Sun Rise Over the South Pacific - International Space StationIt’s an early start to our very astrologically active day as we began with a Jupiter-Pluto opposition at 1:16a PST.

As we’ve discussed previously, Pluto in Capricorn is an indicator of large-scale societal-cultural transformations happening in the world which are causing each of us to re-assess our personal goals and ambitions as cultural/social standards for success and status hierarchy change.  As the world is experiencing a shift in what defines success and status, you are being challenged to shift your own personal definitions of what success and status are – your personal goals and ambitions must be adjusted as result.

Jupiter is currently in retrograde motion in the sign of Cancer, which lends each of us to think about the roles our loved ones play in how we feel about our personal growth and expansion.  Which loved ones support or encourage your growth and expansion?  Which loved ones tend to hold you back or prevent your emotional growth?  The answers to these questions help you figure out which of your goals and ambitions are outdated and need to be cleared away, and which new goals may need to replace them.   Yet these answers may also reveal which close relationships need to be cleared away in order for you to grow and expand into the success and status you want to achieve.

The opposition of Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn brings an opportunity to balance these transformations occurring in the world around you with your personal connections in ways that may help you feel supported and encouraged in creating new goals and ambitions for yourself and moving forward in your life.

But that was just the beginning.  Just over 5 hours later, Mercury entered Pisces at 6:29a PST.  This brings our minds and mouths into our dreams, fantasies, and idealistic (or romantic) visions.  You may find yourself thinking about the matters of your life in ways that are imaginative and inspiring, yet aren’t exactly realistic or practical.  This could show up as your engaging in some sort of spiritual or recreational activity (selfless service, charity/philanthropy, etc.) in order to check out from your personal reality for a bit; or you asking yourself and/or others if you are living the life of your/their dreams or if the lives you are living right now are leading you to the lives you’ve envisioned for yourselves.

Mercury will turn into retrograde motion on 6th February, and will move back into Aquarius on 12th February.  That said, for these next 12 days you can probably count on having your head in the clouds or feeling a bit spacey and ungrounded.  In direct motion, you may experience more of the proactive expression of doing things to move your dreams forward or doing things to escape reality.  Yet in retrograde, you may find more of the introspective assessment – asking yourself if your life is what you want it or dreamed it to be.

Mercury will be direct again on 28th of February, and re-enters Pisces on 17th March for a direct run-through at that time.

But that’s not all, folks!  At 1:49p PST, Venus in Capricorn turns back to direct motion.  When this occurs, you may find that your focus on partnerships of all kinds shifts from ‘what the partnership does to help you achieve your personal goals’ back to ‘what do the two of you achieve or accomplish together as partners’.  Are you and your partner on the same page as far as what you’re working toward?  Are you getting things done together?  Are your joint projects getting completed?  Are the desired results being produced?  Are you both finding fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment?  ‘One within two’ shifts back to ‘two as one’ again, and you may experience a new sense of purpose and direction within your one-one-one relationships today as result of this influence.

How do these all influences combine into the energy of the day – Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury entering Pisces, and Venus in Capricorn Direct?

There is also a heightened awareness of how the changing world is affecting your partnership goals as Venus in Capricorn (at 13° when it turns direct) is within conjunction orb to Pluto in Capricorn at 12° and opposition to Jupiter Retrograde in Cancer, also (and obviously) at 12°.  Not only are you aware of the loved ones who support and encourage you to grow, expand, and achieve your goals and dreams; you are also aware of who your best partners are in moving things forward.  This may be a time in which you may recognize that not all of your loved ones make good business/professional/project partners, and not all of your business/professional/project partners will care about you in the same way as your good personal friends or family members.  It may also prove to be a time in which you reassess your own priorities regarding family and profession.  Do you need to have a better balance between the two, or do you need to make sacrifices in one so the other can thrive?

If we toss in the fact that we wrap up the activity of this day with the Moon also entering Pisces at 7:45p PST (conjuncting Mercury shortly after it is entrance into the sign), I would say that today is a day in which you may also find yourself more conscious than usual of your intuitive promptings and dreams and whether you are living in alignment with them.  If you are pleased with where you are, this could be a very emotionally pleasant day in which you feel good about yourself and your life and you are inclined to share your joy with others.  If you aren’t pleased with where you are, this could be a very emotionally challenging day for you as you may be more inclined to take a victim stance in this position, blaming others for your current lot in life.  You may find yourself a bit more emotional about these topics as the day progresses into evening/night.

Though these two sets of transits are not in aspect with each other doesn’t mean they don’t influence each other.  You may notice that a large part of your partner and relationship assessment process may be affected by your perception of whether or not you are living into your own individual dreams and visions of what you want your life to be or what you feel called to be and do in your life.  It will be important for you to be sure you’re assessing your loved ones and partners realistically at this time rather than letting your emotions lead your imagination and communications to run amuck.  Don’t make any major decisions in the midst of emotional drama that may ensue with Moon conjunct Mercury in Pisces, yet also don’t deny your intuition on any matters.  I’d advise sleeping on any major decisions until morning if you haven’t made them already.

Hope this helps you navigate the abundance of astrological traffic that we get to experience today.  Thank you so much for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers.  Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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