The next President of the United States of America, Joseph Biden, is scheduled to be sworn into office at 12:00 noon on Wednesday 20th January 2021. The actual swearing-in usually occurs shortly around that time, usually within 8 minutes of noon, but since I don’t have an exact time of the oath of office being completed yet, I’m using 12:00 noon as the reference for the Biden Administration’s natal chart.

Biden Inauguration – 20.Jan.2021 at 12:00 noon EST

I have the charts of Biden and his Vice-President, Kamala Harris. Yet this time around, I thought I’d begin with the chart for the administration. It seemed more important to start with the energy they would be working within rather than the two of them directly.

This will be an objective assessment of the incoming administration’s chart. As I did with the Trump Administration four years ago. (Check the blog archives for that article.)

There are two things to note as we dive into the characteristics of this incoming administration.

The first is that the United States President is always sworn in on 20th January following the national general election. This means every new administration will always carry forward some if not all of the work of its predecessor – a continuation. It will also be seen by the rest of the world as a partner and/or as a source of support. And every new administration will always see itself as a student or child, learning as it goes. The latter is interesting as it implies no one ever really knows what it’s like to be in the executive administrative roles until you’re in them. But the former is especially interesting in that there’s always a question of who, exactly, the administration is choosing to partner with, or who/what they are allowing to influence them. This question of influence is of particular importance in the outgoing administration’s wake.

Speaking of influence, the second thing to note is that this administration is coming into being on an 8 Universal day of power and influence. It is also, in the United States, a palindrome date – 1202021 – as the U.S. places the month before the day when writing its dates. This means an individual/self-identity moving through partnership/support to serve the greater whole (or nothing) back to partnership back to greater whole (or nothing) back to partnership/support and back to individual/self-identity. Take note of the partnership/support element being the dominant energy in this date, and again, it will be extremely important to notice and/or to learn who and what this administration will be partnering with as well as who they choose to support or follow. There will be more eyes on this than possibly any previous administration. This is due to the current conditions within the country and around the world after the previous administration, along with the advances of technology which make it easier for observation to occur and for communications/information to travel and spread quickly.

To the point of technology, the Biden Administration will have an Aquarius 8 Sun (0.85°), which I call the energy of “the Infamous Hacker”. It’s a weird nickname, but in astrology, technology is found under the umbrella of Aquarian’s characteristics with most native Aquarians either embracing it fully or shunning it completely. In this case, the available systems, technologies, and processes (Aquarius) combine with the desire and exercise of power and influence (8) to create evolution and/or disruption, and possibly revolution, likely from the inside-out. Like a computer hacker, Aquarius 8 energy starts digging then working below the surface, and usually, eventually, their work comes to Light. If and when it does make itself known, it does so in order to reveal vulnerabilities in our social and societal structures, disrupting the status quo.

To that point, the revelations which occur during the Biden Administration will continue to reveal quite a bit about how the social and societal structures in our country really operate, and who really has power within them. These revelations will challenge people – both within and outside the administration – to think about why they believe what they believe and/or do what they do, especially in the context of why they may be thinking and/or doing what others are doing rather than thinking or doing for themselves.

This Aquarius 8 energy is a call for the Biden Administration to have confidence in its own power and ability to influence others, yet to remember that it’s intended to be applied in collaboration and/or partnership with others. That said, it will be challenging for this administration to allow others equal say, as it will be inclined to be in a position of authority and control. It will hopefully keep its eyes on serving the greater whole of humanity in positive ways, but there is a danger of this administration becoming very authoritarian in nature – manipulation and coercion are ways of being this administration could choose to employ (as the doors to these ways of being were blasted open by the previous administration, yet were opened and left open with impunity).

The positive and productive aspects of this energy depend on collaboration, and each of the parties involved maintaining their individual power and influence as they contribute their part to a greater whole. Yet there is a scenario in which one contributor holds more power than the others. If there’s imbalance, things will not work out as intended or planned. This administration’s ability to influence others and influence the masses will only work if they are truly in collaboration with others. If this becomes more about exerting authority or control over others, especially people (whether domestic or foreign), this administration will quickly lose the favor of the public they are being sworn in to serve.

The Sun’s position in the inauguration chart is in the 10th house of public and professional persona and standards of success as determined by societal institutions. This administration may be inclined to say “it’s right because we said so because we’re the institution”, ignoring the will of the majority of people in the country. Yet it would be wise for this administration to remember that in this age of advanced technology, it’s harder to hide one’s true motives if they are not intended to serve the highest well-being of humanity-at-large. Thanks to the previous administration, the power of secrecy is not in the Biden Administration’s favor, which will be quite a challenge for Biden and his team as he himself has a secretive Scorpio Sun nature, and based on his administration’s chart layout (Libra-  the sign of balance, equity, justice, and peace intercepted in 6th House; Scorpio on the descendant bridging the 6th House of daily work and service and the 7the House of one-on-one relationships of all kinds, majority of planetary bodies and astrological points above the horizon), Biden’s administration will do its best to keep many of its actual efforts and partnerships hidden from public view. Though they’ll be more successful than their predecessor, they won’t be as successful as they likely hope.

