The 2020 Sagittarius New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 8:16a PST (23.14°) on Monday, 14th December 2020 in half the world; on Tuesday, 15th December in the other half. New Moons usually represent new beginnings and fresh starts. It’s usually an optimistic phase, full of promise. Yet this New Moon is a little different. There are choices to make, and realities to face. In many ways, this is a reckoning.

Yes, this 2020 Sagittarius New Moon will still represent beginnings, but one difference here is that we are faced with critical choices about what we are individually and collectively choosing to begin (or continue) at this time. This isn’t so much a fresh start as it is a turning point, and it’s not just a turning point for us as individuals – it’s a turning point for our communities, our nations, and the whole of humanity, especially in regard to how we have structured the world we currently live in and how that structure needs to change now. This will require us to come to terms with some extremely harsh facts about the social and societal structures we’ve built over the centuries and continue to live in now – facts which have been coming to light throughout the last few decades and especially in the last ten months. Yet, the majority of us still haven’t wanted to come to terms with these changes, despite the need for these changes being revealed or exposed for all of us to see again and again and again…

The other difference is that this 2020 Sagittarius New Moon is also a Total Solar Eclipse (totality visible in Chile and Argentina). During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon obstructs some of the Sun’s light from shining upon the Earth. During a Total Solar Eclipse, that means the Sun’s light is completely obstructed from the Earth’s surface for a moment in time. And though it may not be visible where you are, that obstructive emotional energy will be felt everywhere on our planet, pushing us to find ways to release its tension.

That release of emotional tension is easier said than done.

Much of the chaos we’re experiencing now is largely due to the fact that so many people are deep in their emotions right now, feeling but not knowing or understanding the root source(s) of their fear and pain. This leads to extremes of emotional expression – either delusional denial of suffering or hyper-victimization; severe apathy or violent rage. Our emotions can be rooted in our deepest fears, and those fears can be generated from non-factual truths – from gossip, stories, or outright lies, that we’ve either made up for ourselves or been told by others and have chosen to believe; and that is often the part that is hardest to acknowledge and accept, and the part that often generates fear and anger within us – the idea that we could be wrong, that we might have misplaced our trust, that we could be deceived, that we could be gullible and fall for a scam.

Unfortunately, too many of us would rather double-down on being wrong while insisting we are right than admit we’ve actually been wrong or done wrong to ourselves and/or others. Instead, we may choose to express our anger through rage toward others instead of taking ownership and responsibility for our choices, words, and actions. We may blame others for our actions, project our beliefs and behaviors onto others, or play victim to those who try to hold us accountable and responsible for who or what we’ve chosen to be and/or do. So many of us are feeling helpless or cornered in our current circumstances, not understanding that we may be in fear-driven panic due to our inability to see a clear, or rather, an easy and non-responsible path out of where we find ourselves now.

Just because that helplessness is ideological for some people doesn’t mean it’s only ideological. Too many of us are also operating in either a perceived or very real physical, material, or financial “survival mode” – struggling to keep roofs over our heads, feed ourselves and our families, get the medical care we need, trying keep ourselves from being drowned in financial debt trying to keep all of the afore-mentioned going or intact; or we’re afraid of changes which may result in our being in one or more of those positions. Way more people need assistance than many of us realize, but much of this “hiding the struggle” and refusal to ask for assistance is due to pressures to conform to societal standards of “success” or “self-responsibility”. Some of us are feeling if not actually being shamed for where we are now on a lifestyle resource level, or may be feeling a great deal of over-responsibility, self-hatred, and/or anger toward ourselves for being where we are in our journeys. Those of us in these circumstances may be in a fear-driven panic due to our inability to see a clear path out of the desperation we find ourselves in now.

Whatever the root causes may be for each of us, many of us are afraid to admit them. They’re likely to be really ugly for some of us. In some cases, they may not be socially acceptable. They could be societally damaging to us. They could cost us jobs, friends, homes, family members, etc. They could reveal you to be someone you never believed yourself to be, someone you always believed or were able to pretend you were “better than”, “beyond”, or “above”. And for most of us, coming to terms with these facts about ourselves is what we fear most; and in some cases, it’s what we’re most angry about – that circumstances are pushing us to not only face our fears, but to take responsibility for and deal with them. We’re afraid of acknowledging our faults and failures as individuals and as societies, and for a quite a few of us, that anger is being expressed as rage onto others as we refuse to take responsibility for the parts of ourselves which aren’t acceptable to our collective social agreements or even to the whole of humanity. As result, in this time of collective uncertainty and many people living in a heightened state of fear, our emotional investments in our fears may be prove to be creating a much more challenging time for ourselves and each other than we’ve had on this planet in a very long time, and for many, a more challenging time than we’ve ever had in our lives.

