The 2019 Sagittarius New Moon arrives at 7:05a PST (4.05°). Sagittarius energy is positive, open-minded, adventurous, and eager to experience the world. Its inclination is toward anything and everything which encourages growth and expansion.

As a mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is eager to create and/or pursue opportunities to learn, teach, and experience new things first-hand. This first-hand experience detail is key because Sagittarius is always seeking factual truth, and there’s no better way to get the facts than to experience it for yourself. Anything you hear from a Sagittarian or someone with very strong Sag influences in their chart is likely rooted in some degree of first-hand experience or knowledge. It might be exaggerated a bit… but it’s no less rooted in fact.

Experience serves a number of purposes, but none more important than gathering and supporting fact. And for this 2019 Sagittarius New Moon, one’s first-hand experiences of change and growth are valuable beyond measure because the facts discovered will affirm or disprove the validity of our personal and collective truths. We will see this validation and valuation process happening in many areas of our lives.

The 2019 Sagittarius New Moon is occurring on a numerological 4 Universal Day of security, stability, structure, and safety in the majority of the world, with the far east experiencing the New Moon on a 5 Universal Day of change and adaptability. This lunar phase of new beginnings and fresh starts is setting (or intending to set) a foundation for future growth and expansion in most of the world – both on the personal level and on the collective level. Yet in the far east, this is a sign of (ultimately) positive change actively being made to enable growth and expansion. All of this is happening under the energy of a Sagittarius 5 Universal Month, which is opening (or trying to open) minds and hearts to what is possible and encouraging the taking of risks to move oneself forward in life. This is a very adventurous time, and for many of us, a very uncomfortable time.

The thing is… entering the process of change and growth never actually feels good. Change always feels uncomfortable. That’s because it’s taking us out of our routines, out of our habits, and sometimes even out of our addictions and obsessions. Especially with this Sagittarius New Moon coming so quickly after the completion of the Scorpio Sun period, we’re definitely feeling the shift out of our versions of ordinary in profound ways.

During this time, some of us may even become aware of just how unstable our lives are or have become. In the face of calls to seek stability, security, and structure to support our growth, we may notice we don’t have it any of those any longer, and that it’s time for us to seek out some support from others to assist us in getting where we want to go. Or we may become aware of just how much is changing around us, and that we may be behind the curve; or maybe we’ve been ignoring the signs of change around us, underestimating the desire for circumstances and conditions to be different. We may now see the people and circumstances around us as catalysts for our awakening.

Whether you are in a region of the world where major changes are occurring or in a part of the world creating new structures or honoring existing structures for change to occur; or whether you are in a personal circumstance where structure is having to be adopted in order to support you through change, or change is removing and/or replacing certain structures in your life; it is important to acknowledge that change is inevitable. The questions are… What are we changing to? What are we changing for?

We are changing to enable the growth and expansion of our True selves. On an individual level, this may show up as an increasing desire to experience more freedom to enable more self-expression. This may look like more new activities, more travel, more interactions with new people, or simply a different use of one’s time. It likely involves taking a risk you might not normally take in order to have an experience you may not have been ready to pursue in the past.

For others, this may be returning to or adopting a new structure or system in order to find support for your present and future self-expression. On a collective level, this may look like a louder, bolder, and riskier call for more factual truth, possibly even banding together with others to deliver truth; or it may be a call to restore integrity to a structure or system that upholds factual truth.

In both cases – individual and collective – the common thread is risk.

Risk requires courage to overcome familiarity and fear of the unknown.

Courage will be needed in order to take these steps into our new beginnings and to move fully into the process of change. Whether coming from a solid foundation or not, change is absolutely necessary now and as long as you allow yourself to embrace it, you will grow.

But more important, if we have really and sincerely embraced the factual Truth(s) about ourselves and our lives, these risks may not be a large as they feel. Embracing the Truth sets you free to make the changes you need to make in order to have the life you want to have.

Let’s talk about the specific transits within 3° orb at the time of the 2019 Sagittarius New Moon’s max phase for more insight into the dynamics of this risk, change, and experience period:

Of course, there’s the conjunction of the Sagittarius Moon and the Sagittarius 5 Sun (4.05°). This reveals the rapidly-increasing emotional investment in making change(s) in one’s life and in the collective whole. More people are embracing changes pulling us away from the status quo, seeing the positives in what change can bring to certain aspects of their lives and to the greater whole of society or humanity.
The thing is, many of us still don’t understand that when you change one thing, you change everything. There’s a domino effect that begins when you take that first step in changing your life. That step is an undeniable catalyst for changes in every area of your life.

In this case, when you choose to experience one area of your life in an adventurous, expansive, and/or positive way, it will reveal all the areas of your life which are not living up to the standard you are setting in the area of your life where change has been initiated. Let’s look at that domino effect through the aspects engaging the Sun + Moon conjunction.

