The 2023 Scorpio New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 1:27 a PST on Monday 13th November 2023 (20°43’). As always, New Moon phases bring new beginnings and fresh starts. However, under this 2023 Scorpio New Moon phase, the beginnings can’t begin until a few things come to an end. There need to be some completions and clearings from your life.

Scorpio is fixed water energy, which I often refer to as representing the “still waters that run deep”. Very deep. Scorpio doesn’t like to deal in shallow terms. It likes to get to the bottom of matters, and isn’t afraid to dive into the darkness and shadows to find what is being consciously hidden or subconsciously unrealized. Its effortless ability to move into and through the shadows is what gives Scorpio its well-known intensity. If there isn’t emotional or spiritual depth or substance, Scorpio can’t be bothered. And if Scorpio feels betrayed or taken for granted, it can be patient – very patient – to get its retribution or revenge.

The depth, substance, and patience of Scorpio is why it’s also known as the sign of transformation. Transformation isn’t just change – its’s the death of something in order to allow the birth of something completely new. Like a phoenix from the ashes, you have an opportunity to allow one or more things in your life to “die” in order to make space for something new to emerge. This intensity is not easily navigated by the faint-hearted. If you like things to stay pleasant, diplomatic, and keep things superficial, this 2023 Scorpio New Moon will be quite a challenge for you.

That said, whatever needs to come to an end in your life now will likely be something major. If a big change isn’t already in progress in your life or in the world around you, it could be coming soon as result of the choices you make and actions you take during this 2023 Scorpio New Moon phase. What seems like no big deal may become a much bigger deal than you anticipate, pulling you into deeper emotional and/or spiritual depths than you ever could have expected or imagined. The changes happening now may seem like small or simple ones at first, but once they’ve been made, they could completely transform your life.

Besides the Sun-Moon New Moon conjunction, there are a couple more planets in Scorpio at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase – Mars and Ceres are also in the sign (at 22° and 24° respectively), and their conjunction with the Sun and Moon means that individual initiative and action and personal values and ethics are integral parts of the transformation energy intensifying at this time. The inclination for most of us will be to act passionately in alignment with our personal/individual values, but with the understanding that your actions are being driven by your most honest emotions and/or your intuitive/inner knowing. Add the fact that Mercury is now in Sagittarius, and whatever you express through your words and actions will be authentic, honest, and forthright. This energy combines with the Scorpio energies to make your beliefs, values, and priorities undeniably clear – the deepest (and possibly darkest) truths about you will be brough to light on full display for everyone to see.

There are five planets and bodies in retrograde motion during the 2023 Scorpio New Moon phase. – Eris in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces, Uranus in Taurus, and Jupiter in Taurus. The energies of these retrograde bodies will provide valuable insights into the changes we could potentially experience on the collective level, and how those collective changes may affect our individual life experiences. The 2023 Scorpio New Moon not only encourages us to dive deeper into our emotional and spiritual psyches, it also encourages us to be decisive – enough to where we may find ourselves individually dealing with others’ extreme behaviors and/or where we could find ourselves having very decisive or extreme responses to the events and energies occurring around us.

Numerologically, the Scorpio New Moon is reaching its maximum phase on a 22 Universal Day of connection and community. As 22 is a master number, it’s important for you to 1) remember that you have more than one type of connections to others in your life, and 2) take the time to acknowledge and reassess all of the connections in your circles or networks, not just one or two. You’ll begin to recognize the value in being discerning in regard to your “inner circle” of confidantes, and how your quality of life can improve when you surround yourself only with people who share your values and priorities and/or support your transformation into the fullest expression of your personal power. However, if your inner circle is too small, you may find yourself becoming overly protective of and/or overly dependent upon the people you have close relationships with, and reluctant to change your status quo. The overly dependent part is what makes this 2023 Scorpio New Moon tricky…

… because where this New Moon gets its completion vibe is through the energy of this 9 Universal Month of fulfillments and endings; This is a powerful time as the fulfillments and completions that are coming forth are likely to be some of your group and community roles and/or affiliations. Either you’re recognizing that you’ve done all you can within and/or for these communities, or that the communities have done all they can for you. It may be a mutual recognition, or it may be a one-sided realization. Whatever the case may be, and whether these fulfilled connections are social or professional, the time for moving on from the past in one or more areas of your life has arrived.

The 22 and 9 energies may seem to contradict each other, with the 22 encouraging connections while the 9 encourages completions. Yet what is actually being encouraged is the completion of connections and affiliations which no longer align with your emotional and spiritual values, in order to allow you to make new connections aligned with your transformed (or transforming) self. The energy of the 7 Universal Year heightens our capacity for analysis, discernment, reflection, and reassessment, helping us determine which connections should come to an end. But there may be one or two relationship endings which may surprise you at first, but once you reflect upon them, you may come to understand why they ended when and how they did. before the harvest of your actions.

There may be a great deal of emotion involved in these endings as they are likely to be in areas of your life which led to great personal transformation. Yet, these ending in themselves are likely to provide you with another moment of transformation for you. After all, you’re constantly growing and changing throughout your life, and everything that’s happening in and around your life is letting you know that it’s time to move on and move up with your life.

