The 2021 Virgo Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 12:17a PST on Saturday 27th February 2021 (8.95°). This 2021 version reveals the challenges we face as we attempt to navigate the world through what we’ve created our personal and public realities to be…

… and that last part is the point – “what we’ve created our personal and public realities to be” …

… because we have, indeed, created our realities. We each have a perspective and perception of reality that is rooted in our intellectual and emotional truths. The fascinating thing about this 2021 Virgo Full Moon is that we are getting a huge serving of actual, practical reality to help us face how we’ve been using our intellect to bypass our actual practical reality and avoid emotional pain.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not advocating for everyone to feel miserable! However, it’s not realistic to believe that anything that doesn’t feel good must be ignored, denied, or eliminated from our lives. Upset and pain help us recognize where change is needed in our lives – they help us recognize what no longer works for us as we individually and collectively grow and evolve. The thing is… sometimes, instead of recognizing the emotional pain as a call to change and evolve, many of us mistakenly perceive emotional pain as an indicator that whatever’s asking or pushing us to change is what’s causing the pain, and therefore must be cleared or destroyed. In other words, we’re attacking the messengers instead of receiving the messages they bring.

Yet the messages coming forth are meant to assist us in recognizing our individual and collective emotional wounds so instead of continuing to settle for temporary distractions from the pain, we can truly heal the wounds causing the pain and allow ourselves to progress beyond the delusional visions which are rooted in our emotional attachments to the past to move into inspiring visions of genuine healing and health for our future – the latter being visions we often don’t see possible for ourselves. The best way to explain why we don’t see the possibility in practical reality is by explaining each of the signs involved in creating this Full Moon.

The Virgo-Pisces axis is the “Axis of Service”. Both signs seek to assist others in finding solutions to problems and/or healing wounds, yet one tends to focus on its everyday work and/or service as a way of serving itself and addressing its own problems (Virgo) while the other tends to focus on its body of work and/or serving many as a way of addressing the problems of everyone and everything (Pisces). One tends to be a bit more practical and present in its approach (Virgo), while the other tends to be more idealistic and visionary (Pisces). This contrast of approaches is important because it speaks clearly to the energy dynamics we are experiencing now.

Pisces is the one which approaches work and service as a collective ideal, aware of the interconnection of ALL people and things, seeking comprehensive solutions which would ideally benefit everyone and everything. Ruled by Neptune – the idealistic visionary – Pisces uses its mutable water energy in an effort to bring everyone together in co-creative peace and harmony. It seeks to heal our collective Oneness with compassion, empathy, and kindness. This is often an indicator of the means and/or motivation to honor one’s call to Higher service – whether it’s philanthropic or devotional – and it’s absolutely intended to serve a unified whole. Pisces energy also can act as an assessor of health and wellness, but in the case of Pisces, this would be an assessment of the health and wellness of the collective whole – of the world (including humanity), of the planet, of our ability to unify as One with each other and all beings on the planet and possibly beyond. And even though everything truly is connected in reality, that larger all-inclusive perspective doesn’t always work in bringing forth solutions that can be implemented now in “real world” ways.

With the Sun currently in Pisces, it’s bringing these idealistic visions to light in ways which are helping us assess and determine which visions are delusional and which ones are realistically possible. That said, the first steps toward real healing solutions for our emotional and spiritual wounds are often mundane and practical… and that’s where Virgo steps in.

Virgo serves the individual through exchanges with other individuals. Through its mutable earth energy, Virgo approaches work and service as a pragmatic exercise. This is one’s everyday service/routine – how you go about your daily work and service. This sign often reveals your means of and/or motivation for earning the resources to ensure your individual survival. Virgo may also reveal valuable insights into how you tend to go about doing your job(s) or performing your roles in the day-to-day of life). Virgo’s also where we look to gain insights into one’s individual health and wellness, reminding us that your health and wellness on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels can be well-assessed or accurately measured by your ability to function in your day-to-day life. Ruled by Chiron – the wounded healer – Virgo seeks to heal what’s wounded or isn’t working so it can be restored to a health state of being and move forward in healthy functionality. It looks at the existing systems and processes with a critical eye and mind to see where things are falling apart, lacking effectiveness or efficiency, or possibly not functional altogether. Then Virgo works/serves to create functional, pragmatic solutions to those challenges. But it’s Virgo’s critical eye that often causes emotional pain for people as they may have a difficult time coming to terms with the fact that familiar elements of their day-to-day lives may be keeping their emotional and spiritual wounds open and in pain.

