The Scorpio Moon enters its maximum full phase opposite the Taurus Sun at 3:45a PDT on Thursday, 7th May 2020 (17.33°), and this Full Moon phase definitely hits home in ways we may never have imagined. Not only because our current global pandemic is actively and permanently changing all of our lives, lifestyles, & livelihoods; but because those changes are pushing us to see the duplicity and hypocrisy of our collective (and in many cases, our individual) status quo, and the foundational values and beliefs behind it.

To get a better understanding, let’s look at the astrological signs behind this particular Full Moon phase.

The Moon is in Scorpio, and Scorpio likes to deal in extremes. All or nothing, yes or no, black or white, in or out – Scorpio doesn’t like gray area. Gray area is too much of an emotional rollercoaster for Scorpio energy because it likes to know where it stands. But gray gives too many variables, so if a stance is somewhere in the middle, Scorpio will push in order to force clarity. Scorpio is not beyond trashing an entire process in order to take control of matters, start over from scratch, and build a structure the way it wants it to be. Destruction and/or even symbolic or actual death are not deterrents for Scorpio. In fact, if anything, they are valuable tools or weapons in its efforts. Scorpio energy will push you to make a choice for its clarity and comfort. Yes, for Scorpio, decisiveness and clarity provides comfort.

The Sun is in Taurus, and Taurus likes its comfort zone in the gray scale. Opposite Scorpio in the Zodiac, Taurus loves its chosen shade of gray. In fact, once it finds a shade of gray it’s comfortable with, Taurus sticks with it. It doesn’t care so much if its position is clear or not, as long as it is something they can live with. And if they can live with it, Taurus will not budge… until it’s forced to. For Taurus, comfort provides decisiveness and clarity.

These two signs are very similar in their inflexibility. Yet Taurus sees comfort and familiarity as the deciding factor for where to stake its claim, solidify its principles, build upon those principles, and defend its position. It refuses to budge out of its comfort zone. Scorpio finds comfort in clarity, so the lack of clarity it experiences in gray areas does not bring any contentment or peace for Scorpio, leading it to force matters to extremes for better or worse. It will keep clearing things out with intensely-focused diligence until it clears matters up enough to feel safe and secure.

That’s what makes this 2020 Scorpio Full Moon so interesting – it’s using both emotional and physical extremes to push us out of our comfort zones, practically forcing us to choose sides in the matters-at-hand in order to create conditions of clarity which will help us each and all feel more stable and secure.

The numerology only strengthens the intensity of this time. With us being in a 4 Universal Year of security, stability, and safety, we’re present to just how insecure, unstable, and unsafe our status quo is. In our efforts to retain what’s left of the structures and institutions we believed were infallible, we are clinging to many of our beliefs and values for dear life. The 9 Universal Month energy supports this almost desperate chokehold on the way things were. My nickname for the energy of Taurus 9 is “The Obstinate Father” in that Taurus’ stubborn nature combines with 9’s authoritative/paternal presence to create a very stubborn inclination to stand its ground until it gets the results it wants. Yet the Moon brings the energy of Scorpio 9 – “The Covert Operative”. This energy somehow gets things done by moving beneath the surface of things. Its actions and intentions are not apparent to all because most people aren’t looking for them. Yet its results, once achieved, are clear as blue sky on a sunny day.

These numerological analogies can be worked both ways right now. It’s easy to say that many of our foundational beliefs and institutions have been acting in “covert operation”, and also that the current circumstances are now exposing those covert ops for all of us to see.

Add to these dynamics the fact that this 2020 Scorpio Full Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 7 Universal Day of pause and thoughtfulness almost throughout the world, and this is an interesting energy to bring to the mix in that there is so much happening to stand up and speak out about, yet there is definitely confusion about what people are actually defending in their stance and speech. It would be wise for people to really pause and look at what is really happening in order to see it and assess it for themselves, then to look at what they thought they valued and believed, then to reassess their positions. They may realize that what they’ve been standing for is not in alignment with who they are at all.

We each and all may begin to realize that what we’ve been standing for is not in alignment with who we are at all.

This recognition of the misalignment of values and communications to actions – this is the duplicity of familiarity. When we realize that our “values” are not our own, or when we realize they are circumstantial and conditional, we realize they aren’t really values. They’re comfort zones. They’re self-protection. They’re self-preservation. They’re self-identity defense.

We see duplicity and hypocrisy in our irrational defense (and/or in some cases, the complete abandonment) of who we have been and what we have believed before now. Our unreasonable defense of past values and beliefs which are being proven false or fictitious by current actions and events also reveals duplicity or hypocrisy. The revelation of past actions which contradict our claimed present-day values reveal duplicity and/or conscious deception. And the revelation of present-day actions which betray the values we’ve always claimed to live by expose our deception and hypocrisy, but also truth.

The truth is, many of us have never been really sure what we value or believe.
And these current circumstances are now forcing each and all of us to be very decisive about what we value and believe, and are forcing us to clear out anything that does not align with those values and beliefs.

