The 2024 Libra Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:00 midnight PDT on Monday, 25th March 2024 at 5°07’ Libra. This isn’t only the first major moon phase post-Spring Equinox, it’s also the first Lunar Eclipse of 2024 – a penumbral eclipse, which reaches its maximum coverage at 12:12a PDT with a subtle shadow of the Earth shading the Moon’s surface and temporarily dimming the Sun’s reflected light.

Eclipses are always indicative of new beginnings or necessary endings. Solar Eclipse New Moons represent amplified new beginnings, while Lunar Eclipse Full Moons – like this one – represent amplified necessary endings. In the latter case, the Earth shades the Sun’s light. To interpret this symbolically, worldly matters block the light of awareness from stirring our hearts and minds. But in a penumbral eclipse, this effort to obstruct truth isn’t very successful, resulting in more questions or suspicions than many can (or want to) provide answers for.

Full Moon phases, in general, tend to represent matters and energies coming to a head. This is the culmination and release of energies that have been building up since the last New Moon. In this case, the last New Moon was the Pisces New Moon on 10th March, which had us becoming aware of the possible need to establish and respect our own energetic and emotional boundaries, helping us overcome beliefs in and practices of (self)victimization.

That is why, under this 2024 Libra Full Moon Eclipse, we’re being presented with opportunities to stand up and (re)claim our peace, even if that means disrupting it for others. We now see any mind games being played more clearly, which helps us set those boundaries in our one-on-one relationships of all kinds. Boundaries assist us in bringing the energetic and emotional imbalances – which led us to require setting boundaries in the first place – to an end.

Most people would not associate the cardinal air sign of Libra with disruption. In fact, Libra’s often known for going to almost extreme lengths to establish and/or maintain peace. Libra usually brings themes of balance, equality, fairness, and justice. It also brings in themes of one-on-one interactions and relationships, and partnerships of all kinds. And of course, when we combine these two sets of themes, we find that Libra also represents diplomacy, negotiations, and other efforts to establish peace wherever discord is present in relationships.

The challenge with Libra energy is that it can be so focused on peace, it strives to avoid discord at all costs. This means it can sit on the fence instead of taking action in alignment with its own individual intentions or desires. However, its indecision often costs them opportunities to make conscious choices for themselves, as they’d rather wait on someone else to make the choice than make the choice themselves.

To that point, many of us have realized how energetically and/or emotionally imbalanced many of our relationships and environments have been for us, and we’re ready for a change of direction. The challenge is that in making these changes for ourselves, we’re also making changes for others. This is where the Libra tendency to maintain peace at all costs may kick in, not wanting to disrupt the lives of others. However, this strange logic of not disrupting the peace of others often results in your not having much if any peace for yourself. As result, your own well-being is sacrificed in the name of service to others.

The energy of this 2024 Libra Full Moon Eclipse is helping reveal the imbalances in our relationships with each other and certain aspects of our lives, not only on a personal scale, but on a collective scale as well. This is a call for a balanced, fair, and just accounting of who we have been and who we are being in our lives for the purpose of preparing for the future we intend to create.

With the Moon in Libra, the Aries Sun’s cardinal fire energy is expected to take action, but what’s often lost in this dynamic is that the Libra Moon then has choice in whether or not to follow Aries’ lead. Under the influence of this 2024 Libra Full Moon eclipse, this is a call for Libra to choose what it wants for itself – to no longer leave it to others to make the choices for them.

As we live our lives under this energy, the message for us from this 2024 Libra Full Moon Eclipse is that we now must make choices for ourselves in regard to which of our connections and relationships we’re committed to balancing, or possibly ending. This may be a terrifying step for those of us who don’t want to upset others, because we know that some of the choices we want to make will do that very thing. Yet the disruption is necessary if we are to establish meaningful and lasting peace for ourselves in our lives.

These balancing acts of disruption for peace aren’t only occurring in or for our personal lives. We may also see calls for balance, fairness, and justice in larger-scale, social and/or global affairs. As the imbalances of these situations come closer to home, more of us are feeling the emotional and/or intuitive disruption of our everyday lives. These collective imbalances are reminders of how interconnected we are, and how the choices we make don’t only affect us or a few – they can affect many.

Numerologically, the 2024 Libra Full Moon Eclipse is occurring on a 9 Universal Day in the majority of the world, and an 8 Universal Day in any points west of North America’s western coast. The majority of the world will be under the 9 UD influence, affirming if not strengthening that Full Moon “ending” feeling. There’s definitely a sense that the endings in motion now are true endings – that once these doors close, there is no going back. Choices made, actions taken, deeds done, words said, lines crossed, boundaries drawn – none of these will be able to be undone as the disruptions to the status quo have been and will continue to be so major, there won’t be a way back to what previously existed. Many of us will be coming face-to-face with the imbalances and inequities which must come to an end. Meanwhile, the far west may still be experiencing themes of power and influence within their relationships and partnerships of all kinds, recognizing the full brunt of the choices they made (or didn’t make) by remaining in these connections, and are now being faced with making choices to either balance them from within, or to walk away from them altogether.

Both of those month energies are occurring under the influence of an 11 Universal Month and an 8 Universal Year. The 11 Month energy encourages collaborations in which each individual brings their unique self-expression to the table in contribution to a greater whole. The 8 Year energy reminds us to remain aware of the major shifts of power and influence in the world, and how those shifts are transforming our lives on every level –professionally and personally, collectively and individually.

What makes this 2024 Libra Full Moon Eclipse significant from an astrological transit perspective is that it not only reveals endings which are far more significant than they may feel at this moment, but also that these endings are making space for more seeds to be planted during the upcoming Aries New Moon + Total Solar Eclipse (on 8th April) for future transformations and manifestations.

