Everything has its equal and opposite, and there’s no time which demonstrates that more clearly than a Full Moon phase, especially one involving Taurus and Scorpio.

The 2019 Taurus Full Moon reached its maximum phase at 5:34a PST on Tuesday, 12th November 2019 (19.82°). Numerologically speaking, this was an 8 universal day of power and influence. Ideally, we are using our personal power to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Yet often times under the influence of the state of the world today, it’s easy for many of us to get caught up in placing more value on our resources than on what they represent for us. The power of this 2019 Taurus Full Moon is that we get to become present to the emotions behind our physical, material, and financial belongings, attachments, and addictions.

But to understand this Taurus Full Moon, we must first address the sunlight being reflected upon it by the Scorpio Sun.

Scorpio is often seen as the epitome of dark energy, given a negative rap because it represents our deepest emotional and spiritual wounds and secrets – the stuff we’d rather others didn’t know about us because it makes us feel most vulnerable. In many cultures, anything that makes us feel emotionally vulnerable is seen as a negative. Yet during the times when we are most vulnerable is where we have the most access to our personal power. This is because we are no longer expending our energy trying to hide anything. There’s no need to pretend any longer. There’s no need to put up a façade any longer. Once the Truth comes to Light, there’s nothing left to hide.

That’s the beauty of Scorpio energy – what we believe is the worst about us often isn’t as bad as we fear once brought into the Light. And even if it is bad or worse than expected to others, it’s now in the open where it can be honestly and earnestly dealt with.

Scorpio also reminds us that in order to know Light, we must know darkness. That polarity exists in everything, including and especially within ourselves. The more we try to move toward brighter Light, the more we simultaneously gain access to deeper darkness – it’s the nature of polarity, which is also the realization of equal and opposite. In order to maintain balance within ourselves, we must accept that we cannot have one without the other. The extremes coexist, and they always will. The learning is in how we learn to manage that polarity. How do we allow our darkness to be revealed by our Light, and how do we allow our Light to guide us through acceptance of our darkness?

The Moon was in Taurus at the moment of maximum Full phase. Taurus is known as being stubborn, but what many don’t realize is that much of this stubbornness is due to a determination to maintain one’s comfort zone. After all, Taurus brings our physical, material, and financial needs and well-being to our attention. After the self is identified, we develop a means of survival – a way of acquiring and maintaining the resources we need in order to keep ourselves in a comfortable, or rather, familiar lifestyle.

The thing is… humans are not designed nor made to withstand extremes. We often find a comfortable place between one extreme and the other, and settle in there. Unlike Scorpio which often finds us choosing a side of the polarity, Taurus encourages us to find a place in the middle where the extremes aren’t faced or confronted.

The Moon brings our emotional needs to our attention, and with this Full Moon in Taurus, there is a heightened awareness of our emotional investment in our material and physical resources and experiences. We may learn during this time that in order to manage our emotional truths, we may use the physical and/or material world to hide (but really express) our emotional reality. This reality may show up as taking comfort in food, shopping, sex, and/or acquiring money or “stuff”, sometimes insatiably so. This reality may also show up as a refusal to give up toxic behaviors or a resistance to leaving toxic physical and/or emotional environments. The Scorpio Sun reflects its light upon the Taurus Moon to highlight this need to dig deep into our emotional investments in and motivations behind our physical and material world choices. We get to look at why we choose to remain in certain conditions or circumstances, and we get to look at what must happen – how we must feel – in order to finally allow changes to our status quo occur.

Speaking of status quo, that may be the most important thing to note about this 2019 Taurus Full Moon happening at this time. This is occurring on a numerological 8 universal day of power and influence during a 5 universal month of change, variety, versatility, and adjustment! Change is the only constant in life – it is the status quo! Yet as humans, we often try to maintain stability and security despite that fact. Under the influence of this Full Moon, we are being asked to allow change to occur so we may experience and establish “a new normal” which is in better alignment with our individual and collective emotional Truths. The alignment will reactivate and/or refocus our power, encouraging us to let go of our status quos in order to live fully into our Truths.

