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If there was one word to sum up the sign of Scorpio, it would be intense. There is nothing surface about this sign and as we hit the New Moon in Scorpio this Wednesday 11/11/2015 at 9:47am PST, powerful changes are underway. Some of you might be uncomfortable with the penetrating energy of Scorpio, which is understandable. However, while it is intense, I have tremendous respect for it. My own chart (and Grace’s chart, too) has a fair amount of Scorpionic/Plutonian energy, so this is native territory for us.

Anyways, let’s get to the nitty gritty of what this New Moon in Scorpio has in store for us. As you know, this moon phase is all about brand new beginnings. Scorpio is transformative. It symbolizes death and rebirth. So you’ll be getting a double dose of NEW, but this kind of new requires you to dig deep into those emotional/spiritual trenches and see them for what they are. The transformation comes when you dissolve/detach from an emotional way of being so you can enter into a “new life”, so to speak. Think of the phoenix bird rising from the ashes…

Scorpio energy will have you playing detective in your underground world of emotional/spiritual experiences, destroying the ones that don’t work and building a brand new system of operating. A literal transformation is possible, if you choose it. 

Landing on a universal 3 day (Numerology) there is a ton of opportunity for powerful expansion and growth in several areas of our life. We also get an 11 (Master Number) Day and this will serve as the illumination (or light) into those deeper areas, particularly the ones out of our view.

In practical terms, this 2015 Scorpio New Moon will get us in touch with our hidden motives and cause us to face them – it is those hidden things that often fuel what we are seeking in life. Unconscious desire seeks power. Scorpio needs power to regenerate. Being one of the most emotionally vulnerable signs of the zodiac, Scorpio will not give an inch, until it knows where it stands with you. Also, you can’t hide from the intuitive power of this fixed sign – meaning you are going to get real with yourself. It’s just that time. Who you truly are and who you’ve been (up to this point) is here for review. It’s a reality check – the kind that is suppose to change your life and initiate growth.

Ways of being (even things) you control or possess, are probably connected to your need for power. Perhaps you manipulate others to “go your way” or use “titles” to convince others you are worthy. Maybe you hide things from people because you don’t want them to “find you out” or influence them to ensure certain outcomes. These are all possible or not possible scenarios – but I want you to ask yourself, are any of them true on a certain level? We all want power/control in some form. Which way is yours, and why do you need it?

I know this may sound deceptive or whatever else, but if you look at it, giving or exposing certain “inner” parts to other people leaves you open for pretty much anything. It may make you appear “out of control” and who wants to look like that?

Luckily, Scorpio has ton of drive. It’s a fixed sign with tremendous will and exceptional power to transform. So even though the exposure of your own “hiddenness” may challenge and confront you, know it’s ripe for change. Whatever emotional depths or interior power struggles you deal with, this 2015 Scorpio New Moon will be a powerful ally in channeling the breakthroughs you need to move forward in your journey.  It’s a great time to manifest or initiate new contracts and projects. If you are due for a personal revamp, want to start a new health/spiritual regime, or show the world who you really are – this is an excellent time for that. The New Moon in Scorpio will help you do it powerfully and authentically. You’ll go all in or not at all.

Transits to the 2015 Scorpio New Moon (Sun-Moon conjunction):

  • Scorpio New Moon sextile Jupiter in Virgo – emotional vulnerability reaps practical rewards/benefits, growth & expansion.
  • Scorpio New Moon trine Chiron Rx in Pisces – which emotional-spiritual wounds are yours & which ones belong to someone else? You get to the bottom of things so that you know which feelings you’re responsible for (your own) and which ones you get to let go of (others).
  • Aries Uranus Rx quincunx both the Scorpio New Moon AND Jupiter in Virgo. The Aries Uranus position makes it the point of a Yod configuration. This means that the emotional-spiritual revelations & benefits which are emerging will have others around you quickly reacting to your revelations. You get to discern what benefits you to be responsible for & what you are going to hold others accountable for. You also get to deal with the ramifications of what is being revealed – for both better and worse. Aries inspires action, so be ready to take action to back up your deepest emotional & spiritual truths OR be ready for others to take action in reaction to them.
  • Juno in Libra (20°) makes wide opposition to Aries Uranus Rx (17°), making it semi-sextile to both Virgo Jupiter & Scorpio New Moon and building upon the Yod to make a “Boomerang” configuration in which the energy from the legs (the Sun-Moon conjunction and Jupiter) drive their energies to the point of the Yod (Uranus) to be thrust toward and expressed through the opposition point (Juno). Juno in Libra is equated with strong commitment to equality, fairness, justice. Therefore, those who open up & make themselves emotionally & spiritually vulnerable may experience practical growth &/or expansion which enables them to take action for their individual and collaborative growth. These actions will likely result in bringing fairness, balance, and justice through actions which reflect and support the commitment. However, those who are trying to grow & expand without acting in alignment with their commitment or by not practicing what they preach may be in for heavy & angry backlash from others who feel betrayed or deceived by their hypocrisy.

This 2015 Scorpio New Moon phase is here to transform both your emotional and spiritual worlds. Scorpio has strong psychic energy, it reads energy fields and knows where the power lives. I encourage each of you to take stock of your deeper areas of emotional/spiritual truths and see the kind of relationship you have to power regarding those areas. This is an invitation to set your intentions, honor your intensity, and ascend into the renewal that is waiting for you.

As above, so below, love within, love expressed

-Rosey (and Grace)





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