The Virgo Moon, reflecting the light of the Pisces Sun, is asking us to look at how our everyday reality is supporting or not supporting our visionary ideas. It’s asking us to look at how our idealistic beliefs and ideals of the past may be causing us more frustration than hope; more pain than healing.

The current trend of idealism is often in believing that the past is the way, and that anything new is dangerous. Yet the last Full Moon in Leo and the recent Aquarius New Moon revealed to us that these are fear-based and ego-driven beliefs and dialogues – they are not rooted in practical reality. Those recent moon phases began giving support to a new way of seeing the world – an inspirational perspective of hope and healing found through embracing our individual uniqueness and our unique contributions to the collective whole.

Yet the desperate efforts to resist the long-overdue intellectual and practical social innovations and changes, and the efforts to avoid the emotional pain that can come with those changes, have birthed some incredible delusional beliefs that are being embraced at this time.  These delusional beliefs are emotional protection mechanisms, and they are false. None of them are talking about what’s possible for the evolution of humanity. None of them are encouraging us to embrace the light of hope and promise available in a future of innovation and change. Instead, they focus on incredible visions of restoring the world to the “better days” of what it was before. Instead, in many cases, those regressive visions are just that – incredible… as in maybe not as credible as one would like to believe. This isn’t to say these visions aren’t possible. It is to say in order for many of these visions and ideals to be manifest in the world as it is today, it would require enormous concerted and determined effort and an extreme amount of practical resource to regress what has already progressed in an attempt to sustain the familiarity of a past that is no longer relevant to the world as it continues to progress beyond those old ideas and ideals.

As others begin to realize the way the world’s actually working no longer aligns with the practical functionality of the outdated systems and processes that we use in our everyday lives, they’re beginning to see more clearly the major operational failures beginning to occur and/or already in progress. However, rather than focusing on the failures, each pending or actual failure gives us more information about what is or isn’t in alignment with the actual practical reality of the world as it is today. These misalignments provide opportunities for us to get to the root of the issues at hand so we can learn what actually and practically does work insupport of healthy individual and collective practical functionality. This factually-realistic perspective helps us begin taking real and effective steps to truly heal our individual, social, and societal wounds and dysfunctions in effective and enduring ways.

That said, even a new system would require pragmatic planning and practical actions in alignment with the calls to progress and evolve. The lofty social and societal ideals of the visionaries for social healing and human evolution must be translated into practical action steps. Sadly, this is where many of those wanting to heal and evolve humanity are coming up short – too many of us are still trying to figure out how to use the systems already known and/or in place to implement progress. These existing structures and systems are failing, yet we still look to them to guide us into the future. As result, we can see how we, as a collective whole of humanity, may not be ready for or willing to make the effort to seek, find, and implement solutions which would truly heal our wounds. Many of us may think or believe we are ready, but our actions show a different reality – that we just want the emotional pain of being forced to face our realities to stop. We just want to create another escape, another distraction, another temporary fix…

…which is why it’s so important for us to focus on innovation and inspiration, and how they can serve each and all of us now. New structures and systems must be implemented to bring a new experience of the world into practical reality. We must now use our visionary capabilities to create completely new and innovative plans, systems, and processes to establish the future we say want to create.

This 2021 Virgo Full Moon is occurring during one of the few hours of day the entire planet will be in the same numerological day energy – in this case, in a 7 Universal Day of thinking, reflecting, and planning. This 7 day is occurring in a 7 Universal Month as well, so there’s undeniable pressure to stop, look, listen, and process what you are witnessing and experiencing right now. Pay attention to what is happening within you and around you now. Also pay attention to how others are responding or reacting to all that’s happening at this time. It’s important to recognize both your experience and the experiences of others – that contrast is important when gauging how much fantasy or reality you’ve been engaged with. It’s also instrumental in uncovering what needs healing and what may be necessary to facilitate that healing.

