The 2020 Gemini Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 1:30a PST (8.63°). What makes this Full Moon phase more significant than usual is that it is also a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (max at 1:45a PST). Penumbral means the Gemini Moon’s reflection of the Sagittarius Sun’s light will only be partially shadowed out, and that degree of shadow may be minimal, so don’t expect a big show as happens with a Total or a “Ring of Light” eclipse. That said, any eclipse – however dramatic or undramatic its visuals may be – is still a powerful lunar event which deserves note.

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, creating the shadow which falls upon the Moon, and this is a very symbolic element whenever there is a lunar eclipse. That’s because it represents how the ways of the world often get in the way of what the Sun-Moon opposition is trying to achieve.

Gemini is the child or student energy of the Zodiac. It is curious and inquisitive, and often takes a playful approach to obtaining the information it wants to know. If information isn’t forthcoming, Gemini is often very good at gaming or “innocently” manipulating its sources to get the information it wants.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, is the adventurer and teacher energy of the Zodiac. It often takes Gemini’s ideas and theories and tests them out in reality through first-hand experience. These experiences help Sagittarius gather a great deal of wisdom – wisdom they’re often eager to share with or teach to others.

So what we have through this particular Moon –Sun opposition is an exchange of information. And because this is a Gemini Moon and a Sagittarius 6 Sun, the Moon is reflecting the Sun’s wisdom and teachings regarding healing the past and growing beyond one’s learned experiences to move into new personal adventures. It’s time to draw on the knowledge and wisdom you’ve been acquiring over time, but it’s also time to learn new things. It’s time to explore this rapidly-changing world. And even if you don’t think you know how to do that, you’re about to realize that you know more than you think you do about moving forward and upward in your life.

But as you set out to learn from this 2020 Gemini Full Moon, many of the well-established societal institutions of the world are trying to prevent free and unaltered exchanges of information to keep knowledge, wisdom, and progress from spreading from few to many; trying to prevent new societal institutions and teachings from emerging.

For this reason, it would be wise to be as aware as possible of the sources of the information you are getting, as not all of the available sources have much if any intellectual or moral integrity. In fact, remember that Gemini likes to play games with people – especially mind games. Words and communications can be twisted and turned, and used for all sorts of propaganda, lies, manipulation, suppression, and the like. Many people will believe they are smart enough not to be duped. Yet the light of the Sagittarius Sun is the revealer of factual, experiential Truth, and the evidence their first-hand experiences brings will bring reality checks to many people who will gradually realize they aren’t as smart as they thought they were.

A big part of this movement forward and upward is learning to let go. You won’t be able to take everything or everyone currently in your life on the next phase of the journey with you. In many ways, this 2020 Gemini Full Moon Eclipse is going to help you understand who and what you are outgrowing in your life by taking on these new adventures. This outgrowing may seem to be a painful process, at first. Yet once you make what seems to be the most difficult breaks and say the most difficult goodbyes, the process becomes easier from there.

The letting-go process is made easier by the fact that the 2020 Gemini Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse will be occurring on a numerological 9 universal day in about 95% of the world. This is important because this 9 energy encourages the identification and acknowledgment of which experiences are fulfilled and now complete for you. It will also bring the end of some delusion for many who have clung to them as if they define who they are. This also occurs on the last day of a 6 universal month, this completion or fulfillment may not only bring an end to a project, it may also bring closure to a major part of your past. And in a 4 universal year, this is a big deal as it may shift the foundation of your life.

Now that we’ve discussed the general overview, let’s get into the details. Here are the transits which are within 3° orb at the time of the Full Moon Eclipse max phase.

  • Scorpio Venus semi-sextile Sagittarius 6 Sun opposite Taurus Uranus Retrograde semi-sextile Gemini Moon (7-10°) – Venus and Uranus are wide in orb, but since they interact with the Full Moon Opposition, I’m letting the 0.41° excess outside of my usual 3° orb slide. One-on-one interactions with others – which are likely to be full of emotional vulnerability – lead to open minds and either a bigger step forward together or a bigger step forward in different directions. Yet this step needs to be balanced with inquiry. Since the world is so uncertain at this time, it’s important (on an emotional level as well as an intellectual one) for you to make sure you’ve asked all the questions you need or want to ask, that you understand the possibilities that could emerge through your choice, and that you realize your step(s) may not be aligned with old habits or outdated traditions. If there’s a pattern, it’s time to break the mold and let go.
  • SEQUENCE: Aries Chiron Retrograde semi-sextile Taurus Uranus Retrograde semi-sextile Gemini Moon (5-8°) – Again, I’m letting the 0.50° orb excess slide as events occur which help you reframe your self-identity. This may lead to you looking at yourself and your role or place in society very differently, and from there, getting your heart and mind aligned with your newfound perspective of yourself. What information do you need to process for you to feel like you know what you need to be and accept your True self?
  • Virgo Vesta sextile Scorpio Venus (10-13°) – A strong determination to solve problems and heal emotional wounds in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. This also indicates that emotional support is available if you want to really get to the root of your emotional issues, especially regarding intimate relationships.
  • Scorpio Juno sextile Capricorn Pluto (23°) – This is commitment! Talk about being all-in! However, pledging your loyalty to those who seek to empower that which no longer serves the greater whole may be “a deal with the devil”. Pay attention to those you make pledges to because if they are part of the societal institutions or structures which must be purged in humanity’s evolutionary transformation, you may be one of the casualties of along with them.
  • (Scorpio Mercury conjunct White Moon Selene) sextile CAPRICORN STELLIUM (Jupiter conjunct Pallas Athena conjunct Saturn) (26-28°) – The stellium is even more compact than it was during the Scorpio New Moon a couple of weeks ago! This makes this energy even more intense as it encounters support from Mercury in Scorpio, bringing in a willingness to ask the deep and difficult emotional questions which need to be asked at this time. It’s important to note that the questions will be coming from caring and healing intentions, and that both the questions and the answers will reveal patterns of behavior that may be keeping you or others from overcoming obstacles and accomplishing your goals.
  • Pisces Ceres sextile Taurus Black Moon Lilith (3-4°) – As people begin to awaken to the value of All-That-Is and how it all interacts and intersects, there is a collective desire among those who are awakening or awakened to the grand evolution to reassess the way our human egos value our physical, material, and financial resources. The way we’ve been trained to keep up with our neighbors let alone celebrities takes on a different feel, and more and more people may be finding they aren’t

The energy of this 2020 Gemini Full Moon Penumbral Eclipse will be felt from 27th November through early morning Thursday 4th December. During this time, notice what is coming to an end, notice what you have access to, and notice how the endings reveal themselves. There may be a thought pattern or emotional pattern revealed in the process, but nevertheless, it’s time to grow beyond what you know. The effects of the eclipse will last up to 6 months or the next lunar eclipse whichever comes first. Expect communication – whether it’s verbal, typed, or written – to help you feel confident in making the choices and taking your steps forward and upward.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,




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