We’ll be feeling the effects of this 2020 Sagittarius New Moon phase from Thursday 11th December through Thursday 17th December, but we’ll be feeling the effects of this Total Eclipse for at least the next six months. And even though Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign (meaning it brings the quality of creative adaptability to change, helping us grow beyond challenges and expand upon our wisdom gained from first-hand experience), there’s also some powerful cardinal energy coming through the transits active during this New Moon Eclipse phase. Because of that cardinal energy, in true New Moon fashion, the events occurring during this one-week window – however small they may seem – are catalysts for change-events to come. These coming changes are likely to become greater in size and scale, but only if we allow them to. If we want to lessen or stop any of them, we must get clear about where our emotions are coming from so we can prevent them from obstructing our perceptions of factual reality, then we must become clear about what we are doing and which action(s) we are taking to prevent (or allow) certain change-events to occur.

Speaking of the transits, let’s look at those first for specifics on where all of these complex energies are coming from. There aren’t many, but the ones we have are powerful and surprisingly interconnected.

STELLIUM: Sagittarius 7 Sun conjunct Sagittarius Moon conjunct Mercury (20-23°) – This is your intellect and your emotions intertwined with the wisdom of your experiences. Some people may be too attached to their past experiences, believing they don’t have to experience anything new or learn about anything different to know better about how to deal with what’s happening right now. But the people who feel that way also likely believe they’re immune to any of the societal and cultural shifts in progress now, refusing to recognize just how much things have and still are changing. Those paying attention to the changing tides know those changes are happening in faster and bigger waves, and they’re very clear those attached to their past aren’t keeping up and won’t be able to fake it for much longer. Outdated ideology will keep people from taking action, but those who are willing to accept and navigate change will be eager to exchange, share, and in some cases, teach others.

  • semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto (23°) – Yet those who think they’re solid with what they already know are likely going to be in for a rude awakening in the coming days, weeks, and months; while those who are more open-minded and willing to learn and grow will find themselves navigating upcoming societal and institutional changes with far more ease. Pluto is known for its ability to bring forth transformation, and in Capricorn, it is catalyzing the transformation of our societal structures and institutions. It will be very unforgiving to those who refuse to adapt to its changes. The question is… do those eager to catalyze change wait until the structures collapse under their own power, or do they act now to begin creating and enacting plans for something new to emerge from the ashes of the pending collapses?
  • trine Aries Mars conjunct Eris Retrograde (23°) – Eris is a new one for me to bring into my interpretations, but it’s time to bring it out into the open, especially since it represents, at its most basic level, troublemaking. That could be “good trouble” or “bad trouble”, depending on which end of it you’re on, and depending on what purpose it’s serving. In this case, it represents actions taken to disrupt the status quo and/or to right real or perceived wrongs. The more you’re willing to be open to experiencing and learning, the more you’ll be able to create change as well as navigate it. The challenge here is that Aries prefers to act autonomously and it tends to act on impulse, especially with its ruling planet, Mars, present in this transit. This indicates that there could be quite a few individual actors taking matters into their own hands as result of their pent-up and/or righteous anger, raging with hopes of instigating larger movements to follow suit in a more collective and expansive manner.
  • These three afore=mentioned transits reveal Capricorn Pluto square (Aries Mars conjunct Eris Retrograde) (20-23°) – This transit acts as a spark catching flame. Something(s) with the potential to become very disruptive or destructive is beginning now, but it will only grow to a fully-destructive strength if no action is taken to stop it. In nature, fire serves to purge the earth for new life to emerge. So the question here is… who’s setting the fires (or intentionally stoking the fires already started), and why? What is being purged, and why? It’s important to pay attention, looking for the potentially big things being passed off or dismissed as little things right now, especially if you have an intuition they should be getting more attention.

