The 2019 Capricorn New Moon reaches its maximum phase at 9:13p PST/12:13p EST on 25th/26th December 2019 (4.12°). It’s the last major Moon phase of 2019, the last New Moon, and… it’s preceded by one single minute by the last eclipse of 2019…

…which is an Annular Solar Eclipse reaching its maximum totality at 9:12p PST/12:12a EST. (Yes, another 12.12!) Annular comes from the Latin word “annulus” meaning “ring”. So, yes – this is a “Ring of Fire” eclipse for Saudi Arabia, southern India, Malaysia, southern Philippines, and Guam. This occurs when the Moon comes directly between the Earth and the Sun in such a way to create a perfect halo of the Sun’s light glowing evenly around the full circumference of the Moon.

Eclipses are a big deal astrologically because they tend to open the door for strange and unexpected events. What makes them stranger, though, is that these events rarely happen in the days preceding or following the Eclipse window. In fact, they tend to occur in the days, week, and months following. But note my choice of words – “open the door”. Think of it like someone or something entering a room. They come in, but you have no idea what they may say or do until later in the day or evening. Eclipse energy is kind of like that, so it will be important to pay close attention to everything that is happening right now as these events – as mundane or benign as they may seem – could be seeds of things which will come to fruition later.

And the fact that this is a Solar Eclipse means this New Moon energy is extremely strong, and determined to begin something new, or to have something old begin anew.

This idea of seeds planted now coming to fruition later is affirmed by the fact that in most of the world, this New Moon Eclipse is happening on a numerological 5 universal day in a 6 universal month. Five brings the energy of change, variety, adaptability, and unpredictability to each of our paths and our collective path as well; while six brings nurturing, caring, and supportive energy to the fore in pragmatic and mundane ways (a.k.a. – everyday practices, health and wellness on all levels) – you’ve still gotta do the everyday stuff for your life to function). This 2019 Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse is the beginning of many people understanding exactly what is happening in the world around them, and realizing the livelihoods they’ve come to expect are at serious risk of being degraded or eliminated altogether. Yet people are also beginning to understand that the changes they want aren’t just going to happen – they’ll need to stand up and speak up for themselves, and each region of the world that is actively coming out to challenge the status quo is acting as a forebearer of what other parts of the world may need to do in order to make their own stands.

Yet don’t think those upholding the status quo are going to allow all of this protest to be known. Notice how our societal institutions are trying to control the narratives and sway people back into contentment or at least compliance with the status quo. They do not want the balance of power to be upset, or rather, their positions of control and status to be challenged. They want to remain in place and will do everything and anything in their power to hold steady. Again, take note of what is being done by those in positions of power and authority right now If you’re not seeing anything in your usual places, seek and find out what’s happening. Now is the time for you to know what’s really going on so you can do something about it.

The current astrological transits are very insightful about what to look for an how to look for it. So, let’s address the transits the Capricorn Sun and Moon are involved in at the time of maximum phase.

The Sun+Moon conjunction is square Aries Chiron (1°) at the time of maximum phase. This transit will challenge our self-identities, re-opening our self-identity wounds. But this time around, we won’t have society or social influences telling us who you need to be in or for the world. That responsibility now falls squarely on you. That responsibility has always been your own, but the way we’ve allowed the world to work before now, we’ve been encouraged to seek our identities externally.

That all changes under this 2019 Capricorn New Moon Eclipse.

If you haven’t already picked up on this energy shift, you’re going to get it through this New Moon phase. You’re going to begin understanding that you are the one who chooses who you get to be in the world, you are the one who chooses what your lifestyle values are going to be, and you are the one who chooses how you use your resources to live into them fully and authentically.

To this point, the Sun+Moon conjunction also trines Taurus Uranus Retrograde (2°) at the time of maximum phase. This reveals that the pressures to shift your personal lifestyle values are external pressures – they are due to changes in how the resources which support your chosen lifestyle are acquired or provided to you. This may take the form of increase and abundance; this could also take the form of decrease and a sense of lack. Either way, some if not all of these changes are likely to come unexpectedly. So when they do come (and they definitely will), be ready to face some big questions about what you choose to value in life, and how you are going to uphold those values through your personal lifestyle choices.

Other transits within 3° orb during the maximum phase of the 2019 Capricorn New Moon Lunar Eclipse:

Libra White Moon Selene (10°) square Capricorn South Node (8°) – The Universe is encouraging us to move into Higher principles of balance, equality, and peace. But these principles challenge the human tendency (and in some cases, desire) to sustain the status quo, or worse, to go back to the way things were before. Will Higher forces prevail? Will people honor the call of their inner truths, or will they choose to stick to their conditioned beliefs?

Libra White Moon Selene (10°) trine Aquarius Venus (7°) – The afore-mentioned encouragement toward Higher principles of balance, equality, and peace also nudges us to seek out partners who will allow us to embrace and express our unique selves fully in the context of community and collaboration. This isn’t just “networking” – this is about finding others who reassure, encourage, and inspire to be more of who you are.

Libra Juno (16°) square Capricorn Ceres (15°) – A commitment to balancing the imbalances, equalizing the inequities, and bringing peace to conflict challenges those who value hierarchy and authority (or more specifically, those who are in and want to hold onto their positions of authority and/or superior societal status).

Libra Juno (16°) quincunx Pisces Neptune (16°) – That same commitment to balance, equality, and peace finds itself almost completely incompatible with many of the social & societal ideals many people hold right now. Too many people may still be attached to ideals which no longer serve the greater whole of humanity, indicating that you may be among those continuing to idealize the status quo or regressive interests, or you’re among those idealizing peace yet finding that your principles are preventing you from doing what needs to be done to make the social and societal shifts which are needed now. You may have to engage in protest or conflict in order to gain peace.

Sagittarius Mercury (25°) square Pisces Black Moon Lilith (26°) – The factual Truth is being outwardly and/or publicly communicated now, whether it’s welcome or not. And those who don’t like it will have plenty to say or do about it, as the facts being communicated will challenge if not destroy the façades they’re trying to uphold. Emotion-driven tantrums are usually a sign that some aspect of a person’s motive that they wished to keep secret is now being (or feeling) exposed. Look for the people who are getting most angry right now (including yourself). Chances are, someone has said or done something that made them (or you) feel very, very vulnerable and uncomfortable.

Capricorn Ceres (15°) sextile Pisces Neptune (16°) – Those who value hierarchy and authority (or more specifically, those who are in and want to hold onto their positions of authority and/or superior societal status) are doing everything they can to convince you they have your best interests at heart. Yet you should know they’re only playing to your ideals as a means to an end. In reality, they may not actually share your values or your ideals. Instead of taking things at a face value you see and like, move beyond the façade and notice what their values really are. You may find their pretty words are only a cover for an  agenda is only about societal status and power – nothing less, nothing more.

The energy of this 2019 Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse will be felt from 22nd December through 28th December; but the energy of this eclipse will be felt for at least the next 6 months and the events which occur within this window will either be significant or will lead to major events in the coming months and years. Pay close attention and/or take really good notes on what is being started or re-started now as it will likely come to fruition in the next few days or sometime in the first half of 2020.

2019 may be ending, but the door is opening for 2020. This eclipse is likely to reveal what is coming. Again, take note… and get ready. You’re probably going to have to do something new or different when this New Year comes in.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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