AUGUST 2023 NOTE: This series of articles is being updated and converted into a book format! The Generations Book (working title) will be available at some point during the first half of 2024. For updates on release date and pre-ordering information,  sign-up for my mailing list or follow Life By Soul® on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, or YouTube.

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This article is part five of what started out as a blog about all of the generational icons who passed away in 2016 evolved into a study on our social and societal generations in general. I began looking not only at those celebrities and their influences upon our lives, but also at the political, societal, and social climates we are facing now and in the years ahead.

The outer planets of our solar system – specifically Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto – determine our generations and our generational influences. They create the larger grouping, subsets of those groupings, and further subsets still.

In most cases, these planets enter a sign, then retrograde out of that sign before turning around and going forward into the sign again for a full run. For this reason, the ending of one generation and the beginning of the next is not always clearly defined – there is some overlap.

Yet what’s fascinating (astrologically speaking) is how the planetary influences affect our roles in the bigger picture of humanity. We can see the influence certain generations had/have on our cultures and societies simply by looking at which planets were in influence at the time. The planetary positions of the outer bodies reflect:

  • The time or era in which they were born and raised – what it taught them about the world, how it influenced them.
  • The time or era in which they come into power – how they go about changing the world, how they want to make and leave their mark.

For the last few weeks, I’ve been writing about the generations currently alive and active now.

Because I’m going off of my astrological analysis, my dates for these periods may be different from what is popularly agreed upon by most sociologists.

  • In part one, we covered the first group – those in what we popularly call “The Greatest Generation” (born approx. 1914-1929) and “The Silent Generation” (born approx. 1928-1943).
  • In part two, we covered “The Baby Boomers” (born approx. 1942-1958) and “The Crisis Generation” (born approx. 1956-1970).
  • In part three, we covered “Generation X” (born approx. 1968-1984).
  • In part four, we covered “Generation Y”/The Millennials (born approx. 1983-1996) and “Generation Z” (born approx. 1995-2010).
  • In this – part five – we look at our last group to be covered in this series, Generation Alpha (born approx. 2010-2026).

Introducing…Generation Alpha.

I admit. I wrestled with when this generation actually begins. Pluto first entered Capricorn in early 2008, then made its retrograde back into Sagittarius, but completed the retrograde cycle and moved back into Capricorn to stay by late November 2008…well, until 2024, anyway.

Then there was Uranus in Aries, which started its run in May 2010. This is actually a rather significant ingress because the last time we saw Uranus in Aries was…yep, the last years of “the Greatest Generation” and the majority of “the Silent Generation”. Back then, we saw the “Greatests” and “Silents” taking self-initiative action, doing whatever it took to earn their place in the world. They didn’t compare themselves to anyone else – they simply did what they needed to do to make their unique and individual contributions to the whole of humanity.

The thing is, the Silents had Pluto in Cancer and Neptune in Virgo. They were very focused on either empowering or destroying what didn’t emotionally nurture and support them and the world. They were also focused on practical ideals – especially since the majority of them grew up experiencing the direct effects of the Great Depression (which began in late 1929). They made sure that life was functional, and their innate need to take self-initiative action was needed if they were to support themselves and their loved ones.

We’ll see a similar self-initiating attitude from the first half of Generation Alpha. They won’t be waiting for anyone to tell them what to do or how to do it – they’ll do whatever they’re going to do whenever they want to do it.

However, their self-starting actions will have a very different focus than the Silents. in fact, they have their Pluto and Neptune components in the opposite signs of their predecessors, Capricorn and Pisces respectively. Rather than making sure everyday life works for them on a practical level, for the Alphas, they’ll be focused on making sure life is being well-served for as many people as possible, our environment, and on our collective emotional-spiritual levels as well. This generation will be eliminating any societal structures and “traditions” which no longer serve the collective Highest and greatest good.

Where things get especially interesting is during the second wave of Generation Alpha. They’ll take what the first half of their generation did and they’ll make it stick. There will be no mistaking it – when this generation starts coming into power, things will change and change permanently. There will be no going back after them – the world will be forever altered by their presence.

Let’s look at the specific astrological influences to see how this all happens.

  • Pluto in Capricorn (early 2008-late 2024) touches only the very last of the Zs (2008-2010), and will cover almost all of Generation Alpha. These people will have little to no tolerance for the structures of achievement and success of their predecessors. If the institutions empower people, they’ll stay. If they disempower people, they’ll be eliminated. There will be no mercy in this regard. Pluto in Capricorn natives are determined to establish a society which empowers its people. Older generations may see Generation Alpha as having no respect for authority or tradition and lacking focus and discipline, and that would be a strongly incorrect assessment. They do and will have respect for authority and discipline…as long as those wielding the authority and discipline have respect for them. It’s a two-way street for the Alphas in that regard. For them, if you want it, you’d better give it. And this isn’t just a theory for them – they practice what they preach. You’ll know if you have the respect of an Alpha because they’ll give it to you. It’s a plain and simple as that.

Generation Alpha will be responsible for a huge shift in societal structure. They will have respect for tradition, but they will not allow any traditions that do harm to others to continue. Those who used the institutions and structures of society to control and manipulate others for societal status and success will realize how empty their legacies are once this group comes into power. Their world view simply won’t allow for it…and that’s where the Neptune influences come into play.