Two things I find interesting about this 2024 Libra Full Moon.

  1. There are no major transits involving the Aries Sun-Libra Moon opposition. Those two bodies are stand-alone during this Full Moon Eclipse.
  2. Number one indicates to me that the transits which are occurring during this Moon phase are seeds for fruition/harvest at a later time, and just as the soil is cleared, they’re being planted.

The indication of seeds being planted is an important one. This means that the events in and around our lives are only early steps toward a bigger goal.

That said, here are the transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2024 Libra Full Moon maximum phase:

Capricorn Ceres sextile Pisces Saturn (12-14°) – Our personal goals and ambitions are often influenced by our societal values, so we may find ourselves being encouraged to focus and discipline ourselves in alignment with the established and popularly-accepted values. The question is whether or not we actually and honestly align with these values. If we don’t, this will be an indicator of the types of boundaries we may feel we need to set in order to protect ourselves and our Inner Truths from the influence of institutional society. This may also be a call to develop more personal focus and discipline when it comes to pursuing our societal ideals. After all, we can’t realize it if we don’t do our best to live it.

Capricorn Ceres sextile Pisces Venus (14-16°) – Our values-based goals and ambitions will also be supportive of our one-on-one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. Do we share the same values as our partners? Do we share the same goals? Are our partners supportive of our individual ambitions? These are very important questions right now to determine if we accept each other as we are, or if one or both of us are trying to get the other to fit an ideal.

NODAL T-SQUARE: Capricorn Ceres square Aries North Node/Libra South Node (14-15°) – Our values-based goals and ambitions bring us to a crossroads. On the individual level, this could be where that choice between our relationship peace and our personal peace is found. On the collective level, this could be where that choice between global peace and a nation’s individual interests needs to be carefully considered. In both cases, what are you choosing to stand for? Remember that your actions will reveal your values.

Capricorn Ceres trine Taurus Jupiter (14-15°) – When your goals and ambitions are truly in alignment with your personal values, things really begin to flow with ease. Whatever you’re up to, there’s a better likelihood than usual that you’ll be provided with the physical/material/financial support you need to follow through.

Aquarius Pluto semi-sextile Pisces Mars (1°) – As the world continues its social and technological transformation, you may be inspired to take action.

Aquarius Pluto trine Taurus Sedna (29-1°) – The world is transforming socially and technologically in ways which could empower you to overcome self-victimization, especially in matters of personal lifestyle resources.

Pisces Mars square Taurus Sedna (29-1°) – When you take actions toward your dreams, it’s important to make sure that your actions are coming from a place of inspiration rather than victimization. You’ll know you’re acting from victimization if you experience more challenges and obstacles than ease.

Pisces Mars trine Gemini Vesta (28-1°) – This out-of-element trine does something really fascinating; it finds intuitive action to pursue an ideal empowering mental dedication to an idea. This is an amazing energy if the ideal and the idea are aligned in service to Oneness and both the belief and feeling that we are interconnected with everyone and everything.

Pisces Neptune square Gemini Vesta (27-28°) – What’s interesting is that the visionary ideal could also present challenges to the ideas you are dedicated to upholding. In this case, you may be torn between honoring the Oneness and sticking with a narrative that makes sense to you. The questions for you are 1) is the vision actually a vision, or is it a delusion; and 2) is the idea more of an ideal or belief than an actual fact?

Pisces Neptune sextile Taurus Sedna (27-28°) – That visionary ideal could also be very helpful in overcoming your victimization… but it could also prove delusional in helping you buy into your victimization. This is a tricky transit that will really depend on if and how this transit interacts with your natal chart to see which version you experience at this time.

SEQUENCE/NODAL YOD: Pisces Venus semi-sextile (Aries North Node conjunct Chiron) semi-sextile Taurus Jupiter (15-18°) – If you’re able to balance your one-on-one relationships of all kinds, you may find that your connections prove beneficial to you, helping you heal self-identity wounds and empowering you to take steps toward creating a truly new future for yourself and your life by providing opportunities and/or access to lifestyle resources which assist you in positive and productive ways.

Aries Mercury conjunct Eris (23-24°) – It’s time to let people know who you really are. Show them by allowing yourself to be in action in ways which are aligned to your uniqueness. Don’t be afraid to be different.

DAISY-CHAIN STELLIUM: Taurus Jupiter conjunct White Moon Selena conjunct Uranus (15-20°) – The resource situation you find yourself in now is for the best for you, even if it may not feel like it at this moment. Events could either unexpectedly drop you to rock bottom or lift you up to “Cloud Nine”. Either way (or anywhere in-between), it’s important to trust that whatever is happening for you is for the best in the long-term.

(Taurus White Moon Selena conjunct Uranus) trine Virgo Black Moon Lilith (18-20°) – The best thing about the prior transit is that no matter the short-term outcome – for better or worse – it will show you what isn’t (or wasn’t) working for you and why. Take the lesson to heart. You may need to apply it in the future.

Virgo Juno Retrograde square Sagittarius Pallas Athena (8°) – Others may be more committed to your relationship with them than you are, so it’s important for you to assess whether or not your connection with them is advantageous or detrimental to your personal freedom. Again, just because it may serve a purpose for you doesn’t mean you should stay in it if it doesn’t support your peace.

The energy of this 2024 Libra Full Moon will be felt from Friday 22nd March through Thursday 28th March 2024. However, the energy of this Penumbral Eclipse will be felt for at least six months if not longer.

Remember during this time that the choice is up to you whether you are ready to disrupt the peace around you in order to have peace within you. If you’re truly going to make that choice for yourself, now is the time to make it.

Let the disruptions for peace begin.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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