Another revelation in the Biden Administration’s natal chart is Venus in Capricorn in the 9th house of higher learning, wisdom, and foreign/international travel. This indicates that this administration will not be very welcoming to new faces or new ideas. Capricorn greatly favors the status quo, and Biden’s ideal administrative partners will either already be very well-known and established, or they will reveal themselves over time. This is also how they will approach foreign policy, preferring to work with long-seated leaders as opposed to the “new kids”. The only new faces this administration will be willing to work with – domestically and abroad – will be those who support and uphold the societal structures and systems already in place. Yet these structures are extremely compromised by societal and social imbalance, especially after the last administration. It will be a Herculean challenge to uphold these structures and keep their policies and objectives in place.

The Biden administration will have Taurus 3 rising (27.20°). My nickname for this energy is “The One Who Touches Things” as this administration will present themselves as being very hands-on when it comes to the management of its physical, material, and financial resources and belongings. Biden and his team will also prefer to meet with people in-person rather than using technology to connect.

However, where this gets especially interesting is in how this administration will receive information and feedback. Biden and his people will likely listen to whatever others have to say, but are unlikely to change their direction. They won’t easily be swayed by others’ opinions. In fact, with this in combination with its 9th House Aquarius 8 Sun, don’t expect them to change course at all unless there is a threat to their physical security or financial stability, or to the (positive) perception of the U.S. in and around the world.

The afore-mentioned Venus in Capricorn makes a trine aspect to the Taurus 3 Ascendant. This affirms a strong adherence to the societal and political policies of old. There will not be any social or societal progress made during this administration unless it is forced upon them, and even then, they’re likely to fight back first, then maybe concede later. The previous administration laid groundwork for this administration to do what they need to do to protect and defend themselves by any means necessary.

The Biden administration will have an Aquarius 2 Midheaven (5.92°), which indicates that this administration will show up in the world as “the Ultimate Collaborator” – thriving in both teamwork and partnership. We’ve already talked about Aquarius energy with the Sun, so having an Aquarius Midheaven along with an Aquarius Sun means the administration is likely to appear authentic and trustworthy to the world. Yet 2 energy doesn’t like to do anything alone, and for this reason, Biden’s administration may be seen by the public and the world as unwilling or unable to do anything on its own, or have a constant expectation of coming to the rescue for others in the form of charity. One major question is whether or not that charity will be given to people and humanitarian matters within the Unites States, or if they will be focused outside the United States in the name of global partnership and collaboration. With the Biden Administration’s 10th House Sun and 9th House Venus, I suspect it will do whatever makes it look best in the eyes of the world.

Another way the Aquarius 2 midheaven may show up is in how Aquarius’ innovation and technological inclinations are likely to come into play here. I expect the administration to choose a variety of private contractors rather than government agencies to assist with various administration and infrastructure projects. Whether or not these contractors and projects will serve the best interests of the country and its people, or if it will serve only the parties directly involved, will be seen as things progress in the term.

The challenge here is that the midheaven is seen by everyone. The highest and most outwardly visible point on the chart, it really is everyone’s first impression of the administration. Again, people within the country and around the world will be watching the Biden Administration very closely, expecting to see major societal and relational changes in the government; expecting to see a different, innovative approach to governing. There is a great deal of expectation that this administration will be completely different from the last, but there’s more indicating this administration may not be as different from the last one as many hope, especially in one very crucial way.

The Biden Administration will have an Aries Moon in the chart’s 12th House (29.05°), which indicates it will be emotionally impulsive and vindictive, but won’t see this quality within itself.

The good news is that this team will act upon its impulses, and if they are emotionally and/or spiritually moved to act, they will act with initiative. This can be heart-driven leadership in many ways.

The bad news is that it will also react strongly when it feels emotionally attacked. Because Biden and his team will likely perceive any criticism as a personal attack, be ready for many defensive actions which may cancel out the positive and productive ones. With the Moon in the chart’s 12th house of philanthropy and spiritual service, this administration may try to promote these retaliatory actions as being in everyone’s best interests, but it may become fairly clear fairly quickly that this is less about serving everyone’s Highest good, and more about themselves. They may think this self-focused behavior and motivation is hidden, but everyone will be able to see what’s really happening quickly enough if it happens frequently enough.