  • Neptune in Aquarius (early 1998-early 2012) Only the earliest of Generation Alpha (born 2010-2011) will share this placement with the majority of Generation Z. These are the ones who actually seek to receive more from the world than money and stuff, and who want to contribute something more to the world than money and stuff. These people want to envision, invent, and inspire others to help humanity be great. Yet they strive to do this by celebrating the uniqueness of each of the individuals involved. Rather than encouraging conformation, the Zs and early Alphas encourage unique contributions to the greater whole. They recognize that everyone and everything has a role to play, and they encourage each other and others to play their roles.
  • Yet it’s Neptune in Pisces (early 2012-2025) that will influence the majority of Generation Alpha. These people will be idealistic to the point where they may seem delusional to the generations which come before them. but thanks to their Uranus placement(s), these people will have the gumption to pull off their inspired visions. Most of them will look to creative writing, visual and performing arts, and transcendental or spiritual studies in order to bring positive, healing energy into the world. They will bring a cultural revolution to the world unlike no other generation before them. In fact, the last time Neptune was in Pisces was from 1848-1862, and that generation brought forth the art and architecture of the late 1800’s through the mid-1900s (late impressionism, art deco, cubism, etc.).

But for Generation Alpha to really change the world, they need to tap into their Uranus influences.

  • Uranus in Pisces (mid 2003-early 2011)– The earliest Alphas may share this Uranus placement with the majority of Gen Z, shunning anything which seems “too good to be true”. They are very idealistic, but unlike their predecessors, they aren’t so eager to follow ‘the hype’. They use their technological savvy to be of service to others in philanthropic ways and serving the world in environmentally/ecological conscious ways, often winning us over with their ingenuity, innovation, and originality.
    • They rebel against the old models of philanthropic contribution – of simply putting money into the problems. If given money, they often don’t want it for themselves – they want to put it into projects or people who they believe can make a difference in the world…or they simply want to give it to someone(s) who need a hand-up out of hardship.
    • They, too, will rebel against physically, emotionally, and spiritually painful experiences. They are very adverse to conflict and will be immediately turned off by anger, fear, and/or aggression. They want to be treated with compassion and empathy, and they will treat others with the same care. These people will genuinely “treat others the way (they) wish to be treated”.
  • Yet it’s the influence of Uranus in Aries (mid-2010-early 2018) which will make the first legacy mark on the world. This group will echo its Silent Generation predecessors in that they will be self-starters. Having no sympathy or patience for victims or whiners, they’ll just pick up and get started – they won’t need anyone else to tell them what to do, and they’ll have an amazing work ethic when it comes to making their unique contributions to their communities and/or to humanity at large.
    • On the individual level, they rebel against anyone or anything that denies them their ability to make unique contributions to others. They are here to be self-expressed, and they are willing to go to any lengths necessary to ensure their freedom of self-expression within the collective whole of humanity. They are also inclined to act charitably in order to help others get a leg up in society. They will rebel against anything that doesn’t believe in helping and/or encouraging individuals become contributing members of the community.
    • On the collective level, these people rebel against violent action and war. Despite their upbringing during a time in which anger, fear, and conflict were constant presences, nothing angers Generation Alpha more than being expected to use their initiative actions to further old agendas of conflict or war. If anything, this first wave of Alphas will take action to change the way conflicts are handled. They will express their anger differently. They are and will be determined to change the way conflict and hate and fear are faced and dealt with.
  • The second major wave of Generation Alpha will have Uranus in Taurus (early 2018-mid 2025). This group will stabilize and secure the changes made through the actions of the first wave. This is a powerful and stubborn group as they will be confronted by those who want to return to a past of anger, fear, and conflict. The Uranus in Taurus Alphas will have nothing to do with it, but instead of actively fighting back, they won’t do anything except stand their ground. Don’t underestimate the power of inaction in their case. This quiet determination will make a huge statement in a time when most people will be conditioned to take some sort of action or have some type of reaction. When this group comes into power, it will be clear that future generations will not back down and concede to their elders. It’s their world, too, and they’re going to make sure you know it.
    • They will rebel against anyone or anything that denies them their right to live, or at least their right to live comfortably. This group will believe that everyone has a fundamental right to the resources they need in order to survive in the world.
    • They will also rebel against anyone or anything that denies them physical or material safety, security, or stability or who tries to compromise their security and safety in any way. They truly believe that everyone has a right to live comfortably without fear of not having enough, and they will do all they can to ensure that as many people as possible have access to lifestyle resource. Expect some amazing new innovations in residential architecture, agriculture, environmental stabilization, and financial management.

The funniest thing about Generation Alpha is they aren’t necessarily setting out to change the world – they’re just being who they are, doing what they do. They won’t be able to see a world in which people don’t see each other as equals or don’t treat each other with compassion and love. Yes, there are always those who will see the world in a darker, more sinister way. Yet we need them, too – without them, we wouldn’t be able to recognize the Light within ourselves or each other. Generation Alpha has the greatest potential to change the world because not only they will choose to see the Light in others and each other, they’ll see and bring their own light into the world for ALL to benefit from.

In my next and last post in this series, I’ll summarize the eight generations we’ve covered. We’ll also discuss how they are currently interacting with each other and what that all may mean for all of us in the years ahead.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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