It’s been said that in order to know how far is “too far”, you’ve got to go as far as you can go.  With Mercury in Leo, you got to test that theory in exercising your voice of self-expression…that is, until Mercury in Leo met Saturn in Scorpio in square aspect on Sunday, August 11th, 2013 at 11:05a PDT.  Due to that square transit, there’s a good chance that sometime within the last three days, you found out exactly where too far is.

Scorpio is the sign of transformation while Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline, and responsibility.  As you evolve and change through your life experience, so must your personal boundaries in order to protect and defend your and your chosen path as you progress on your life journey.  Think of it like this: If you try to use the same suit of armor now that you had when you were 5 years old, it’s a good bet that suit no longer fits you.  You need to create and put on a new suit of armor with which to protect yourself as you strive forward to achieve your goals. That is what Saturn in Scorpio is all about.

Recognize these new personal boundaries that you’re now discovering and defining as your new suit of armor.  These boundaries aren’t necessarily meant to keep you from experiencing hurt or pain ever again.  They are, however, meant to help you figure out who you are, who you want to have in your life, and how to stay on track in bringing your goals and intentions to fruition.  Achievement and accomplishment require focus and discipline and personal responsibility, and in order to maintain that focus and discipline, you need to know your inner truth, accept and honor your responsibility for living it, and stay in alignment with it by using it as your guide as you move forward.

In accepting responsibility for your inner truth and your chosen path, you may also need to communicate your newly-defined personal boundaries to others.  This requires you to boldly speak your truth.  This is why Mercury in Leo is so important right now – not only do you need to set new boundaries; you also get to communicate them to others.  The people in your life who can hear and accept your truth and respect your boundaries when you fully express them are definitely people you want to keep around, while those who can’t handle your truth and boundaries may be people you may want to ease out of your life.

That said, remember that others are also reassessing their personal boundaries during this time.  Yes, Mercury in Leo calls upon you to be bold and courageous in expressing your thoughts, ideas, and truths.  Yet when you find that others are communicating their truths and boundaries to you, you may want to consider how well you are listening and respecting their expressions of self.  You also get to notice how you are communicating your truths to others, what your truths may be, and your intentions in communicating them.  Most important, both you and they get to see just how far you can go in expressing yourselves fully before you drive each other crazy.

Leo is known for consciously or unconsciously drawing attention to itself or people and/or causes it champions.  It does this to receive acknowledgment, but it also tends to attract a good deal of drama into your life or the lives of those around you.  Under Saturn in Scorpio, this may have you drawing the line with others about certain matters in your life.  Yet under the influence of Mercury in Leo seeking attention or acknowledgment of your personal truths, you may also find you are being embraced by some while exiled by others as they set and enforce their own newly-clarified Saturn in Scorpio boundaries which may differ from yours.  Be aware that as much as you may think and say that you want all the drama out of your life and believe that it‘s coming from others, realize that you yourself could be the source of the drama in your life and the lives of those around you.  In this case, this Mercury-Saturn square may have had others setting boundaries with you which now has you re-assessing your own personal behaviors and boundaries.

This is the challenge of Mercury in Leo square Saturn in Scorpio – the awkward dance of setting and crossing boundaries to find the perfect blend of self-expression and self-respect in your own behavior while at the same time, honoring the self-expression and self-respect of others.

The last three days have been a time to find out how far you can go and how far others can go with you.  What have you learned about your limits…and theirs?

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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