U.S. marriage equality - astro_2gw_328_now.67359.31201
The conjunction of Venus (18.25°) and Jupiter (20.74°) in Leo is approaching exactness on this 26th day of June 2015, indicating the positive growth and expansion of justice, fairness and equality in personal self-expression. Yet the most exact transit of the day proves to bring the ultimate confirmation, as Venus conjunct Jupiter in Leo (20.74°) trine Uranus in Aries (20.13°) brought forth a long-awaited and groundbreaking public announcement.

Marriage equality is now the law of the land in all 50 of the United States of America.

Yet even with the deal-sealer of Leo Venus-Jupiter conjunction trine Aries Uranus, there are a few other important aspects to note on this historic day:

First of all, the Moon was in Libra (26.53°) at the time of the announcement, and the collective emotional investment in equality, fairness, and justice was duly noted and affirmed. The Libra Moon was sextile Juno in Leo (28.33°), indicating an emotional commitment to this path of equality and fairness. Yet Juno in Leo was also square Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio (29.32°) for the second most exact aspect of the day. This implies that just because the larger commitment to personal self-expression is now firmly in place doesn’t mean that hard-line traditionalists have to be happy about this. Those in opposition to this decision will not give up their commitment to their stance against the Court’s ruling. In fact, they may become more determined than ever to build up walls in defense and/or protection of their position.

Both the Libra North Node and the Aries South Node (5.75°) were squared by the Cancer Sun (4.54°) at the time of the announcement, revealing that this battle over marriage equality is one that is likely to become more aggressive, even with the war technically over! Those who oppose the ruling still intend to fight a fierce though futile battle, and the victors will not be done defending themselves as the defeated refuse to accept their loss. This may be a time of celebration for the majority, but be assured – the minority will absolutely refuse to go away quietly.

However, Ceres Retrograde in Aquarius is trine to the Libra North Node, indicating that there is a promising values shift in larger whole of community or society. This also makes Aquarius Ceres Retrograde sextile to the Aries South Node, letting us know that this significant shift in social values will gently wear down and eventually dissolve the fierce opposition to this ruling…but it is likely to be a slow process.

Gemini Mercury (12.36°) square Pisces Neptune Retrograde (9.76°) will give the disillusioned a voice today. That voice may be diminished by the sounds of celebration, but just because it’s being drowned out doesn’t make it any less loud. There’s going to be a whole lot of talk over the next few days by those disgruntled by this tidal wave of changing societal values.

NOTE: The war analogy of the Sun-Node T-Square is not exclusive to the marriage equality issue. There is also a major debate underway in the U.S. about the denouncement of the Confederate Army battle flag of the U.S. Civil War in light of a tragic event on 17th June 2015 in Charleston, S.C., U.S.A. Today’s positive transits of the Venus-Jupiter-Uranus trine, the Moon sextile Juno, and the Sun-Nodes t-square were not in place yet have come into play since the event 9 days ago. However, the memorial service for the most publicly prominent of the Charleston victims is happening today 26th June, and it benefits from the auspicious aspects in place on this day. May both the memory of all 9 of those victims AND the Supreme Court ruling today in favor of marriage equality bring forth positive and transformational turns toward the healing of the deep-rooted social, societal, and institutional wounds of the United States of America.

Even if it may not seem like it in a given moment, we can trust in the long view – Love always wins.

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~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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