Mars is the planet of initiative and action.  It waits for no one, yet in Virgo, it makes sure that its actions serve a practical purpose.  Mars in Virgo is not action for action’s sake – it is action with a purpose, and in most cases, with a plan.

Under this Mars in Virgo influence, it is a great time to move forward in any area of your life that you want to make progress in simply by taking actions in alignment with your desire to make things work and get things done.  However, Robert Burns said it best in that, “The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry.”  You can plan down to the tiniest detail, but when you put that plan into action in reality you may find that your plans need to adjust slightly, change significantly, or possibly even be discarded completely.

If and when your plans go awry, you may find yourself getting caught up in some self-generated emotional drama.  This may be due to your perspective of things not coming along as you planned or intended.  Mars will oppose both Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (now through October 24th) and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces (October 26th through November 5th) during its run through the sign of Virgo, and the degree to which you act-out your drama reveals the degree of your emotional attachment to the process of reaching your outcome rather than the outcome itself.

Mars in Virgo in opposition to these Pisces elements may also reveal how you may be sabotaging yourself in the design or facilitation of your plans.  In some cases, you may find yourself becoming angry, fighting, and lashing out at others because things aren’t going the way you want them to or think they should.  This is that feisty Mars energy in action in the sign of Virgo operating out of fear that you won’t get what you want the way you want it.

However, by simply taking practical, real-time actions to move your plans forward, you bring tangibility to your plans and move yourself closer to your desired outcome.  Mars in Virgo brings a dose of practical reality to plans that may be rooted in idealism and delusion.  If you look at matters objectively, you may realize that all of those specific details in your plans may be what you are putting up to protect yourself from being emotionally hurt or disappointed.  They are escape hatches so that when one of those details doesn’t come to pass, you can be justified in ceasing your actions and bailing out of your plans.

Yet if you take a deep breath and look for a way to move on instead of a way to jump ship when things don’t seem to be going as planned, you may find that your actions reveal your true beliefs and motivations and bring you down to earth so you can actually fulfill your plans in the real world.  Taking actions to move yourself forward may even help you face and discard your delusions and false beliefs to configure a new plan that aligns with where you want to go from where you really are right now.  There can be great emotional healing in this process as you begin to recognize, acknowledge, accept, and take practical actions to heal the emotion-based behavior and belief patterns that have held you back from achieving your dreams and goals.

Mars in Virgo will also trine Pluto in Capricorn during its run.  This will be a very telling influence as you will have another prime opportunity to clear out whatever (and whomever) does not align with the functional truth of your day-to-day life.  Though you may want to get angry and fight for your plans to go the way you want them to, you may just as easily find that Mars in Virgo puts you in a position to take actions which finally release your attachment to those details or things that have not served you well for a very long time.  Clearing out what no longer serves you well can powerfully transform your life – you only need to find the courage to make the necessary changes.

In fact, there is a Grand Sextile configuration on October 31st under introspective Scorpio 7 Sun energy that could make quite an impact on the trajectory of your life.  This Grand Sextile involves Mars in Virgo, North Node conjunct Sun conjunct Mercury in Scorpio, Pluto in Capricorn, and Chiron Retrograde in Pisces.  This Grand Sextile is a great opening for you to step into real-world clarity, and through it, to begin communicating decisively about what you are choosing to discard or hold onto in your life in order to heal your long-held emotional wounds.

Saturn in Scorpio sits just outside of my preferred 3° orb for me to include it in the configuration on the 31st.  However, within 24 hours of the Grand Sextile’s peak and on the first day of intense Scorpio 8 Sun energy, Saturn moves within orb with all of the components including Mars in Virgo (except Chiron Retrograde) to help you stabilize and/or solidify your life through new functional and healthier daily practices that can completely transform your life.  It can provide you with dependable structures for success…if you choose to take actions to build them and put them in place.

Mars in Virgo is a call for you to take actions to serve yourself and to establish the lifestyle you want to live.  Yet it also calls upon you to do so in a practical, realistic way.  Ask yourself the following now through December 8th:

  • Where are you now in the matter at hand, and what can you do now from where you are now to move closer to your goals? Do it without delay.  Start conditioning yourself to take the little steps that can move you toward a big difference.
  • Can you trust that The Universe (unseen forces, synchronicity) may know better than you how to bring your desired outcome into manifestation?  Can you forgo your attachment to your detailed plans of how it should happen by letting go of some of the details that get in the way so that the things that really count can come forth?
  • Can you see where you get in your own way with your detailed plans, and can you get out of your own way to allow things to happen for you in the way you say you want them to?
  • Can you trust that The Universe will support you when your heart and mind and actions are in alignment with your intentions and plans?

Let your answers to these questions guide you through the next 7-8 weeks.  If you allow yourself to get real with yourself and others through awareness of your motives behind your actions, you may experience profound and positive changes in your life as result.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, love, and Blessings,





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