The 2024 Pisces New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 20°16’ Pisces at 2:00a PDT, right as Daylight Saving Time kicks in in the United States – a synchronicity which, to some of us, perfectly encapsulates the energy of this New Moon phase as there are quite a few systems and methods which we may find ourselves wondering why we even bother to keep them around during this time.

Where Aquarius was all about evolution, Pisces is all about interconnection, and the fact that everything and everyone really does interconnect will bring a lot of revelations during this 2024 Pisces New Moon phase. Interconnection does not mean that everything should be where it is or how it is – it just means all things and all people are all connected in some way. And because we are all connected with everyone and everything, when there is something that is no longer working well for the collective, we all feel the misalignment and need to replace what no longer serves us and/or our planet well.

Nee Moon phases are often markers for new beginnings and fresh starts. However, one of the fascinating things about the 2024 Pisces New Moon is that we’ll become more aware of which visions, beliefs,and ideals from the past no longer fit the present nor the new paradigm (future) we’re creating and entering. Sadly, there’s a lot about the past that no longer fits any of the emerging possibilities for the future of humanity and the planet. We’ll be seeing more of these misalignments more clearly during and after this New Moon phase.

To that point, Pisces is mutable water energy, which means water is in its optimal fluid expression. Water has great power as it’s able to not only move through and/or around nearly every obstacle, it’s also able to erode any obstacles or boundaries that do keep it controlled over time, slowly but surely carving its own path through whatever may be adjacent to its motion. The boundaries thing is especially important as Pisces is also known to have easily compromised boundaries, if it has boundaries at all! Being the ultimate empath and intuitive, Pisces can be so focused on either feeling the energies and emotions of everyone and everything around them AND/OR on being of selfless and/or spiritual service to others, it may not even recognize when it has compromised or sacrificed its sense of self in order to serve others or something “greater” than itself. If someone has both inclinations, this can often be a highly detrimental combination as extreme self-sacrifice is often the norm for people with both sensitivities.

That said, Pisces and its opposite sign, Virgo, do comprise what I call “The Axis of Service”. Where Virgo represents practical or mundane service, Pisces has more mysticism and idealism to its serving nature. And where Virgo is often focused on physical healing or restoring the functionality of systems and processes in logically efficient ways, Pisces is more applicable to the emotional and spiritual aspects of service – making sure humans and the planet are healed, healthy, and functioning in alignment with one another, intuitively “in sync”. This is where the 2024 Pisces New Moon brings us to the afore-mentioned new paradigm and recognition of the new possibilities emerging.

We’re rapidly recognizing that old ideas, ideals, and information about spirituality and/or religion, creative and/or visionary aspirations, and many of our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world were possibly more fiction than fact – more made-up stories than experiential truths. There’s a lot of questioning and doubting of what we hear and see from popular sources now, and rightfully so. That, and most of the questions we’re asking are pointing us not toward disaster, but actually toward the revelation of Universal Truths.

This rapidly-accelerating awakening to Universal Truth may feel like a runaway train careening toward disaster… for those who need to hide behind these fantastic stories and lofty ideals which have given them so much power and influence over other people and/or the planet and its resources. However, these stories and ideals don’t and possibly never have lent themselves well to either people or planet, in all earnestly.

Therefore, a commitment to creating new visions and ideals which are better aligned with the evolutionary growth underway is necessary. Without these, establishing new societal value structures won’t be possible, and we may find ourselves growing and expanding well beyond what we feel comfortable with. However, that discomfort may be because we’re so used to having limits, and we aren’t supposed to have limits to our growth right now. In fact, we may need to recognize that for now, the “Sky’s the limit” and that part of creating a new sets of value structures is that the old ones were too limiting.

That said, this is not to say the future shouldn’t have any limits. It is to say that we do need to and now get to figure out – through first-hand experience – not only how far is too far, but who gets to set those limits for All. Those who understand through first-hand experience are the ones who have, indeed, gone too far themselves. The more of us who are willing to test and/or move beyond the old boundaries will blaze the trail forward for all. Those who are desperately trying to maintain the status quo or regress things to a past time may find themselves lass and less powerful in relatively short order.

