The 2024 Leo Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:54a PST on Thursday 25th January 2024 at 5°14’. This Full Moon phase represents the light of one (Leo) reflecting the light of all (Aquarius). It reminds us of the power each of us – as individuals – has to bring about change, if we’re willing to heal and make changes within ourselves which enable us to shine and share our unique individual light fully with the world.

That’s because the Leo-Aquarius axis is all about unique and authentic self-expression. With the Aquarius Sun, this is about allowing your unique self-expression to not only be seen, but to be used in collaboration with others to create something greater than anything any one of you could do alone. However, the current focus is on the Leo Full Moon, and this is about allowing your individual emotional self-expression to be seen and acknowledged by other individuals. That, and/or you may find yourself emotionally invested in making sure your creative self-expression being seen, heard, and acknowledged.

Allowing others to see you fully is a big deal right now. That’s because many of us have been conditioned to either be wary of consensus and avoid doing or being part of anything that seems too popular or mainstream, OR to do everything we can to belong or fit-in with our families, communities, colleagues, and/or societal norms, even if that means hiding and denying parts of our true selves in order to do so. Expressing yourself fully may put that environmental and relational peace at risk, and that means that allowing yourself to be seen as you truly are is done with great courage.

Yet the realest fear behind sharing your self-expression with others is found in wondering, once you’ve shared your self-expression with others…

…will your expression be acknowledged by them?

Some of us will earnestly say that the acknowledgment of others doesn’t matter, that we’d be who we are and do what we do regardless of whether anyone else has anything to say about it. There may even be a few of us who actively try to withdraw and/or hide from the spotlight, preferring that our self-expressions remain behind the scenes rather than center stage.

Yet there will be many of us who want (if not need) to have our expressions acknowledged in order to feel like our self-identities are being affirmed and/or validated, and this is where things could get interesting during this 2024 Leo Full Moon phase.

This Moon phase is bringing up matters relative to how ego pride is managed. Leo is fixed fire energy, and it’s determined to not only shine its light, but to have its light be acknowledged in some way. Emotions come to the surface as result of that acknowledgment coming (or not coming) forth. When Leo doesn’t get the acknowledgment it needs, that’s when it can become more of an attention-seeking fiend than operating from purely expressive intent; and when Leo gets desperate for acknowledgment, it gets desperate in dramatic fashion.

Of course, the biggest lesson of this 2024 Leo Full Moon is that self-expressive power cannot come from desperation. Real power can only come from authenticity and personal/internal integrity – from the honest and fullest expression of one’s inner truth. If anything, desperation is disempowering because it often results in one saying or doing anything to have someone – anyone – to respond to your unique self-expression in the way you want them to respond. It diminishes your integrity to ‘say anything’ for attention, and to diminish your personal integrity is to diminish your personal confidence, strength, and power.

In contrast, those who have real power at this time are the people and entities that are thinking, speaking, and taking action in alignment with their goals and intentions. The powerful are those who are following through in deed on their words to themselves and others. Those who have healthy relationships with themselves and give themselves the acknowledgment and validation to authentically and courageously move forward will get through this 2024 Leo Full Moon in brilliant fashion, which means the key to using the energy of this 2024 Leo Full Moon in a healthy and positive way is to focus on your own relationship with your individual goals and ambitions and dreams. This brings forth the following questions:

  • How disciplined are you in regard to your goals?
  • How realistic is your dream?Are you too attached to a certain outcome happening in a certain way?
  • Are you committed to facing and healing your self-identity and self-expression wounds (especially on the emotional level) in order to achieve your goals?
  • Are you shining your light to inspire others and/or to bring attention to something important (something bigger than yourself)?

Answering these questions won’t be easy, but it’s necessary now. Humanity is on the cusp of another evolutionary step as Pluto makes its last tentative step into Aquarius then back into Pluto before being committed to Aquarius for the next 20 years, and this means we have some choices to make in both our personal lives and on the collective level in these next 10 months. The personal choices must be made in order to inform the collective choices which are made by consensus – a consensus which is built through an assembly of individuals.

Therefore, the beauty of consensus begins with individuals. Under this 2024 Leo Full Moon, each of us is being called upon to step earnestly into our individual healing in order to heal our unique expressions of light. We’re being asked to embrace ourselves first because our inner light will guide us to where we can best share that light in collaboration with others to create something none of us could ever create alone. True collaboration isn’t something that can be forced. It is truly a coming together of individuals – each with different, unique things to offer in order to realize a shared goal or objective. You must know your shadows and your light to know where you belong, and you must be willing to have all of that be seen in order for others to see and find you.

Looking at the numerology…

The 2024 Leo Full Moon reaches its maximum phase on a 7 Universal Day in the majority of the world, but it will be an 8 Universal Day in the Far East and South Pacific regions of the world. This is all happening under a 9 Universal Month of fulfillments, completions, and endings; and under an 8 Universal Year of power, influence, control, and within those themes, vulnerability. This numerological energy amplifies the innate power of this particular Full Moon phase in that those with facades of power may have their social masks removed, and whatever they’ve been hiding in the shadows is likely to be brought to the surface in the light of this Full Moon, exposed for all to see. On the other hand, those who have genuine power will shine more brilliantly now than ever, or at least more brightly than they have in a long time. This is important because what’s brought to light during this Full Moon phase will truly change the way we see each other and ourselves – we won’t be able to go back to seeing the world the way we used to…

…which is what makes this 2024 Leo Full Moon so powerful. There are no go-backs or do-overs on this. The ability to follow-through on your word (first to yourself, then to others) will be paramount at this time. Whatever comes to light will be out there for everyone to see. The genie won’t be able to go back in the bottle after this week-long phase. Those of us in the 8 Day regions will likely be the ones who are most able to step into their power, while those of us in the 7 Day regions will likely find themselves still trying to figure out how to step into their power, or desperately trying to sustain it. The thing is, the harder you try to claim or cling to your power, the more you’re likely sabotaging yourself and losing your grip.

