Closing doors are often seen as obstacles. We tend to be easily upset by them, playing victim to them or trying to force them open again rather than recognizing that they aren’t obstacles, but delays or redirections. Yet the doors closing during this second 2021 Aquarius Full Moon reaching its maximum phase at 5:02a PDT on Sunday, 22nd August 2021 (29.62°) aren’t denying you options or opportunities. Rather, they’re closing because they’re the options you didn’t choose.

That’s the thing about free will – it’s about the power of choice. And whether we realize it or not, each and every one of us is choosing every moment of every day. We choose the thoughts we think, the words we say or write (or don’t say or write), the actions we take or don’t take, the people we choose to spend our time with and our energy in service to – we are choosing ALL of this. We may have been led to believe we “have no choice” but to do these things… but we always have choice.

You always have choice…

…which is why doors closing is NOT a bad thing. In fact, it’s a wonderful thing! Having fewer options to choose from will make it easier for you to focus on exactly what you need to make progress on your chosen path. These pauses and endings mean less distractions and fewer people pulling you away from what you’re intending to accomplish. Choice is a tool in your self-expression toolbox. Just like your innate creativity, natural and learned talents, abilities, and skills, you get to choose how you use any or all of them as you progress in your life’s journey.

Yet some of you may be thinking, “But I didn’t choose these circumstances for myself! I didn’t do this! I would never choose this for myself!” You may be correct about that. There are plenty of circumstances and conditions which we have no control over, yet power is not control. Power is found in how you choose to respond to the conditions you find yourself in. Your circumstances don’t change the fact that you still have the power to choose how you think and act in any situation.

The doors closing aren’t denying you anything – they’re a reflection of your own choices. You’ve chosen your path based on your thoughts, beliefs, and actions (or inactions). The emotions you’re experiencing now reveal how you really feel about the choices you’ve made, and even when it feels like you have no choice, you have a choice. You always have choice… and you have more power to exert your choices and express your creativity right now than you may realize.

Even not choosing is a choice not to choose, and in that case, you’re choosing to give away your power to others or you’re choosing to deny what is available to you. In some cases, conscious denial is a good thing – it helps you stay in alignment with your personal values and beliefs. Yet don’t believe for one second that you’re being powerful by coasting along and not making a conscious choice. If your conscious choice is not to choose from what is available to you or not to express your denial, you’re still responsible for that choice. Passivity is a sacrifice of power, a sacrifice of choice and creative power.

The power of choice is one of the things which make this second 2021 Aquarius Full Moon so powerful is that it reminds you that your journey isn’t about controlling others – it’s about choosing your True self, it’s choosing your unique creative power. Remember that the Full Moon is reflecting the light of the Sun. In this case, the Sun is still in Leo. The first Aquarius Full Moon was about learning to express yourself authentically and fully, opening yourself up to what is possible when you allow others to see you fully. Now, this second Aquarius Full Moon is about recognizing how others respond to your fullest and most authentic self-expression, and how their responses inform you of which connections truly support you being all of who you are. Reflecting the Leo Sun, the Aquarius Moon reveals the emotion-driven responses of those in your communities, groups, teams, collaborations, and relationships of all kinds. Now, you get to choose what your experience of your conditions is from here, and you get to choose who gets to accompany you on your journey moving forward from here.

Yes. You get to choose.

There are currently EIGHT retrogrades active – Pallas Athena, Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Eris. Each of them is providing feedback energy and information – the kind of info you need to know in order to be prepared for the decisions you’ll be making in the coming days and weeks.

  • Pallas Athena in Pisces – pattern recognition – Look at the patterns which seem to be repeating. Are you ready to break the patterns/cycles? Are you ready for something new?
  • Jupiter Retrograde in Aquarius – growing awareness – More people are becoming aware of and willing to move beyond old constraints and ideas to innovate and expand. They’re outgrowing the way things were which includes outgrowing some of the connections and associations they’ve had in their lives up to now. New communities are forming and growing, but not in the ways they used to.
  • Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius – evolving structures – It’s becoming harder to maintain the status quo as outdated norms, standards, and rules are showing their wear. People trying to “return to normal” can’t keep up with the changes.
  • Chiron Retrograde in Aries – recognizing the cause of the wounds – The more people realize what is causing their pain, the more people are eager to move away from those things, seeking more individuality and autonomy.
  • Uranus Retrograde in Taurus – evolving priorities – Our social and societal values are shifting. The way we view our physical, material, and financial resources is undergoing significant change.
  • Neptune Retrograde in Pisces – reality check – People seek a sense of belonging and Oneness which is built around their perceptions and ideals. The question is… when do people realize what they believe isn’t and likely cannot be real?
  • Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn – societal transformation – There is an inevitable shift in power happening now, in society and in our personal lives as result of society’s strengthening or collapse. Notice what’s coming into power with calm confidence, and notice what’s desperately trying to hold onto power with panicked aggression.
  • Eris Retrograde in Aries – frustration – You cannot control others if free will is truly the priority. If you’re finding yourself angry because others won’t give you your way, this is probably why.

