Everyone breathe.  Mercury Retrograde ends today, November 10th, 2013 at 1:12p PST.

However, you may want to make sure that breath you take is a deep one, because all of those situations you’ve been deliberating, thinking through, mulling over, considering from every angle – the Jeopardy theme has stopped playing with Mercury’s turn of direction.  It’s time for you to make some clear and decisive choices, and to declare those choices to others through words or and/or actions.

Remember, Scorpio deals in extremes, in polarities.  It doesn’t like gray area at all.  Things are black or white, yes or no, good or bad, etc.  Mercury Direct in Scorpio is calling upon each and all of us to be clear and decisive in our thoughts and communications, and in the intentions behind them.  In doing so, there are quite a few awkward or tension-filled situations that now find release and progress if not resolution.  Many frustrating circumstances and long-stagnant situations in your life can be powerfully transformed now – all through the magic of communication.

That said:

  • Which decisions do you need to make now?  And who do you choose to communicate them to?
  • What or whom do you have tension or frustration with where communication of your decision(s) could release it and clear the air?
  • If you’re not sure about where to make decisions in your life, ask yourself which area of your life needs the most transformation.  Are there any decisions can you make in that regard?

Now’s the time to make the decisions that need to be made so you can say what needs to be said in order for everyone involved to be clear about where you and they stand.  Your clear decisions get things moving in your life.

The word “decision” is distinct from the word “choice” in that the suffix ‘-cision’ indicates a cutting, a separation, a severance.  These aren’t just choices that you make and change your mind about later – these are decisions that cut off all other options and can definitively change the course of your life.  Choose wisely and carefully, for Scorpio energy is powerful transformative energy and combined with 8 numerological month we are in, that power is exponentially intensified.  The decisions you make now really are (or will prove to be) a big deal, even if they may not seem like it in the moment.

The Scorpio 8 energy lasts through the end of November.  Mercury will continue its stay in Scorpio through December 4th, 2013.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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