The 2021 Leo New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 6:50a PDT on Sunday 8th August 2021. New moon phases tend to transition the energy of endings and completions into a feeling of a clean slate, allowing what’s over and done to fall away and clear the space for new beginnings and fresh starts to emerge. In the sign of Leo, this represents a courageous new chapter in one’s individual self-expression, in self-identity as well as in creativity.

Leo is the action phase of the Aries self-identity.The ego now seeks expression out in the world, and needs others to see and know its presence. Leo has a reputation for being dramatic and attention-seeking, which it can be… but only until you understand what’s behind the drama. Leo energy needs to be acknowledged, and the challenge in this is figuring out what Leo wants to be acknowledged for. It’s usually something an individual believes is unique and special about themselves or something they’ve done and/or a role they’ve played. As long as Leo’s acknowledgment itch is scratched, everything is all good. In fact, Leo can become surprisingly magnanimous with its spotlight and resources when it gets its acknowledgment needs met. Yet without those needs met, it’s a rough go as dramatic behaviors if not tantrums often ensue.

That said, there are many people whose egos are seeking acknowledgment right now… but for what?

Based on the transits and numeric energies of this 2021 Leo New Moon, I’m going to say that need is recognition and acknowledgment of one’s individuality and unique existence.

Now some of you may ask, “People want to be acknowledged for simply existing?”
And my answer to that would be “yes”.

Here’s the thing.
Each of us possesses within us some expression(s) of creative or active energy which help us and others determine the unique quality(s) each of us brings to the collective whole, determine our place and role in the collective. No role is insignificant or unimportant – each and every role is valuable.

Yet therein lies the challenge – too many of us have been conditioned to hold certain expectations about what’s valued in our society based upon either material, physical, and financial resource acquisition and possession; or upon societal fame and celebrity. Inevitably, these expectations lead us to a point where it’s not about the uniqueness you bring to the world, but rather, what physical, material, or monetary value your uniqueness brings to the world. We’ve been conditioned to believe if we can’t monetize it, it doesn’t have value and therefore, we as individuals don’t have value if we don’t bring in money from whomever we’re being or whatever we’re doing.

Yet that sentiment seems to be changing, and as our social and societal values evolve, most people aren’t really sure exactly what they’re seeking acknowledgment for. Our old values would say we’re seeking more financial or material compensation; but as these values shift, are we really only seeking more money and stuff, or are we actually seeking ways to be more of our unique, individual selves in and for the world along with some financial increase? Are we seeking more ways to shine and express ourselves honestly and authentically… and wanting to be valued for being who we truly are and how we inspire and lift others?

As more people answer ‘yes’ to those latter questions regarding unique and inspiring self-expression, the more we begin to realize that we – as humanity – may be evolving far more quickly than our worldly societal institutions and structures, and this is creating great internal and external discord 1) because those institutions and structures still determine value by physical material, and financial resources; and 2) because within those structures and institutions, we as people cannot be seen as unique, individual, and creative humans – we can, now, only be seen as resource.

This 2021 Leo New Moon awakens us to how we humans have evolved beyond the past-established structures we continue to manage ourselves through, yet reveals how afraid we are of changing those structures because we believe they are the measures which give us individual and collective value in our societies and in our world. Without them, many of us would lose our identities and our places in our societies because those identities and societies only have value in a world that operates in physical, material, and financial terms – external value determining internal value. This is why so many people look at having material and financial wealth as virtuous and good while viewing material and financial poverty as suspect or bad. As long as we resist the evolution of our collective values from external resource to internal character and creativity, we will continue to move toward the complete dehumanization of ourselves as a collective whole. Our virtue will be solely valued upon our financial net worth and our material and physical attributes.

This 2021 Leo New Moon calls for the recognition of our individual humanity so we can remember and acknowledge our collective humanity. We lose ourselves when we no longer see ourselves and each other as uniquely human individuals who have powerful contributions to make to the greater whole beyond physical, material, and financial comfort and/or gain. This New Moon phase is a call for each of us to (re)discover the power in our own unique expressions of self, and to (re)claim it from others who’d rather deny or ignore we have any power at all.

Speaking of power, the numerological energies for this 2021 Leo New Moon are powerful. Some of you may hearing or seeing some things about “The Lion’s Gate”, which in metaphysical circles is an energetic portal which opens in reference to the 8th day of the 8th calendar month of August. Ideally, this would be an 8-8-8 date (which it will be in 2024). This time around, it’s an 8-8-5, which represents applying individual and collective power to influence and implement change. This is a call for you to apply your unique talents and abilities to the moment, opening a new path or creating the next steps of your journey from here. Your unique self-expression could be demonstrated through a group at this time, and what you may find is that your uniqueness will shine through in a group or team setting. No matter how much you may try to be in the background, by simply being true to yourself, you will stand out in whatever way is most needed at this time.

This 8-8-5 day is actually a 3 Universal Day of learning, growth, and expansion. It’s also the energy of the student or the child, and carries an element of fearlessness in inquiry and exploration. The key to mastering this energy during this 2021 Leo New Moon phase is to ask what’s possible for you by stepping into your fullest, most unique, and most authentic self-expression. This energy is encouraging you to find out who you can truly be in the world – to take the step forward, even if you know it could land you in uncharted territory which might include the glare of a spotlight.