The numerology for this day plays a huge role in these energy dynamics. For almost the entire world, this second Aquarius Full Moon is happening on an 8 universal day of power and influence. This is awakening people to the power they have, and in many cases right now, the power they choose to give away through various methods of self-victimization or manipulation. This struggle with power and influence is happening within a 4 universal month of structure and stability, or rather, people becoming more aware that there isn’t really any right now, so their search for it is becoming more desperate, often resulting in a determined effort to return to the past rather than creating truly new possibilities for the future. This is all happening under the umbrella of a 5 universal year of change, unpredictability, and adaptability, reminding us yet again how the embracing of the changing world is a choice, and resistance of the changing world is also a choice.

The way you see yourself during these changes, the way you express yourself during this time, and the way you step into your power (or give it away to others) – they’re all choices. You get to choose how you move forward from here. You get to choose which of the remaining open door you walk through, and you get to understand that sometimes when you choose to walk through a door, other doors will close. Some of those doors may open again, giving you a second chance in the future… but if it’s not open now, don’t try to force it open. The choice to reopen it is not yours at this time. Move forward into what you chose for yourself.

Though we’ve talked about the retrogrades, let’s now look at the astrological transits active within 3° orb at the time of the second 2021 Aquarius Full Moon’s maximum phase:

Leo 4 Sun opposite (Aquarius Moon conjunct Jupiter Retrograde) (26-29°) – You may be trying to get others to see and acknowledge you, yet other may be too busy waking up to what is happening around them, especially on an emotional level as they realize the changes happening are now affecting them aren’t as far removed from them as they believed. In fact, many of them may be experiencing these changes directly.

GRAND TRINE/KITE: Libra Venus sextile (Sagittarius South Node conjunct Juno) sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde trine (Gemini Ceres conjunct South Node) (5-8 °) – Relationships may reach a choice point as attachments and/or commitments to the past may be limiting the evolution of the partnership. If there’s no value in learning, growing, and changing individually as well as together, and if you don’t support or encourage each other’s growth is there really a reason to keep the connection going? Though this may seem to be a negative question, it may actually be a positive one to discuss with your partner(s) to see if it may be time to go your separate ways to restore the peace between you.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris Retrograde (24°) – This transit represents the backlash that can happen when people feel their self-identities are being threatened. As societal structures begin to transform – some becoming empowered while others facing collapse – many people who have defined themselves by external standards are having a difficult time with the realization things will not be going back to what they were.

Pisces Neptune Retrograde conjunct Pallas Athena (22-23°) – Are you on the receiving end of someone else’s dreams or delusion’s (again)? Notice if this is a pattern for you, and ask yourself if you’re ready to break that pattern.

Taurus Uranus Retrograde trine Virgo Mars (14°) – It’s time to put some practical actions behind these changing social values, but also realize your efforts may also receive pushback from others not ready to adopt the changes. Is it worth it to you to put your new values into practice. It’s up to you to decide.

Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde (12-14°) – Your efforts to heal yourself may receive quite a bit of pushback from others who want or need you to remain wounded. Your woundedness may be something they take advantage of or benefit from, especially in team, group, and/or community activities. You may lose a sense of belonging, but if you have to be wounded to belong, did you ever really belong in the first place?

Aries Chiron Retrograde quincunx Virgo Mars (12-14°) – The moment you put your self-identity healing intention into practice is the moment others may try to take you off-course with their “needs” or wants. Notice who goes into need or crisis the moment you begin to reprioritize and serve your needs before theirs.

Choice is what is available to you through this second 2021 Aquarius Full Moon. You get to choose what your experience of your conditions is from here, and you get to choose who gets to accompany you on your journey moving forward from here. The guidance here is to assess then choose what best aligns with and supports your fullest and most authentic self-expression. The key here is to ask yourself what supports you best, and to pay attention to the feedback and insights you’re getting from the retrogrades. What information are they giving you? What are they teaching you about how can use your power to affect if not create your life’s journey? Apply these lessons as soon as you recognize and understand them.

Some doors may be closing, but it’s up to you to choose whether the remaining open doors are doors you want to walk through. You have the power to choose your own adventure and create your experience from here.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers, Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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