Venus in Scorpio can be a little intense.  When it makes choices, it does so in that infamous Scorpio all-or-nothing manner.  It goes about partnerships in that all-or-nothing manner, too, and you may find that while Venus is moving through this sign until October 7th, you and/or your partner are very decisive in your feelings and about your relationship.  You’ll want it or you won’t; you’re together, or you’re not – there’s no gray area.

Mars in Leo takes actions – actions that draw attention.  They draw attention because the Light of Truth is always determined to shine and make itself known.  With Mars in Leo until October 15th, your inner truth has a particularly prime outlet to put itself on display.  There is nothing stealthy about Mars in Leo – your passions will betray any façade you may try to uphold during this transit.  Others around you will get a sense of what is happening because your actions will be seen for whatever truths they hold, no matter how much you may try to hide them.

That is why this square transit between Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Leo (exact at 6:00a PDT on Saturday, September 28th) is pretty big deal.  These two planets in these two fixed-energy signs in square aspect could bring about some of your greatest relationship challenges in recent memory.  This is because no matter what words are said, ultimately, your actions will reveal your real feelings.  Once those feelings are revealed, any choices and actions made from there are likely to be clear and decisive.

This isn’t to say that you can’t change your mind later; but this is to say that even if you change your mind, there will probably be things said or done in the heat of the moment that cannot be taken back.  This Venus-Mars square may also provide an opening for long-hidden truths to emerge to finally be acknowledged and dealt with.  Actions taken now may leave lasting impressions that 1) could betray trust between two people and compromise their relationship beyond repair, or 2) could build trust and intimacy between two people, bringing them together for the long haul.

Whether Venus in Scorpio’s influence has you and another are coming together or coming apart, one thing is certain – if you’re trying to keep it low-key, it probably won’t be for long if at all.  Remember that Mars in Leo draws attention to actions, so even the best-laid plans for privacy may be foiled during this transit.

Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Leo is a powerful transit that holds the potential for a very challenging relationship test to provide a life-transforming shift for one, both, or all parties involved.  As long as you keep that in mind as you’re moving through these next few days (Monday, September 24th through Monday, September 30th), you’ll be able to make the most of what could prove to be a bumpy ride.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.   Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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