The 2020 Capricorn Full Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:44p PDT on 4th July 2020 (13.63°). This Full Moon phase is also another Penumbral Lunar Eclipse – the second in as many months.

A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse means the Moon won’t be completely obscured from the Sun’s light by the Earth’s shadow. Yet the symbolism in this event is that even a dilligent focus on the usual planetary business won’t be able to stop people from feeling their emotions right now.

As the COVID pandemic, Black Lives Matter, and various worker and human rights events continue around the world, the emotions invested in either supporting or opposing these events are intensifying. And with the Cancer Sun energy in full effect, there is more and more insight into how people are individually being affected by these events, directly and indirectly. People are especially sensitive to anything that affect themselves or people close to them, or anything that challenges their individual perceptions of themselves.

The latter is especially intense right now as more people who perceived themselves as untouchable are becoming increasingly confronted by challenges to their self-identities. These situations are creating conditions in which their ignorance or apathy to certain subjects is now being brought to light, unable to be ignored, avoided, or hidden any longer. Their façades are being shaken; their delusions are being shattered. The realities of what is happening are starting to hit home for them now.

For most of North America, this Full Moon reaches its maximum phase in the last few hours of a 6 Universal day – a day of self-care, nurturing, health and well-being. Yet for some of North America and for the rest of the world this is occurring on a 7 Universal day – a day for thought, analysis, rest, and regrouping. This Capricorn Full Moon is an excellent time to reflect and reassess your place in the grand scheme of things, as well as to reassess your personal and societal values and objectives. These energies are happening under the influence of an 11 Universal month energy – an energy of individual initiative inspiring others to be leaders for themselves in their own lives; and under the larger influence of a 4 Universal year – a year of heightened awareness of stability, security, safety, and solidity… and in the case of 2020 so far, a year of being forced to see the absence of these qualities in our lives and in our world right now.

Yet that absence of solid foundation is meant to encourage each of us to look inward – to find our sense of stability and security within our individual selves. It’s encouraging us to stop looking to others to provide those qualities to our lives, and instead, to create them – to build them – for ourselves. We must create our own individual foundations for our lives. We must seek ways to change what does not allow us to feel these qualities as present in our lives. Yet in order to be inspired to create these changes for ourselves in our own lives, we must feel the need for these changes emotionally.

The fascinating thing about this 2020 Full Moon Eclipse in Capricorn is that it actually targets the weaknesses of those who have managed to be ignorant, apathetic, and/or in denial until very recently – their worldly status, structures, and goals. As these societal institutions, structures, and status symbols are now being morally and ethically challenged, people who could have cared less about any of these events and who have refused to take any of it seriously are now finding themselves emotionally invested in some if not all of them. Now and only now, because what they hold dear is being forced to change, they are being forced to reassess their own self-identities and their own individual behaviors.

The transits which are within 3° orb at the time of the 2020 Capricorn Full Moon + Eclipse’s maximum phase are extremely helpful in assessing the specifics of the energy dynamics in effect at this time.

Cancer 11 Sun conjunct Vesta opposite Capricorn Moon (13°) – There is a determined effort to get people to care about themselves as well as others, Yet, for some, their emotions seem to be invested in worldly objectives and goals – they could care less about their emotions and feelings, and even less than that about other people’s emotions and feelings. However, the strength and resilience of those who do care is making progress. It may not seem that way, but there is revelation and movement as people are individually beginning to feel the impact of everything that has been happening all over the world in the last four months. Whether the COVID virus and its impact on our societies, or Black Lives Matter and the societal implications of centuries of societal race-based and class-based oppression, people are starting to realize that what does directly impact them is shifting their perspective of the world around them; and what doesn’t affect them directly is now (finally) impacting them indirectly, shifting their perception of themselves in the world.

Capricorn Moon sextile Pisces Ceres (12-13°) – This transit reveals how we are being called upon to raise our consciousness regarding our collective values – to really look at our societal standards, goals, and objectives. Pisces Ceres also makes trine aspect to Cancer 11 Sun conjunct Vesta opposite Capricorn Moon, so it’s clear this call to raise awareness of our collective values is being greatly encouraged by the determined efforts to get people to recognize that improving the lives and livelihoods of others can also benefit their own livelihoods – their individual physical, material, and emotional wellbeing can be improved by making changes to our societally-determined standards of success and status.

Pisces Ceres also makes sextile aspect with Taurus Uranus (9-12°) at the time of the Moon’s max phase, revealing that the changing collective perspective of what has value to and for ALL beings supports fundamental changes in our personal resource values. This transit has each of us realizing and likely re-considering how our individual personal values may be affecting everyone, not just ourselves. These effects are seen on every level of our experience – physically, materially, and financially; but also emotionally, spiritually, and intellectually.

STELLIUM: Capricorn Pallas Athena Retrograde conjunct Jupiter Retrograde conjunct Pluto Retrograde (23-24°) – Patterns and strategies of the past being resurrected now reveal a growing need for major systemic transformation. The thing is… transformation isn’t simple change – it’s destruction, then rebirth. To that point, this transit points to a need for a large part of the systems in place to collapse in order for them to be rebuilt in a way that can restore integrity to our society and our world as a whole. Many see this as an extreme take, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that what’s currently in place may very well be corrupted beyond repair. Those who benefit from the systems in place will hold onto this status quo for dear life, while those who are struggling and suffering under it will powerfully challenge the status quo. Our institutional and societal well-being is now facing calls for massive overhaul, and those calls are now to a point where they will not be ignored or easily silenced. It will be interesting to see how this develops over the coming days and weeks as this Stellium will be sticking around for a little bit.

T-SQUARE: Aries Chiron square Cancer Mercury Retrograde square Libra Juno (7-9°) – A commitment to justice, equality, and fairness means facing your own self-identity wounds and insecurities. How are you coming to terms with the fact that you may be benefitting from the imbalances and injustices in society and/or the world… or are you even coming to terms with it? That’s where the Mercury Retrograde energy comes into play – do you even care whether you’re benefitting from imbalance and injustice or not? And if you do, are your actions aligning with your thoughts/beliefs and words/communications? The energy of this T-Square configuration is going to find some people having to face the hypocrisy of either their words or their actions. It’s also going to push some people to look at themselves and their individual/personal role(s) in creating and/or changing our current collective circumstances for better or worse.

Cancer Mercury Retrograde trine Scorpio White Moon Selene (6-7°) – This transit encourages you to think and speak in alignment with what reveals itself to be the greatest or Highest good for ALL people. The thing is… you also get to recognize that most people likely includes you. It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but the more you align with what makes you feel good about yourself and your life, the more are able to allow yourself to be emotionally open to others.

Use this 2020 Capricorn Full Moon + Penumbral Lunar Eclipse phase to recognize the changes that are happening in the world around you, how they affect others, and how they really do affect you as well… because they’re supposed to be affecting you, too! This is a moment of transformation for our society, and as part of our society and our world, it is meant to be a moment of self-assessment and transformation for you as well.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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