That is, unless, your self-expressive actions are aligned with your self-expressive words. The integrity behind your words and deeds is what gives fuel to your light. Your light has power when it has integrity and authenticity behind it, and it strengthens when you’re able to maintain those both while contributing to the health and healing of humanity by starting those processes with your individual self first. Remember, this 2024 Leo Full Moon reminds us of the power each of us has to bring about change, if we’re willing to heal and make changes within ourselves which enable us to shine and share our unique individual light fully with the world.

For further details and insights on the energies in motion during this 2024 Leo Full Moon, here are the astrological transits (within 3° orb) at the time of the Full Moon’s maximum phase:

DOUBLE-ASPECTED NODAL T-SQUARE: (Aries Chiron conjunct North Node) square (Capricorn Mars conjunct Mercury) square Libra South Node (14-18°) –If we’re serious about not bringing the past into our future, now is the time to heal our self-identity wounds. It really is a choice in how we see our relationship with our individual and collective pasts, and how committed we are to facing, owning up to/being held accountable for, and making amends. The harder we try to cling, the harder it will be to move forward. The healing can be found through speaking and taking actions in alignment with your intentions and goals, especially if taking those actions and speaking your truths may create challenges.

YOD/BOOMERANG: Capricorn Venus quincunx Leo Moon quincunx Pisces Saturn semi-sextile Aquarius 9 Sun (2-5°) – Strategic partnerships need a focused vision, and require discipline to maintain that focus. However, the Moon may find you seeking acknowledgment for your ideas and/or steps along the way more than keeping your eye on the prize and actually completing the realization of your vision. Instead of chasing trophies, it may be wise to focus on reaching your goals – goals which, if accomplished – will give you the acknowledgment you crave.

T-SQUARE: Sagittarius Ceres Retrograde square Pisces Neptune square Gemini Vesta Retrograde (22-25°) – Are you finding it difficult to realize your vision because you’re dedicated to beliefs and values that are not your own? Now may be the time to see if your values, ideas, and ideals are truly aligned with your inner truth, or if they’re the result of trying to please others by aligning with their beliefs and values instead. If you’ve been sacrificing yourself for what you thought was a greater good, that perspective may be shifting now.

T-SQUARE: Aquarius 9 Sun square Taurus Jupiter square Leo Moon (5-6°) – The more your lifestyle and/or personal resources grow and/or expand, the more you may be able to express yourself freely and fully, but this freedom of expression may also awaken a desire within you to receive acknowledgment for your expression. It’s important for you to express yourself, and it’s also important to understand 1) what your ego may need through/from that expression, and 2) what you’re contributing to a collaborative effort by expressing yourself fully.

(wide) BLESSING TRIANGLE: Capricorn Venus sextile Pisces Saturn sextile Taurus Jupiter (2-6°) – Strategic partnerships prove productive and expansive, but only if you and your partner(s) can maintain your focus and discipline on the goals. Another thing that might be important is being clear about what those goals are and making sure the two (or more) of you are on the same page so that feelings don’t get hurt and derail your shared ambition.

Gemini Vesta Retrograde square Virgo Juno Retrograde (21-22°) – A (renewed) dedication to learning and communicating which may challenge your ability to pledge to promise to move something forward in service to yourself or another. When you’re always getting new ideas, it’s difficult to commit to an idea or process, or to another person.

Scorpio Pallas Athena trine Pisces Neptune (25-26°) – You may notice some patterns in how you engage in (or avoid) emotional-spiritual intimacy and how you do (or don’t) share your dreams and visions with others. This could be an excellent time to build your confidence by sharing how you really feel about certain aspects of your life, especially areas you’ve struggled with in the past. Now may be the time to transform them.

Virgo Black Moon Lilith trine (Capricorn Mercury conjunct Mars) (12-15°) – There’s a bit of emotion-driven ego investment in making sure the day-to-day of your life empowers your ambitions. When the conditions are functional, it makes it easier to pursue and achieve your goals.

Aries Eris trine Sagittarius Ceres (24-25°) – Claiming your individuality empowers you to not only grow, but to expand your life in the areas that are of value to you. You don’t have to fit in with others. In fact, you’ll probably grow more if you don’t.

Taurus Sedna Retrograde trine Aquarius Pluto (29-0°) – Others’ victim stories are not yours! The more you realize this, the more you are able to let go of any guilt or shame you may feel for not being able to “help” them enough. This understanding and releasing could transform your life!

Taurus Sedna Retrograde quincunx Capricorn Venus (29-2°) – Again, others’ victim stories are not yours! Once you understand how you may have taken their story on as your own, you’re able to shift your focus away from the drama onto how you’ll reach your (shared) goals.

The energy of the 2024 Leo Full Moon will be felt from Monday 22nd January through Sunday 28th January 2024. Use this time to shine authentically, brilliantly, and with integrity, and to acknowledge yourself for doing that first… so that the acknowledgment you may receive from others is also authentic, and so you aren’t desperately seeking acknowledgment from others. As long as you know that what you’re doing is true to you, and moving you closer to the fulfillment of your ambitions and goals, that is the most important thing.

If you haven’t already begun, start shining.
And you’ve already begun, shine on.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers, Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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