This is a time of powerful informing and awakening for those who are willing to see the realities they’re actually living in versus the fantastic ideal(s) they may have been clinging to out of denial or avoidance of fact. This double-seven day and month energy is occurring under the influence of a 5 Universal Year of adaptability, versatility, and change as we navigate through a number of unexpected events. Recognize the information being revealed to you now as information to learn and remember – it’s information and insights that could help you navigate through the changes and events to come.

That said, some of us will be able to handle the factual truths coming forth and will navigate the changing social and societal landscape fairly well if not with significant ease. We’ll be able to look at the present moment, learn and understand what’s happening, then do whatever it takes to “make it work” – figuring out possible solutions, and doing our best to give each possibility a chance until we find the one(s) that work.

However, others of us won’t be able to manage as well, and may seek escapes from reality, trying to numb the pain of practical reality through alternate realities (video games, shows, books, cos-play); through altered states of consciousness through substances (alcohol, recreational drugs), or through physical distraction (sex, food, and/or physical harm to self or others). This is where the Virgo-Pisces axis is the most challenging – when the physical-material-mundane reality clashes with the emotional-spiritual-idealistic, often inducing an emotional pain that’s too much to bear, likely compromising an individual’s or community’s functional health and well-being.

Yet all of this is happening to, around, and through each and all of us now because it’s long-past time for us to see, feel, and accept that our “reality” may not be living up to the fantasies or hopes we’ve had. This 2021 Virgo Full Moon phase will be bringing quite a few harsh realities to light, in order to force us to face and deal with the emotional impact of their unforgiving truths. These truths are necessary so we may finally change our course toward a place where much-needed change is embraced, innovative ideas are initiated and/or practically implemented, and genuine healing on every level of our beings can earnestly begin.

There aren’t too many astrological transits during this 2021 Virgo Full Moon, but the ones which are active at the time of the Virgo Full Moon’s maximum phase are intense.

YOD/BOOMERANG: Aquarius Saturn quincunx Virgo Moon quincunx Aries Chiron semi-sextile Pisces Sun (7-8) – We haven’t seen one of these in a while! Through this configuration, oppression of the calls for social and societal change brings greater awareness of the oppression of individual self-identity through increasing social and societal limitations. The more the oppression becomes apparent, the more emotionally frustrated individuals become as they realize their unique and creative self-expression is being systematically curtailed. This frustration leads to a determined search for a release of these oppressive energies, and this inspires a recognition of how everything and everyone is interconnected… and the key to bringing release of the oppression is to begin seeking healing for all who want and choose to be healed…

SEQUENCE: Aquarius Saturn semi-sextile Pisces Sun semi-sextile Aries Chiron semi-sextile Taurus Uranus (7-8) – … of course, for healing to occur, changes must occur on a personal value level. And sadly, those changes only come when the individual is having their self-identity wounds reopened or exacerbated in some way. When individuals experience the pain of not having their “normal” or usual lifestyle (survival) needs met or accessible – when they experience their own personal “survival” also being oppressed, that’s usually what it takes for individuals who wouldn’t normally support social or societal change to shift their position. The challenge here is that the changes would have to be truly different – unique to anything that’s ever been done before… and that presents a problem. People have been so indoctrinated and conditioned to prevent creative, independent, and innovative thought, it may be too much for people, especially those of the older generations, to forge the pathways to the necessary social and societal changes. The leaders we need now are those of the younger generations who aren’t indoctrinated or jaded by the past. The future is theirs, and they need to be given the opportunity to lead for the world they will be living in. The current efforts to impose societal oppression lead to a greater consciousness of the freedom available in Oneness – in an awakening to the fact we really are in all of this together – which leads to greater self-awareness of one’s own role in what is happening now, which leads to changing one’s personal values and possibly social circles as well, which when enough individuals shift, creates a seismic collective shift in social and societal values.