One more numerological energy of note: Only two days before the Scorpio New Moon, we experienced the 11:11 Intention Portal. To explain, 1 is initiative action as well as representative of “as above, so below”, and vice-versa. This makes 11 a “gateway” for clear and intentional thought and action, best representing individuals working in collaboration with other individuals to create something more powerful than each of them could create alone. When you set an intention using clear thought and speech, the Universe receives that energy through the gateway. With the double-11, there is a double gateway – one which allows intentions to be set for your individual self, but another which allow those intentions to be carried through to the whole of humanity. The 2023 Scorpio New Moon is a prime opportunity for you to take decisive action in alignment with the intentions you set during the 11:11 Portal.

What did you set in motion? If you missed the portal, know that you can still use the energy of the New Moon to set and act upon your intentions. What do you feel most passionately about, what do you prioritize and value most, and what are you ready to take action to realize?

The only challenge with intention setting is remembering that these are your intentions. Others may not share them. This is why it’s important to build community with people of like mind and heart – you will all feel the energy you generate together, which will inspire each and all of you to take further action. It’s also important for you to set the intentions, then let go of the intentions. You cannot control the outcomes when other people are involved. Trust that as you take your steps to honor your inner truths, the Universe is positioning both others and you to receive the fruits of your labors individually and as part of your community.

For additional insights into the energies of this 2023 Scorpio New Moon phase, here are the astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase.

DAISY-CHAIN STELLIUM: Scorpio 9 Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Mars conjunct Ceres (20-24°) – There’s an emotional need to bring emotionally, intuitively, and spiritually taxing conditions to an end. Actions being taken to bring about these endings may unintentionally reveal one’s deepest values, especially those which may have been hidden for a long time.

  • opposite Taurus Uranus Retrograde – Expect the unexpected when it comes to shifts in our collective values, morals, and ethics. Humanity is awakening now, and our collective conscience and consciousness are rapidly adapting to our technologically modern world.
  • trine Pisces Neptune Retrograde (20-25°) – The rose-colored glasses are being removed if not destroyed completely and forever. However, this isn’t a bad thing in the big picture of what’s happening in the world. This could be the shift you/we need in order to earnestly change the world.

Aries North Node conjunct Eris (24°) – Karmic balancing in favor of the “others”, empowering those who have been outcast or alienated to take action in their own best interests in ways they couldn’t through diplomatic channels.

  • opposite Libra South Node – This isn’t to say diplomacy can’t work. It is to say it won’t be very effective right now. Assertive action is necessary to restore balance in relationships and partnerships of all kinds, even if it “disturbs the peace”. Only after actions have been taken can diplomacy have another chance to be applied.

T-SQUARE: Libra Pallas Athena square Capricorn Pluto square Aries White Moon Selena (27-29°) – As our societal structures continue to transform, we find ourselves trying to find a balance between our relationship patterns and strategies, and what we know is for our individual highest and greatest good. (NOTE: There’s a good deal of energy encouraging you to do what is best for your individual self-expression.)

T-SQUARE: Taurus Uranus Retrograde square Leo Black Moon Lilith square (Scorpio 9 Sun conjunct Moon conjunct Mars conjunct Ceres) (20-24°) – As we seem to be experiencing things through the filter of our ego-driven emotions, we are finding our collective values are shifting, which in turn shift our personal values and ethics. Yet we may also be surprised when our values aren’t aligned with the collective. Some humility may be in order now, as what we may be proud of may not be seen as something positive or life-affirming by the rest of our community or by humanity. And as our collective values shift, are they more in alignment or less in alignment with

Libra Venus square Cancer Vesta Retrograde (5-7°) – As you learn what is emotionally important to others, you may find being in relationship with them becomes more challenging for you. Do you feel the same way as they do about the subject or matter-at-hand? And if not, is this difference something that can be discussed and worked through, or is it a dealbreaker?

Taurus Jupiter Retrograde sextile Cancer Vesta Retrograde (7-9°) – You’re on an accelerated learning curve when it comes to understanding other people’s values, ethics, and morals, which helps you better understand why they may feel the way they feel. The thing is, all of the information you’re receiving is about them. Once you learn what they value and how they feel, it’s important for you to assess what you think and how you feel about the same matters. You may think or feel differently from others, and that’s okay.

Taurus Jupiter Retrograde trine Virgo Juno (9-10°) – Learning other people’s values, ethics, and morals also helps you recognize what you’re committed to practice and manifest in the day-to-day of your own life. As you become more clear about the values you want to align with and live by, it’s important for you to start practicing those values in everything you do, even in the most simplistic and mundane activities and responsibilities of your everyday life.

Pisces Saturn sextile Aries White Moon Selena (29-0°) – The more you step into awareness of your Higher Self, the more you’re able to focus your attention and energies toward what serves the highest, greatest, and most life-affirming good of everyone involved, not only yourself or certain other people.

Libra Venus sextile Sagittarius Mercury (4-5°) – Sometimes, in order to bring balance to a relationship, you’ve got to say what’s really on your mind. Any tension you feel with another individual is likely due to one or both of you withholding information. Stop the silence and speak up. Both/All of you involved will be better for speaking your truths.

The 2023 Scorpio New Moon’s energy will be felt from Friday 10th November through Thursday 16th November 2023. During this week, give yourself permission to dive deep into your shadows, to allow yourself to completely feel what you really feel, make choices that honor your inner truths, and what may be most important, give yourself permission to let go and allow things to happen.

You may discover that the changes that come to your life are better aligned with the future you’re creating for yourself and your life, and may find you realizing an entirely different experience of your life – one you could only have imagined before now.

Enter this 2023 Scorpio New Moon with your heart and mind open, and may you come out of this Moon phase embarking upon the first steps of the experience your life transformed.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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