we may already be comfortable with experiencing and being of Higher service with our emotional-spiritual-transcendental energies. Yet we, too, aren’t used to feeling them so strongly. They are indeed heightened through this 2016 Pisces Sun period, and this Total Solar Eclipse-New Moon is going to boost many of us off the charts!

These emotions are purposefully encouraging us to have empathy and compassion for All-That-Is. They are intended to help us recognize the effect each one of us has on everyone and everything else around us – our Oneness. They are burgeoning and intensifying now because we are being pushed to heal and move beyond the self-created obstacles and wounds which have victimized us for weeks, months, years, decades, and in some cases, centuries.

The Universal intentions are all good, yet some of us are extremely fearful of this expanding awareness of Oneness and desire for togetherness. We are afraid of losing our self-identities, our idealistic perceptions of their power and influence, our societal position(s) and role(s), and/or our abilities to deny or avoid how we really feel about ourselves and others. We don’t want to be One with others. We want to be distinct and separate from others – we want to be exclusive rather than inclusive. And the more we are denied this exclusivity, the angrier we become. We are inclined to play victim as we perceive this progression toward Oneness as a loss. We don’t know how to be an equal to someone we’ve considered ourselves superior to, let alone a subordinate to those “lesser”. We don’t know how to be less than what we’ve always considered to be lesser than us.

Interestingly enough, those of us who have not been included in the “exclusive” groups may also be fearful and play victim to the emotions arising. We have been and continue to be denied inclusiveness while we not only want to be included, but want to be treated as equals. Yet, in some ways, we fear what we want most because we’ve been victims for so long that we don’t know how to be equals to those who have suppressed us. What would happen if we did actually gain an equal position? Or further still, what if we suppressed became the superiors or the majority? What would we do in and with our new positions? How would we manage our new-found power and influence? Would we allow ourselves to be empathetic and compassionate in power, or would we exert their power by the examples given to them by our oppressors?

This is the dilemma we face in so many areas of our individual lives, in our communities, in our cultures, in our world, and on our planet. We may say we want everyone and everything to be treated the way we wish to be treated, yet there is difficulty implementing that ideal in practical reality. Our words about societal, humanitarian, and environmental change are often pretty, but the implementations of those words are often ugly ordeals if they happen at all. More often than not, our actions are not in alignment with our words or intentions. Sadly, we’ve grown so accustomed to this misalignment that we almost expect it…and when it doesn’t happen, we often don’t know how to respond well to it.

The 2016 Pisces New Moon- Total Solar Eclipse is committed to changing that status quo. It encourages us to look for ways to interconnect the varied factions of All-That-Is. That said, let’s consider what the astrology and numerology specifically have to say about it all to better understand the energy dynamics and how we might go about bringing together what has long been separate.

Astrologically, this emergence and expansion of Oneness consciousness isn’t solely due to the New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse (18.93°). Yes, the New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse is the headline event of the day…but there’s a few other travelers moving through the sign of Pisces. Mercury entered Pisces on 3rd March (6.13° at the time of the New Moon), joining Neptune (9.84°), Ceres (15.78°), Chiron (20.90°), and the Moon’s South Node (21.78°), and ALL of them are playing important roles in this collective emotional-spiritual awakening.

Through these energies, we are awakening to the fact that visions and dreams of a world that works for everyone and everything must be nurtured (Neptune); personal lifestyle values must evolve beyond one’s own self-interest to whatever is in the best interests of the Oneness (Ceres); that long-held wounds must be healed on an emotional-spiritual level if healthy practical functionality is to be restored to the world (Chiron);  and that the emotional attachments, emotion-driven beliefs, and the spiritual legacies handed down from the past may no longer be serving us as well as they once did (South Node).

The message of this 2016 Pisces New Moon is that the releasing and healing of these persistent emotional-spiritual wounds is deeply necessary. This call to healing is especially due to the fact that Chiron is within 3° orb of the Sun-Moon conjunction, making this a stellium. The South Node also fits within the 3° orb, so this becomes a Sun-Moon-Chiron-South Node stellium. This is a clear message that the necessary healing can only occur if we face and admit to the ineffectiveness of our past on every level of our beings, but especially on our individual and collective emotional and spiritual psyches.

