Ghost in Blue-Gray - graphicstockLet’s start with a quick review…

Juno entered Libra in September 2015, and when it did, it awakened a powerful commitment to fairness, justice, and equality. Throughout its run, it has brought attention to what is out of balance, unfair, unjust, and unequal in ways that hasn’t been done is a very long time and has done so in peaceful yet profound ways.

Though some people felt that these efforts disturbed the peace, those who believed this were likely the ones who were having their “peace” of an imbalanced status quo disrupted. Like in any situation in which matters have been out of balance for a significant length of time, those who have been denied fair and equal treatment will be eager to obtain what they believe they have a right to, while those who have been receiving the benefits of the imbalances will be reluctant to give up their perks and power.

The balance of power finally begins to tip when Juno enters Scorpio at 11:51p PST on Wednesday, 9th December 2015. This influence will either begin exposing our emotional-spiritual vulnerabilities and our commitment to protecting or defending them (likely out of fear of the unknown)…or awaken personal and collective commitments to releasing or at least moving through our fears, allowing transformative shifts of power to occur.

Scorpio represents your deepest emotional and spiritual vulnerabilities. All which keeps you feeling emotionally safe and secure will be put to the test. Juno in Scorpio will push you to uncover, face, and deal with the underlying fears which drive your insecurities and fuel your defensive postures – to get to the bottom of these matters so they can be eradicated from their roots.

Now this is where it gets tricky.

Juno gets about halfway through Scorpio before going into retrograde motion in March 2016. This retrograde period will take Juno all the way back into the late degrees of Libra before returning to direct motion and moving through the entirety of Scorpio (again!) until it finally enters Sagittarius in November 2016. This is an indicator that we will be dealing with these feelings of deep insecurity and vulnerability – our own and those of others – for at least 11 months!

This will not be an easy 11 months. In fact, it will be extremely intense. Juno is certain to bring up a LOT of uncomfortable feelings and emotional expressions and a LOT of mistrust (mostly a lack of trust in ourselves to handle unfamiliar situations – a lack of trust which we project others in order to feel less helpless or powerless in the face of change). Juno in Scorpio will be dredging up all the stuff that makes you feel unsafe and uncertain about who you are and what you stand for – the perceived weaknesses and demons you desperately try to hide from others in the belief that as long as you keep them secret, they can’t be used against you to hurt or destroy you.

Yet you’re the one who gives these fears and darkness the power that you do. Once you surrender to your fears and allow them to be seen in the light of day, they’ll no longer have power over you…and in that moment, no one can use them against you and no one can control you with them

If you resist this exploration into your darkest depths, your own fear will likely hurt you or destroy who you know yourself to be. The more you resist or fight the changes around you – the more you focus on the external changes and their effects on you – the more painful the struggle to keep your old identity intact and the more devastating the loss of your identity when it finally comes.

However, if you allow this exploration – if you allow your demons within come up and be faced, you release the power they have over you. Once you’ve let your “worst” come to light, no one – not even you – can hold that darkness against you. You’ve empowered yourself beyond anything you could have imagined by allowing your worst secrets to be revealed. With a clear conscience, you have the power to do overcome anyone and anything you set your heart and mind to overcoming.

Juno demands commitment, and in true Scorpio fashion, you’ll choose to be all-the way-in or all-the-way-out of your transformation…but there is no gray area. There is no maybe. There’s only light or darkness. You’re either giving up your ghosts, or you’re holding onto them for dear life.

The choice is yours.


Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings to you,





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