Capricorn Jupiter conjunct Saturn (28-29°) – This is encouraging us to focus our attention on what our societal structures and institutions are focusing their attention on. This will be very revealing in matters of what those who are trying to uphold the status quo are willing to do in order to defend themselves by suppressing or eliminating squashing growth or change. It will also be revealing to discover who within those structures is willing to push for and/or create new standards for society, or who outside of those societal structures and institutions is willing to create a solid structure of their own creation to challenge what is long-overdue to be replaced.

  • sextile STELLIUM: Scorpio Juno conjunct Venus conjunct White Moon Selene (28-29°) – This stellium supports the focus on structure and institutions with its powerful commitment (Juno) to get to the bottom of matters. Scorpio energy has no hesitation whatsoever in diving deep below the surface to get to the bottom of matters and find hidden truths, especially in efforts to bring balance to relationships of all kinds (Venus). Selene’s presence indicates that the people willing to dive to the bottom of the darkness are doing so in good faith, and the truths they bring to Light will reveal who is committed to what. However, be ready to have some relationships challenged, changed, and/or ended over whatever surfaces. This will be a very profound lesson in how what you see on the surface is not always what is actually happening.

SEQUENCE: Pisces Ceres semi-sextile Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith conjunct Uranus Retrograde) (4-7°) – Our collective values are focused on how we can best serve the Highest good of All. Yet that desire to serve others and the world may lead to a reactivation of our self-identity wounds which are being reopened by judgment from ourselves as well as others regarding our personal lifestyles and lifestyle resources. Some of us may be feeling judged for having enough or more than enough to meet our own needs, yet are being judged for not sharing with others, while others of us may not be able to make ends meet or keep things going, leading us to feel persecuted or looked down upon by others for not having as much.

NODAL GRAND CROSS: Sagittarius South Node square Pisces Neptune square Gemini North Node square Virgo Vesta (17-19°) – The old ways continue, being sustained by promises of a better world which many of us are realizing is never going to come through the current conditions and our societal institutions working the way they are now. New thinking is needed now, and as more of us awaken to the challenges behind the facades, the more we recognize that changes must happen. There’s a determination to make things work, yet a recognition that doing things the way they’ve always been done won’t work any longer. It’s time to embrace the vision of what’s possible and let the “students” make their way into and through the world.

The choices to allow or deny the growth of these emerging change-events require three things – 1) blunt and possibly brutal honesty with ourselves and each other; 2) allowing ourselves to feel our emotional truths, however painful they may be for us to feel; and 3) being truthful with ourselves about the root cause(s) of our emotional pain or anger, however difficult they may be to face and own up to.

The numerology around this 2020 Sagittarius New Moon Eclipse supports the active expression of the long pent-up emotions leading to major societal shifts and changes. In the places where this event is happening on the 14th, this will be a 3 Universal day of learning, growth, and expansion. Interestingly enough, this reveals it’s the Western nation who have the most to learn through and from this New Moon Eclipse phase. In the areas where this event is happening on the 15th, this will be a 4 Universal day of stability, security, and structure. However, most of you in these regions are likely to become hyper-aware of how societal structures and systems may be affecting you and others, for better or worse. Some of you will be experiencing or witnessing a sense of liberation after discipline or limitation. Others of you may be experiencing or witnessing limitation or oppression more than ever. Those of you witnessing world events may see both, and learn a great deal from the contrasts. All of this is happening in a 7 Universal month, which is very analytical and intellectual in its approach to matters, definitely supporting the educational experience tendencies of Sagittarius. It is also happening in the last month of a 4 Universal year, focused on stability, security, and structure, especially on where and how our societal structures are still stable and solid, and where they are falling apart. This may also indicate that it’s the eastern parts of the world which come out of 2020 with more domestic and global stability to build upon. Of course, those foundations will still be tested in the upcoming 5 universal year.

All of this leads us to the single most important thing to take away from this 2020 Sagittarius New Moon Total Eclipse – you must be willing to wake up to the chaos in and around your life, recognize that it’s largely due to self-avoidance, get to the root cause(s) of your emotions in order to gain clarity, and direct your energy to productively and constructively take action to free yourself from the fear and pain. You must understand the real, true, honest, factual reason(s) you feel the way you feel. Only then can you earnestly begin finding honest solutions to the problems you and others face and begin healing the wounds done to you by others, the wounds done to you by yourself, and the wounds done to others by you.

Without allowing your personal reckoning, and without ALL of us allowing and experiencing our collective reckoning, things will only get harder from here (and yes, I do mean they will carry over and expand into 2021). The time for changes has come. Can we meet the moment?

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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