Red Balloon Soaring At Nighttime Representing Freedom Or Being Alone

On Tuesday October 27th at 5:05am PDT, the Moon becomes full in the sign of Taurus as it opposes the Sun in Scorpio.

This time around, your emotional vulnerabilities will get some exposure by way of your Taurus-like needs. On the plane of our material-financial-physical security, Taurus wants (and needs) stability and foundation. Change does not come easy, as this fixed sign knows that part of having a good life, is to ensure that our basic material-financial-physical needs are met. It is not a superficial kind of thing either, because having a strong foundation is an imperative part to building the kind of life you want. There are some basic necessities that need to be met and Taurus is all about that.

So how does this play into the Taurus Full Moon? Well, in opposition to the Sun in Scorpio, we get to see how our (emotional) need for security is manifested in how we go about obtaining our resources.  Feeling the attraction to power & influence may be one aspect of that security. The other side of the coin, may be connected to protecting yourself from becoming vulnerable – so obtaining stuff may make you appear as if you are capable and strong.  There is almost (always) an emotional undercurrent as to why we view having things equals stability/security.

I have to mention that there isn’t anything wrong in obtaining security on the plane of our lifestyle resources, but what this moon is highlighting, is the emotional attachment we have in terms of getting what we want. And with the Scorpio Sun illuminating the Taurus Full Moon, those emotions will be deep, intense and possibly transformative. Scorpio knows no other way and Taurus clings tightly to its security blanket. In this manner, these are our almost primitive experiences, a vital component to how we are to survive in this life.

Your external environment may inform you on how this is all playing out, but this Full Moon feels extremely personal. You get to ask yourself what are you really afraid of, that keeps you wanting the things you want? What are some of your deep (secret) emotional truths, that play out in how you go about obtaining your lifestyle resources, in the name of comfort or control?

Feelings of self-indulgence and possessiveness may become more magnified and are related to a need to fulfill an emotional deficit. Scorpio is so deep that these feelings will not be based on anything superficial. Because of that, you may want to  hide the truth of your fears or ideas of control from others…and possibly even from yourself.

Hence, the onset of this Taurus Full Moon.  It encourages the process for release of those emotions. And it starts off with the build-up of all the things we’ve been holding on to on the material-physical plane. The emotional exposure may be uncomfortable, however the Moon can assist in funneling those discomforts into the healing we need. Every Full Moon is a powerful opportunity to let go of any ideas, beliefs (in this case, certain emotional attachments to our ideas of money-lifestyle resources) that keep us paralyzed in some fashion. I’m not suggesting you give up everything and make an oath of poverty (unless you feel called to), but rather taking any experiences of fear or the need to control towards the light of the Moon and asking yourself, “What is the emotional attachment I have to the material-financial-physical things I want?”  This is an opportunity to look at your life and see where TRUE security resides – and it isn’t always in stuff.

Here are some of the other transits happening at the time of the 2015 Taurus Full Moon:

Exact transits are…

  • 3° Taurus Full Moon quincunx Saturn in Sag –  Your material-physical-financial needs may unintentionally/indirectly have you rethinking your plans for growth, expansion, or freedom.
  • 7°  Libra BM Lilith quincunx Pisces Neptune Rx – A deep desire for equality, justice, balance & peace has an indirect effect on lofty ideals and intentions.

Then all at 15-17-20°…

  • Chiron Rx in Pisces 17° opposite (Jupiter 15° conjunct Venus 17° in Virgo) – Partnerships are forming and expanding to help balance out and grow beyond our emotional-spiritual wounds.
  • …however…
  • Chiron Rx is also opposite (Venus 17° conjunct Mars 20° in Virgo) – Partnerships/relationships drive assertive/aggressive actions being taken through partnership. The question here is whether or not the actions we’re taking are actually helping and healing us and all that is around us.
  • Aries Uranus Rx 17° opposite Libra Juno 15° – Unexpected events or courses of action need a commitment to fairness and equality to bring things (back) into balance.
  • Aries Uranus Rx 17° is also opposite Libra Mercury 20° – Those same courses of action demand that the voices calling for peaceful justice be heard and acknowledged…but peace may not be seen as an option for justice to be served. Will the events and actions awaken a commitment to fairness, equality, and justice OR will they open up diplomatic dialogue for peace OR will the aggressors triumph?
  • Aries Uranus Rx 17° quincunx Virgo Venus 17° – Those same actions and events have an indirect influence on the effectiveness of our everyday relationships/interactions. People may look at each other and their relationships differently as result of peer pressure or out of a desire to rebel against popular opinion.

Okay. That is quite a bit of stuff to look at. Take a breathe, you’re going to be okay. If you are to take anything away from this post, I’d say the best thing to do is to get real with your depth. Get real with those deep emotional needs that are translated into how you’re going about getting the stuff you want. Feel if your security is being threatened or if there is some power/control interplay surrounding your lifestyle resources. These are primal experiences, based on a survival necessities – both emotional and ‘in the world’.

The 2015 Taurus Full Moon is here to bring it ALL to light so any restrictive experiences can be released & healed. The Sun and Moon are in very strong signs, so while the resistance to change may feel magnified, transformation is just around the corner.

As above, so below, love within, love expressed

-Rosey (and Grace)




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