This is happening under the influence of a 4 Universal Month of stability, security, structure, and solidity. The idea is to establish a solid foundation to build upon. Yet this is also happening within a 5 Universal Year of change and adaptability, and when we blend these three energies together (3 day, 4 month, 5 year), this 2021 Leo New Moon is a time for learning what we need to know in order to build a solid yet adaptable foundation which can endure the changes now and to come. This is a stern reminder that the only constant in the Universe is change, so it’s wise to use your personal power – applying your unique creative power from within you – to prepare yourself for what’s coming or what you’re moving toward instead of trying to cling to what’s ending, leaving, or being left behind.

The astrological transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2021 Leo New Moon’s maximum phase, bringing various energies which create and/or affirm the above-noted dynamics. These transits are as follows:

(Leo Sun conjunct Moon) square Taurus Uranus (14-16°) – As we’re being encouraged to express our individual selves authentically, we are being challenged by our societal values, which have long dictated our individual values. Where these values were once focused exclusively on money, stuff, and property/land, they now seem to be evolving into inquiries about individuals’ “quality of life.” The biggest difficulty in this shift of values is that the ego, which often wants to compare and/or compete, is lost without ways to measure its importance through material and financial resources. You may hear people becoming very frustrated by having their physical, material, or financial excess being seen as… well, excessive. This will especially be the case as more and more people may be moving into survival mode, seeking the most fundamental of lifestyle needs.

GRAND TRINE/KITE: Gemini North Node trine Libra Vesta sextile Sagittarius South Node conjunct Juno sextile Aquarius Saturn Retrograde (8-9°) – Many people are seeking exchanges of new ideas and information – they say they want to learn something new or different. The common statements beginning to emerge are, “Tell me something I don’t know” or “Show me something that will change my mind.” Yet there’s a determined effort to ask for this information to be delivered in a peaceful, polite, and “fair” manner. It sounds civil, but the real reason for this is because no one wants to be told they’re “wrong” for the way they see the world or for how they’ve seen it before now. The more these exchanges occur, the more some people’s commitments to their old thinking become apparent, and the more it becomes clear that for some, these exchanges aren’t as much about opening up their own minds as it is about trying to prove to others that they themselves are right or correct. There’s a dogged determination to prove they “know better” or that they know “the real truth” or “the whole truth”. For the ones trying to prove the ways they’ve always thought and behaved are the “right” ways, this is creating fear of change within them because they don’t want to discover nor admit they’ve been living and encouraging “wrong”, “bad”, or “cruel” thinking, and they especially don’t want to be held responsible or accountable for what they were led to believe was right and good. Yet for the ones who are ready for social change, their minds are committed to more expansive and inclusive thinking – they’re more interested in looking at the past for what can be learned from what no longer serves us well, and committed to finding ways for all of us to grow beyond the past to a future that includes everyone equally and equitably. These change-driven people are encouraged to gain clarity about and full understanding of these lessons so they can share them in ways which create disciplined and focused objectives for other individuals to rally behind and contribute to. (NOTE: This transit will still be in effect for the upcoming second Aquarius Full Moon, only at that time, the values we were speaking of earlier may finally reach a tipping point to shift from ‘old mind’ to ‘new mind’.)

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde square Aries Eris Retrograde (25°) – There’s a palpable anger in the air over how the old societal structures and institutions don’t seem to be working like they used to, and people are acting out as result. Not sure where to place their upset, they’re lashing out at everyone and everything, often for no good reason. Recognize these tantrums and other difficult behaviors as people who are raging at others because they’re more than likely angry with themselves yet trying to avoid self-responsibility for the conditions they took part in creating.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (24-25°) – The old structures are trying to hold up the old ideals, but it’s getting harder. People don’t seem to be as gullible as they used to be, and though the effort is being made to put up facades and pretenses, it’s getting harder to save face and pretend like things aren’t what they used to be. Yet this gradual demise may be for the better as it helps us look at the present moment with new visions for what might be possible from here.

Capricorn Pluto Retrograde sextile Pisces Pallas Athena Retrograde (24-25°) – Those trying to maintain the societal quo are trying to fall back on the same old patterns and recreate the same old results. However, the old results aren’t coming, and there’s feedback coming which actually says that repeating the pattern isn’t welcome nor idealized any longer. A new ideal is emerging, but will those trying to uphold the old institutions be willing to let go of their now delusional ideals in order to allow new patterns to emerge?

Virgo Venus opposite Pisces Neptune Retrograde (20-22°) – This transit brings the reality check. As you share your visionary ideals with others, they’re likely to ask you – how’s that going to work? The vision isn’t so ideal when you try to put it into practical execution or application. However, that’s what partners are for! They bring another set of eyes to the situation, another perspective to the vision. They may not be trying to crush your dream. Instead, they may be trying to help you bring it into reality. If you can’t bring it to life or make it work in everyday reality, you may need to clarify your vision and create a more detailed and functional plan.

Aquarius Jupiter Retrograde semi-sextile Pisces Pallas Athena Retrograde (25-28°) – More people are beginning to see the big picture and asking, “What about us?” It’s becoming increasingly clear that the patterns rooted in outdated ideals aren’t sustainable any longer. Yet, can these cycles of delusion be broken? People need something new and inspiring to believe in in order to be awakened from an old dream being realized as a nightmare for many if not all.

The energy of the 2021 Leo New Moon will be felt from Thursday 5th August through Wednesday 11th August. Make the most of this period by doing a deep self-inquiry into who you are, who you want to be (if you’re not already that person), and the unique talents, abilities, and skills within you which can be shared with others, whether or not they generate monetary gain or increase.

In other words, who are you beyond money and stuff? What can you create? What can you contribute?

Whatever those creations and contributions are, they are your True power. Use this 2021 Leo New Moon to (re)discover them, (re)claim them, then to fully express your True self through them.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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