Fire and Water Show

Astronomically speaking, Juno is a class-T asteroid which travels in the belt between the inner and outer planets of our Milky Way solar system.

Astrologically speaking, Juno is the body which represents commitment. In the sign of Scorpio, Juno’s commitment is unmistakable – there is no gray area. It takes a clear, decisive position one way or another. Under the influence of Juno is in Scorpio, you may be empowered to make passionate, decisive commitments in one or more areas of your life.

So when Juno in Scorpio began retrograde motion at 2:39a PST on 2nd March 2016, its commitment to passion shifted. Rather than directly empowering you to decide and commit to your own passions, it’s now taking an indirect approach, causing you to reflect upon your commitments to see just how passionate you are (or aren’t) about them.

Juno Retrograde in Scorpio creates this reflective mood by making you more aware of the commitments of others around you. As you experience the emotional and/or spiritual impact of others’ commitments upon your own life journey, you may find yourself considering your own positions on matters.

  • What are you choosing to be committed to in your life?
  • How passionate are you about your chosen commitments?
  • Do your commitments have powerful or transformative influence on the lives of others?
  • Are you making your own commitment choices, or are you allowing others to make your choices for you?

The key under this influence will be remembering that you – and only you – get to choose what you are committed to in your life. Even that which you may believe is “just the way it is” is only a reflection of your own personal beliefs and values, not necessarily fact. You believe it is required only because you choose it to be so. It doesn’t have to be.

In order to make a decisive commitment, Juno in Scorpio must be just as committed to getting to the bottom of things. It must thoroughly investigate its options, and does so by delving deep into the emotional and spiritual depths to uncover or expose everything that may be hiding in the darkness. Juno in Scorpio does this because it needs to know in order to trust. Don’t expect its endorsement if you don’t let it find out anything about you…and don’t expect it to reveal its motives for its commitments until it can trust you.

Yet we must remember – Juno in Scorpio is in retrograde motion. This means that others will be delving just as much as you, doing the investigative work to get to the bottom of your motives. They’ll want to know who the people are who influence you, empower you, and have earned your trust…and they’re going to want to know why you trust them. This will indirectly cause you to ask yourself why you’re passionately committed to what and whom you choose to be committed to.

That said…

  • What are you learning about yourself and your beliefs as result of others’ passionate inquiries and commitments?
  • Are you choosing to be more clear and decisive about where you stand and what you stand for as result of recognizing others’ influence upon you?
  • Are you moved to take a more clear and/or decisive position about certain matters in your life in order to claim (or reclaim) your personal power?

During this 2016 Pisces Sun period, there aren’t many major one-on-one transits involving Juno.

  • Juno Retrograde in Scorpio trine Ceres in Pisces, most exact at 12:33a PST on 7th March (15.10°) – Witnessing and/or experiencing the passionate commitments and beliefs of others helps you get in touch with your own personal value system. Do your values lead you to believe in your victimization by others or your interconnection with others?

However, Juno Retrograde in Scorpio is involved in a large sequence configuration which is most exact on 6th March – each entity’s energy leads to the next via a continuous chain of semi-sextile aspects. Scorpio Juno Retrograde (passionate commitments) leads to Sagittarius Saturn (focused and disciplined expansion of experiential truth ) leads to Capricorn Pluto (empowerment or collapse of societal structures and institutions) leading to Aquarius Moon (an emotion-driven shift in social consciousness ) leading to Pisces 3 Sun (growing awareness of the interconnection of All-That-Is/Oneness ) driving Aries Uranus (assertive initiative actions in matters of social consciousness, independence, and autonomy) (15-18° under a 3° orb). Look for this flow of energy to shift the intention and direction of social and societal matters – turning them from anger and outrage to a focus on compassion and love…or at least a question about which path we collectively want to be on. Do we want to be passionately angry victims who inflict our insecurities and fears on others, or do we want to be compassionately loving healers of humanity and All-That-Is?

There is an expanding awareness that we’re all in this together so we might as well love each other along the way. Oneness (or the gradual awakening to it) may very well rule the day as the remainder of the 2016 Pisces Sun period plays out. It’s time to raise the vibration of humanity, and we get to do that by recognizing that even though hate and anger may seem easier than love and compassion in the short term, in the long run, Love conquers All.

So…what are you passionately committed to?

Juno will be retrograde in Scorpio until 22nd June 2016.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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