One special note: Since 12th January, the transiting Pluto has been within 3° orb of the United States’ natal Pluto position at 27.56° Capricorn (transiting Pluto at 24.84° at the time of swearing-in). With Pluto’s orbit being approximately 248 years, this marks the first Pluto return for the U.S. This is a huge deal to have this natalized in an inauguration/administration chart because it confirms this will be either a transformative administration or an administration dealing with powerfully transformative event(s) and an extremely tumultuous time. The Capricorn Pluto energy will destroy and clear out whatever is most detrimental to the collective whole, even if it may seem it is empowering that which is holding everything back. The key here is remembering that even when things seem to be at their worst, they’re moving us to closer to our breaking points, encouraging us to take action to force the clearing of the slate so we can create something that serves everyone well.

That said, we must look at the transits in play at the time of Biden’s swearing-in, not only to gauge the energy of the day, but to also make note of the fact that these will be the natal aspects of the Biden Administration’s chart. These transit energies will carry through for his entire term.

T-SQUARE: Sagittarius South Node in 7th House square Pisces Ceres conjunct Neptune in 11th House square Gemini North Node in 1st House (18-19°) – “Why can’t we all get along?” gets a reality check. There isn’t going to be a kumbaya moment out of this. In fact, this will actually bring forth a major generational decision – to continue on the same way because you “know best” from past experience and believe you have more to do, or to go with the ideology of the future, giving the youth a chance to forge their path to the future they will be living in. This will be a choice between knowing what needs to be done or allowing others to sway you in a particular direction. What’s missing to balance the square here is a Virgo placement, which would reveal how this decision might play out. This is telling in a timeline since, as we probably won’t have a clear sense of the effects the strategy and process decisions of this administration will have upon us all until mid-August 2021 at the earliest (transiting Mercury in Virgo).

BLESSING TRIANGLE: Sagittarius White Moon Selene sextile Aquarius Saturn sextile Aries Chiron (3-5°) – A Higher calling seems to be the focus of the collective/community/humanity – a call to acknowledge the open wounds, and instead of leaving them be, actually facing and dealing with them. This time around, the wounds must be addressed and treated if healing is truly to begin, and that healing requires action. Without action, the wounds will become infected and inflamed. Everything that can be done should be done to prevent further pain and injury. The possibility is present.

Taurus Mars conjunct Uranus (6°) – This is one of the big ones on this inauguration day, and having this conjunction natalized for this administration is not the best omen. At its best, Mars is action, initiative, and individuality; and Uranus is community, collaboration, and humanity and the human condition. Yet at its worst, Mars is impulsive, angry, and aggressive; and Uranus is unpredictable, eccentric, and rebellious. Biden and Harris will need to choose how they want to govern – either from a place of positive proactivity in support of the people and the policies the people want, or a place of aggressive rebellion against policies popular with the people. The people won’t hesitate to stand up for themselves and their livelihoods.

Capricorn Pluto square Aries Eris (23-24°) – This is the other profound transit of the day and aspect for the Biden Administration’s natal chart. If there was ever an indicator of disruption of the status quo, this transit it is! This represents forced transformation, as if we didn’t choose it for ourselves, so now we must face the consequences of our own procrastination.

Virgo Vesta Retrograde trine Capricorn Pluto (23-24°) – This indicates a focused and determined effort to make things work – to restore function to the systems and structures in place, or to try and use the institutional structures in place to uphold themselves. Yet remember what I said about Pluto – these structures are severely compromised by prior administrations, especially the last one. Though the intention is noble, the actual process may be far more difficult to implement. A challenge, but possible if new ideas for solutions are welcome. But this indicates a desire to use the old stand-bys, even if they’re not as reliable as they used to be.

Virgo Vesta Retrograde quincunx Aries Eris (23°) – The diligent efforts to make things work run into the roadblock of anger and frustration. As more and more people are challenged by their own circumstances, don’t be surprised if individuals begin acting out to make their needs known, or possibly come together to make their common needs known. Their calls for healing may become too loud to ignore.

I wish I could say the Biden Administration will be the reprieve from the previous one so many have hoped for these last few years. However, it will be exactly what Biden himself said it would be – “nothing will fundamentally change”… at least not according to their chart. In fact, conditions may even continue to regress.

But as many of us have learned, the best laid plans often go awry. And especially after our 2020 experience and these first three weeks of 2021, we are learning to expect the unexpected. There will be plenty of surprises for all of us, the Biden Administration included. May Biden, Harris, and their team surprise us all in the best possible way.

Here we go…

Everyone be safe and be well.

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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