The numerology of this 2024 Pisces New Moon supports this call to develop new societal structures. Reaching its maximum phase on a 3 Universal Day of growth and expansion, this Pisces New Moon phase is fueled by learning and communicating. “The more you know, the more you grow”, so this energy affirms the earlier guidance encouraging us to ask questions and keep our eyes, ears, and minds open to learn from experience during this New Moon phase. This is also under the influence of an 11 Universal Month of collaboration, which celebrates individual contributions to communities and groups of all kinds, and reminds you that no one creates anything truly alone. These collaborations of mind and vision are of paramount importance now, as it will take exchanges of ideas and information and individuals sharing both their intuitions and empathic visions and perceptions with one another to figure out what the real Truths are and which things the new structures may need to include (or exclude).

Both the day and month energies are operating under the energy of an 8 Universal Year, bringing forth matters of power, influence, and the lasting effects of their application. This 2024 Pisces New Moon will bring to our attention the ways emotional and spiritual energies have been and can be empowering in some cases, yet have been and can be manipulative or exploitative in others. This influence will also help shed light on which past stories, beliefs, and ideals were constructed to control and enslave, which ones have been trying to empower and set free, and which ones need to be applied to the collective present and future of both humanity and the planet.

The combination of the astrology and numerology produces an interesting set of lessons to learn during this 2024 Pisces New Moon, but no lesson may be more important than the lesson of how to heal.

You cannot heal what you won’t allow yourself to feel. This will especially be the case as more of us awaken to the ways we have – individually and collectively – allowed ourselves to be taken advantage of. Under this 2024 Pisces New Moon, it’s possible that you may discover that you have been victimized, sometimes by others, but possibly even by your own beliefs and choices.

Wherever you feel like a victim in your life, you must allow yourself to feel that victimization, yet you cannot allow yourself to wallow in that victimization. It doesn’t serve you any good to stay in victim mode. So, acknowledge that you’ve been a victim, feel those uncomfortable feelings, allow yourself to cry (or whatever allows you to release that energy safely), then get to work to heal it… IF you want to.

And that’s the thing about healing – it’s a choice that we must make for ourselves, which is why can be difficult to take on, especially under Pisces. Pisces is often so eager to serve the Oneness, it forgets that it, too, is part of that Oneness.

However, when it’s said that everyone and everything is part of Oneness, that includes you! So, as much as you may strive to encourage others to start on and move through their healing journeys, it’s important that 1) you understand that you can’t heal people who don’t want to be healed, 2) you understand that it’s not anyone else’s responsibility to heal you, and 3) understand that putting your energy into healing others will not heal you. People have to want to heal themselves, and you have to want to heal yourself.

It’s also important that you don’t exclude yourself from healing because of your desire to serve others on the emotional and/or spiritual level. Your expressions of service can only become stronger when you are strong in your sense of self and your connection to All-That-Is. Other people’s feelings are not more important than your own. They are, at least, equally important. That, and for you to be at your best to serve other well, you must also address and support your own emotional and/or spiritual well-being. You can only truly serve others from where you are. If you’re not doing your work to heal yourself emotionally and spiritually, you can’t realistically expect others to benefit from your service.

This isn’t to say you have to be “perfect” (whatever that means) in order to serve others well. It simply means that you get to be emotionally and spiritually healed and healthy, too. Though your healing journey may be painful at first, the fact that Pisces is ruled by Jupiter in traditional astrology and Neptune in contemporary astrology reminds us that only positive things can come from a willingness to create a new, more intuitively-aligned vision of ourselves and our lives. We only have to choose to take on that mission, to act upon that new vision born from feeling the desire to heal… for our individual selves, trusting that by doing so, we are making a contribution to something so much greater than ourselves.

For deeper insights into how this healing can take place for you, here are the transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2024 Pisces New Moon’s maximum phase. There aren’t too many transits this month, but the few that are in effect are deeply profound.