The Sun-Moon conjunction is also opposite Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo, revealing that some physical-practical healing also needs to be done. On an everyday ‘life operations’ level, we must acknowledge that many of the systems in place in our lives have not been working or working as well as they could be for us. We also must recognize that these systems have been strongly influenced by the long-held emotional-spiritual wounds which are now being fully exposed. The kicker with this opposition is that both ends are in square aspect to Saturn in Sagittarius, creating a mutable energy T-Square configuration! This affirms that we may perceive ourselves to be stuck and unable to progress forward individually and/or collectively, but this is only the case if we are unwilling to face up to, work through, and implement practical solutions for the elements of the past which created the initial pain and dysfunction. None of our collective goals will be truly accomplished and we’ll be unable to truly move forward if we deny ourselves the opportunity to bring the past out into the Light to see it for what it is and heal it.

Numerologically speaking, this 2016 Pisces New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse occurs on a 2 universal day (here in North America & in the Pacific regions) and for most of the rest of the world, on a 3 universal day. Under 2’s influence, there is an inclination toward partnership. There is a sense that the healing that is needed cannot be achieved alone- there must be a supporter, a challenger, or a mirror for each of us to fully see our wounds and what may be possible through their healing. For the parts of the world influenced by 3’s energy, curiosity encourages questions, and in turn, encourages the growth and expansion of learning about and understanding the world.

Under each number, there is a sense that whatever is occurring – it’s bigger than any one of us. In fact, it’s bigger than all of us and it’s bringing us together. This is only affirmed by the fact that we are all currently under the influence of a 3 universal month – a genuine desire for an honest intellectual education and comprehension and therefore, more learning, growth, and expansion; AND we are in a 9 universal year – a year of fulfillments, completions, endings, and clearings. It’s time to make way for new ways of living to arrive.

This great awakening to Oneness also makes us increasingly aware of how we’ve been ill-served or neglected by our status-quo societal structures, many of which have strived to keep us empathically separate from each other. This is in large part due to following astrological transits occurring before, during, and for a while following this New Moon-Solar Eclipse.

  • The moderately long-term influence of Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries is what’s creating the tension between the institutional powers-that-be and individuals coming together to (re)claim their freedom of self-expression. The more those in power try to maintain control, the more the masses try to thwart their efforts. This is the energy of rebellion and revolution.
  • The sequence of Juno Retrograde in Scorpio semi-sextile Saturn in Sagittarius semi-sextile Pluto in Capricorn (3° orb) reveals that individual commitments to clear and decisive progress are emerging as result of what we are witnessing around us; the commitments help focus our intense emotional energies upon the breaking of obstacles and other oppressive factors; and the focus, discipline, and challenged or broken barriers result in either the empowerment or the collapse of those who have been “running the show”.
  • Scorpio Juno Retrograde is also trine Ceres in Pisces, indicating that most if not all of the commitments emerging are related to lifestyle values –values which factor in the healing and wellness of All-That-is, not just what serves you alone.
  • Saturn in Sagittarius is also trine Uranus in Aries, and people are acting upon their honesty with themselves about what their objectives truly are, or they’re acting out against what they perceive as obstacles to their growth. The question becomes…which group are you in – those who act upon or those who act out?
  • Pluto in Capricorn is also trine Jupiter Retrograde in Virgo, making it clear that the problem-solvers will hold the powers-that-be accountable. Don’t be surprised if old powers collapse and/or new powers emerge to replace them with a new and more Truthful approach.

Frankly, many of us have been systematically conditioned to follow others, to be taken for granted, pandered to, and/or outright ignored…and we’ve grown tired of it and are demanding changes be made! Yet along with these changes comes fear of the unknown, and with such a strong Pisces energy presence, this fear is likely to produce great feelings of victimization and loss in many people as the changes begin to occur in earnest. This fear may hold some of us back…but that’s where this 2016 Pisces New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse is a turning point! The desire for change now overcomes the fear of it. There’s no holding back the changes any longer – an awakening to Oneness is in full swing whether we like it or not.

Change may be the only constant in life, yet for most of us, it’s rarely easy to experience. However, the reward for moving through our fear is the nurturing freedom we’ve longed for.  By completing and healing the past, we are able to grow and expand into the fulfillment of our dreams and goals, aligning both our inner and outer Truths on the collective level and the individual level.

There is enough fulfillment, success, and Love available for all of us…if we choose to allow it.

Then again, under this 2016 Pisces New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse, we may not have a choice. A “Great Awakening” has arrived and there’s no putting it back in its bottle – it’s out for good.

The energy of 2016 Pisces New Moon-Total Solar Eclipse will be felt for at least the next six months, though I’m pretty certain the effects of what occurs during this time will be felt for years if not centuries to come. And keep in mind – we have another eclipse coming up – a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse during the upcoming Libra Full Moon on 23rd March 2016, revealing the emotional effects of our individual actions upon others.

Be prepared as you can be – this is certain to be an emotionally and spiritually transformative month ahead.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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