  • (wide) conjunct Sagittarius Pallas Athena (7°) – Pallas Athena’s specialty is pattern recognition. In this case, she recognizes the patterns of risk, growth, and expansion. This is a strong indicator that we are individually and collectively realizing that we cannot do things the same way we’ve always done things. Things must change, and in order for them to change, we must choose differently than before – we must be willing to choose an action or path that is unfamiliar or uncomfortable.
  • SEQUENCE with Scorpio Mars (4°) and Capricorn Ceres (3°) – Decisive action sets changes into motion, yet in order to make the decision to act, we likely must be pushed to an emotional extreme. It’s when our current circumstances or situations become too much to bear that we become willing to break our patterns of behavior and seek a new way of living our lives. In this case, when we choose to make a change, we must also keep in mind that we want to make changes in alignment with our personal values. Who do we want to be in the world? What do we want to achieve in the world?
  • trine Aries Chiron Retrograde (1°) – We may recognize just how much we’ve been living our lives in order to keep from hurting others. The problem has been that in trying to preserve their sense of self-identity, we’ve compromised our own. This is another indicator that a reclaiming of one’s True self-expression is underway, and that the changes we are embarking upon are intended to return us to the essence of our True self-identities.
  • sextile Libra White Moon Selene (5°) – A desire to restore balance and peace is coming from a greater presence than humanity alone. It feels as if there’s a powerful, transcendental call to bring these principles of balance, beauty, equality, fairness, and peace back into the world. Yet there must be a willingness on our part to honor the call. Just because someone’s knocking at the door doesn’t mean we want to let them in… yet we may need to assess whether or not it’s in our best interests to refuse to open the door… or open our minds… or open our hearts.
  • quincunx Taurus Uranus Retrograde (3°) – This push for change challenges many of the values and principles our various societies have held near and dear for a long time. Technology connects us globally in ways which encourage us to think about all rather than just ourselves. This bigger picture view is confronting for many because it forces people to see how much they prioritize themselves and their goals over what is beneficial for all. “All” is calling, and they want their lives to be valued, too. It can’t just be about your growth – its’ about how you assist others in their growth as well. How can everyone benefit and grow now?

Libra White Moon Selene conjunct Juno (5-7°) – This transit reveals a commitment to honoring the Higher call to bring balance, beauty, and peace (back) into the world.

  • square Cancer North Node/Capricorn South Node (8°) – In our efforts to honor the Higher call to balance and peace, the Cancer North Node is calling us toward the awareness and addressing of our individual emotional needs, asking us how we feel about ourselves and our lives. This is calling us to attend to our personal emotional needs in order to become more aware of and to address the collective emotional needs. The Capricorn South Node is also calling, providing the pull back toward an outdated status quo – it’s history trying to repeat itself and society trying to maintain a value system which no longer serves us well individually or collectively.

Scorpio Mars opposite Taurus Uranus Retrograde (3-4°) – This is a powerful transit, revealing how our collective values are indeed changing, often through unexpected social change. The changes are inspiring extreme actions to either facilitate that change or stop it. This is a natural occurrence – to have some people who resist changes with every fiber of their being while others are more than eager to bring the changes on. Yet both energies are needed to ensure we aren’t making changes too quickly yet also to ensure the changes are indeed being made.

Sagittarius Jupiter conjunct Capricorn Venus (28-0°) – Sagittarius’ ruling planet (which is still very happy and feeling very generous in its home sign) powerfully interacts the planet of one-on-one relationships (which has become very ambitious and focused since its recent entry into the sign of Capricorn). This is a growing awareness of the relationships in your life which are supporting and encouraging your growth and pursuit of your goals.

(Capricorn Venus conjunct Ceres) square Aries Chiron Retrograde (0-3°) – You are becoming more aware of how important it is for your partnerships of all kinds to support your values. This may challenge others’ self-identities because they may not be a certain of their goals or ambitions as you are – their interactions with you make them more aware of their lack of ambition, lack of focus, and lack of self-discipline. If anything, their association with you is making them more aware of how they may be sabotaging their own success. Thought this may sound a bit painful, this is actually a HUGE blessing for those experiencing this awakening. This could be the turning point for many people as some begin to realize that it may not be others holding them back, but their allowing others to hold them back or their making choices to hold themselves back.

The 2019 Sagittarius New Moon will be felt from Saturday 23rd November through Friday 29th November. Use this time to realize how much you’ve already grown, how much you’re growing now, and how you want to grow from here. Then figure out which risks you need to take in order to support your maximum growth and expansion from this point forward. That may include you needing to face the factual truths about your current circumstances so you can progress with clarity, but remember – it’s always the Truth that sets you free.

Take the risk to face the Truth, and reclaim your True self and your freedom.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,

P.S. – The 2019 Sagittarius E-Zine is coming! Still in progress…




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