GRAND TRINE/KITE: Capricorn Ceres sextile Pisces Saturn sextile Taurus Jupiter trine Virgo Juno Retrograde (10-12°) – A commitment to establishing new societal value structures seems to be supported by the energy of recognizing that the old visionary ideals have reached their limits. Without truly new visions and ideals, no new structures can be formed which would match the evolutionary growth underway; but without these new structures in place, we may find ourselves growing and expanding well beyond what we feel comfortable with. That said, this isn’t saying we shouldn’t have any limits in the future, but that we do need to figure out, through first-hand experience – not only how far is too far, but that those who get to set those limits for All are those who understand through first-hand experience are the ones who have, indeed, gone too far themselves.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Pluto semi-sextile Pisces Venus semi-sextile Pisces Neptune (28-1°) – The evolution of humanity is transforming the ways we relate to each other. Encouraging us to connect emotionally and intuitively, many of us may find that what we’ve believed for so long is either being validated or debunked right now. The key is not to make ourselves wrong for erroneous beliefs, but rather, to embrace the new beliefs we now know to be true (or at least more aligned with a sense of) Universal Truth.

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Mars semi-sextile (PISCES MOON CONJUNCT SUN) semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (17-20°) – Actions being taken now are either being taken on behalf of a collective whole OR are being taken despite the beliefs and will of the collective whole, OR in the case of a few current courses of action, there may be actions being taken on behalf of the collective whole that are against the will of said collective whole. These actions are leading many of us to a great disillusionment as the ideals and beliefs we’ve held are being shattered in real time, literally and figuratively. Thanks to today’s technology, we are watching our wounds being opened… but we must understand that these wounds are being opened for us to heal them, and to heal them earnestly now. As we do the work to face these wounds honestly, we’ll find our collective values will shift and our lives will be forever changed for the better… if we can only move through the disappointments of our past not being all we’ve been told it was and our present not being what we’re being told it is.

YOD/BOOMERANG: Aquarius Mars semi-sextile (PISCES MOON CONJUNCT SUN) semi-sextile Aries Chiron quincunx Virgo Black Moon Lilith Retrograde (17-20°) – All that is happening now seems to be revealing the worst of us. Yet these revelations are bringing light to the lies we’ve told each other and ourselves about what it means to be “of service” and/or “sacrifice for something greater than ourselves” – lies which have not only led to actions that have hurt others, but have led us to better understanding of how those actions have also hurt us/ourselves. This configuration helps us recognize how we can move beyond our erroneous beliefs into a new, truer vision of what’s possible for ALL of us and All-That-is.

Aries North Node conjunct Chiron (15-17°) – The degree to which we heal our (individual) selves is the degree to which we (individually and collectively) will heal our sense of self and our future. Remember, our actions reveal who we are, so act in alignment with YOUR inner truth.

WIDE (Taurus White Moon Selena conjunct Uranus) trine Virgo Black Moon Lilith Retrograde (16-18°) – There is great hope for a more promising collective future in regard to our physical lifestyles and our material resources, but only if we can come to terms with how much we’ve allowed our dysfunction to corrupt that promise. This isn’t a time to hide or run away from our shadow agendas. If anything, this is the time to face them and learn from them 1) what went “wrong”, and 2) what we can do better from here.

Aquarius Venus square Taurus Sedna (28-29°) – It’s tempting to play victim to others, especially in terms of your one-on—one relationships and partnerships of all kinds. However, playing victim to others may bring doubts about your ability to collaborate with others in a healthy and evolutionary way.

Pisces Neptune sextile Taurus Sedna (27-29°) – Your beliefs will influence your reality. Therefore if you are willing to see yourself as a victor triumphant over difficulties rather than a victim of those difficulties, you may find others are willing to see you not as someone to feel sorry for, but instead, someone they can be inspired and encouraged by.

The energy of this 2024 Pisces New Moon will be felt from Thursday 7th March through Wednesday 13th March. As we continue moving beyond the old boundaries, and moving into a truth that’s much bigger than any story we, as humans, could ever make up or tell, we may find ourselves in uncharted territory, discovering a shared truth that we can individually and collectively feel.

And if we can find the courage to act upon those feelings we feel, we will learn that because we can feel it and earnestly and honestly heal through it, we can know that feeling, and the healing and learning that comes through acting upon it, to be true.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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