What we are witnessing in our world right now is an extraordinary time in human history where we’re experiencing catastrophic extremes on a number of different levels of our life experience – extremes which leave us with no choice but to make clear decisions about where we stand and what we value most. What is even more incredible is that these extremes are revealing so much about what has been really going on in our societal structures and institutions, and the extremes people are willing to go to in order to either maintain an outdated status quo rooted in division and hierarchy, or to implement a forward-thinking future on inclusive and collective principles.

Yet, this 2020 Scorpio Full Moon also marks a turning point – a point at which we finally recognize the permanence of some of these changes and choices. We finally begin to realize that things are really never going back to how they were before. The world has changed, and it continues to change. It always has changed, but the changes are bigger right now. They had to be bigger. Otherwise, we never would have woken up.

Some of us are still unwilling to wake up and see the evolution underway. Living in denial, clinging to the past, we refuse to believe that these events are destroying the status quo we became so complacent with. We’re determined to hold onto complacency. We will be forced to let go. We’ll be forced to “choose a side”.

Some of us are so determined to stop evolution and progression from happening, we’re doing everything we can to regress the collective whole, while others of us are determined to embrace evolution and progress ourselves forward. Yet when there are two powerful forces pulling in opposite directions, eventually, they destroy what connects them. We are dividing, and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s simply what must happen now.

We’re at that stage where those determined to regress are willing to destroy anything and anyone who does not allow them to hold onto their status quo. That destruction, ironically enough, is creating irreversible change. But will these really be destructive changes in their favor when it’s all said and done? Are they, in order to save face, not realizing they’re destroying their masks and façades, actually exposing their real faces for all to see?

And for those determined to progress and evolve, are they willing to take on the destructive component of their mission? Are they willing to release their connection to a society and its systems which they say is not serving the greater whole? Are they willing to challenge what they claim to hate, not just intellectually, but materially, financially, and possibly physically as well? Are they willing to fight for their vision, values, and beliefs?

One thing is for certain: these changes occurring during this 2020 Scorpio Full Moon phase will change us all. This Full Moon is bringing the impact of these transformative events to Light in a powerful and deeply emotional and/or spiritual way, destroying all notions that things will ever be the same again. This Full Moon’s energy makes it clear – we cannot use duplicity to sustain our familiarity. We aren’t going back. Our values must change now, and they are indeed changing.

Here are some of the other astrological transits in effect at the time of the 2020 Scorpio Full Moon’s maximum phase:

(Taurus Sun conjunct Mercury) opposite Scorpio Moon (17-20°) – There’s a lot of talk about values and morals, but are those words being overshadowed by the not-so-moral deeds being done and revealing what our values actually are? The status quo staying in place does not and cannot happen when that status quo is being pushed to its limits by those who claim to uphold it. The breaking point is near, but you won’t hear many people talking about it. Notice the silence – it speaks the uncomfortable truths.

(Gemini Vesta conjunct Venus) square Pisces Neptune (18-21°) – There is a fierce dedication and determination to have one-on-one exchanges of ideas and information. Yet the more we communicate with each other one-on-one, the more our ideals are challenged. Have we deluded ourselves into believing other people’s visions are better or more valid than our own? This is a time to seek others who share your vision and want to exchange ideas about how to bring that future into being.

(Aquarius Pallas Athena conjunct Saturn) semi-sextile Pisces Ceres (0-3°) – Notice the patterns of those who are trying to limit social and societal awareness. Notice what their common themes are; notice what their common objectives are. This suppression of information in order to oppress the masses is resulting in a shift in collective values. What serves and helps everyone is becoming valued over what serves individuals.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde conjunct Jupiter (24-27°) – The feedback grows louder and the response to it grows stronger. There’s a powerful desire for transformation resulting in an increase in destructive behavior. All involved seem to be in agreement that destruction may be inevitable in our current circumstances, but what type of destruction and for what purpose(s)? It’s becoming increasingly clear that different persons and institutions have different destructive means to different destructive ends in that regard. One camp really sees things as the destruction of challenge or opposition to their stagnant or regressive objectives, while the other camp sees the destruction of the past so we can move forward into an updated and innovative future. Either way, change is being forced upon us now, and there’s a quickly-growing awareness that things really will not nor cannot go back to what they were.

Aries Chiron opposite Libra Juno Retrograde (6-7°) – Individuals with self-identity wounds seek balance and healing through commitment-driven connection(s) with others. The objective here is not allowing the wounds to dictate the narrative. Those acting from woundedness will be argumentative and combative, while those acting from true partnership and/or a desire for balance will be acting from a desire for peace. Can enough healing be done to bring about a peaceful balance?

Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (7°) – Though often seen as a challenge, self-identity wounds may also enable a greater awareness of the need to update both our individual and collective values. This is especially the case when we recognize how much polarity may exist between what we individually value and stand for versus what society says we should value and stand for. Some of us may realize that we were never really wounded or broken at all; we were just convinced by others to align with their values instead of our own.

Taurus Uranus quincunx Libra Juno Retrograde (6-7°) – The collective awakening about values and morals that is underway does not align with healthy committed relationships of any kind right now. There’s great difficulty in reconciling a commitment to peace and balance in interactions with others as we realize just how much many of us do not value the same things or each other.

This 2020 Scorpio Full Moon energy will be felt from 4th through 10th May 2020.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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