NODAL T-SQUARE: Virgo Vesta Retrograde square Gemini North Node opposite Sagittarius South Node (15-16) – The determination to solve our current problems or heal our current personal and collective open wounds is faced on one side by those who believe they have the wisdom of experience and know better than those who are learning where the older generations’ “wisdom” comes from; and from the other side by those of younger generations realizing the elders’ are incapable of meeting this moment – the world has advanced too much for the elders to keep up with the challenges we face now, and the world is changing too quickly for them to learn enough to keep up. A decision must be made to either stick with the “wisdom of experience” or to go with the “kids” who seem to be learning as they go, but actually are better equipped to bring forth the new ideas that are needed now. Knowledge alone was power, but the older generations didn’t learn from what didn’t work before and they’re simply recreating a failed past. Now, we need the youth to create something new and different. Their curiosity, determination, and willingness to find and learn new information is powerful now.

Virgo Moon trine Taurus Uranus (7-8) – The emotion-driven determination to bring healing energy to society is empowered by individuals stepping into their readiness for social change. A willingness to support change occurs after they experience insecurity about or face major challenges in their individual ability to get through all that is happening now.

Sagittarius White Moon Selene sextile Aquarius Saturn (8-10) – A Higher call to learn and experience more of what is happening outside of our familiar spaces and places is met with delays and oppression… yet the physical limitations only support us taking these adventures with our minds.

Sagittarius White Moon Selene square Pisces Sun (8-10) – That same higher call to learn and experience more outside our norms is challenged by the ideals we’ve held about “how the world works” or rather, how the world is supposed to work. These ideals are likely rooted in religious or spiritual beliefs which are now being tested, or in some cases, proven to be untrue; and there’s now an individual and/or collective reckoning with the sense of betrayal or broken faith some may feel or experience as result.

Sagittarius White Moon Selene quincunx Taurus Uranus (7-10) – Yet that Higher calling may encounter a stumbling block as it may find itself out of alignment with your personal values and/or our collective social values. This is an opportunity to examine whether or not you truly value what you value, or if society has conditioned you to value it.

Sagittarius Juno square Pisces Neptune (19-20) – There’s a commitment to growth and expansion that is being challenged by ideals of unity that we, collectively, are not ready for. More needs to occur to open minds and hearts to the recognition of our commonalities and Oneness.

Capricorn Pluto trine Taurus Mars (25-27) – People are feeling called to act upon their values… but are the values they’re acting upon really their own, or are they values they’ve been indoctrinated or conditioned to believe? And in the face of all that is happening, is it really wise to share the ideals of those who have created societal structures and social expectations which are failing now?

Capricorn Pluto square Aries Eris (23-25) – The more our societal structures and institutions fail to meet the moment, the more anger and frustration arise. There could be intense individual acts of assertiveness or aggression in order to make it clear that the structures in place are no longer serving their purpose. This could be a catalyst for an eventual toppling of many institutional structures in place.

Aquarius Pallas Athena square Taurus Mars (27) – The patterns of society/social interest and involvement must change now. Especially as they are challenged by people acting (or not acting) upon their personal needs and values. It’s becoming clearer by the day that we desperately need new ways of doing things in our lives, in our relationships with others, in our societies, and in our world.

Aquarius Jupiter square Taurus Black Moon Lilith (14-16) – The challenge here is ego. As there’s greater awareness of what everyone is going through, and a greater likelihood of everyone going through it, there’s more resistance to the idea that everyone could include you. There’s also an awakening to the fact that we are interconnected, and a growing call to serve all of humanity challenges self-preservation. Is there really enough for everyone? (Hint: Yes!)

All of that being said…the influence of this 2021 Virgo Full Moon phase will be felt from Wednesday 24th February through Tuesday 2nd March 2021. This week will be great for pragmatically moving things along or getting things done, but it won’t be easy for escaping reality.

Yet for all of us, this Full Moon will likely be a time of powerful awakening. The revelations and shifts during this 2021 Virgo Full Moon are likely to inspire the search for or the creation of inspiring and practical ways of healing ourselves and others. It’s a period of great possibility, and what’s envisioned at this time will be magnificent… if only humanity allows itself to step into the visions of practical healing which come forth.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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