Now some of us are trying to control how the changes will occur or trying to force them to occur in certain ways or timeframes. These efforts will not work. The changes before us are not subject to an ego-driven outcome. In fact, this is intended to be an exercise in vulnerability, which actually makes this an exercise in surrender. We must be willing to let go of how we think we should get what we want in order to allow what we want to manifest. We must be willing to allow the feelings – the emotions – create the outcome rather than a physical, material, or financial effort.

Let’s look at the transits within 3° orb during this 2019 Taurus Full Moon phase for a better understanding of how change is influencing our emotional well-being as it pertains to our physical, material, and financial lifestyles:

At the time of max phase, Scorpio Mercury Retrograde is conjunct Scorpio 5 Sun (17-19°). Most exact the day before the Full Moon, this transit lets us know that information is coming to us. Under its influence, it would be wise to look and listen rather than trying to assert your message. Not to say that you shouldn’t speak up for yourself nor speak your truth – you definitely should do that! Yet it is to say that there’s just as much if not more to be gained by listening and learning first than by trying to assert your way. That said, Mercury Retrograde may be giving you second chances to share your deepest and most heartfelt emotional truths with others, encouraging you to be courageous and vocal where you once kept your silence. Your vulnerability has life-transforming power now, and it may transform not only your life but the lives of others you share your truth with as well.

Naturally, during a Full Moon, the Moon is opposite the Sun. However during this 2019 Taurus Full Moon, there is another conjunction opposite the Sun + Mercury conjunction – Taurus Vesta Retrograde conjunct Taurus Moon (19°). This represents an intense dedication to one’s personal values, and possibly to one’s personal comfort zone. In fact, the comfort thing may be taken literally here. With Taurus representing the physical and material, this could show up as a strong attachment to one’s physical and material “security blankets”. Strong attachments or addictions to money, material belongings, food, sex, or other tactile experiences or things will likely come to Light during this Full Moon phase, and with the Sun and Mercury Retrograde opposite, this may be the time to talk about said attachments and addictions in order to find both release in sharing your Truth and support in managing and/or dealing with them.

Libra Juno conjunct White Moon Selene (3°) – A commitment to balance is supported by a call to Higher expression. This call will likely come through your one-on-one interactions with others. Your relationships of all kinds will challenge you to seek balance in your expression of extremes, as well as encourage you to recognize that we all toggle between the two. We will never be all Light, nor will we ever be all darkness. The goal is to recognize that we will always carry both, and we will always have a choice between which end of the spectrum we choose to express as a display of who we want to be in the world. We always get to choose what we are committed to, and this transit encourages us to choose our Higher calling as often as we can.

  • opposite Aries Chiron Retrograde (1°) – This opposition will find you being challenged to move beyond your self-identity wounds in order to honor our commitment to balance our extremes. Often, we self-identify with one extreme or the other because it reflects how we believe or perceive ourselves to be in any given moment. What we choose may not be the case, but it’s what we choose to act upon in the moment. By consciously choosing to heed your Higher calling, you may enable yourself to see how you repeatedly reopened your wounds and refused to allow yourself to face, deal, and heal the pain of polarity within you. Once you understand that the two can coexist, you give your self-identity access to healing.
  • quincunx Taurus Uranus Retrograde (3-4°) – This transit reveals that you may not find the agreement of others you may be seeking through allowing or enabling this transformation process – this allowing of the “death” of your false self-identity in order to create space for your True identity to emerge. You may find yourself getting a lot of what seems to be negative feedback from others, yet this doesn’t threaten you the moment you recognize that the more you step toward the Light, the more that Light reveals the darkness around you. Take any criticism or judgment that comes your way as Universal acknowledgment that you’ve grown, and that you’ve likely outgrown those who are trying to bring you down. The “haters” are actually your greatest reward, as they help you recognize that you no longer need them in your life.

Sagittarius Jupiter conjunct Ceres (25-28°) – The desire to expand and explore increases, and the desire to experience more freedom increases as result. The more you realize what the rest of the world has to offer, the more you want to experience it… which makes you more aware of how much your current circumstances and situations may be holding you back. What do you value most? And how are you making adjustments in your life to grow into and align with those values?

There are two Blessing Triangles:

  1. Scorpio Mercury Retrograde sextile Capricorn Saturn sextile Pisces Neptune Retrograde (15-17°) – Communications aren’t surface level right now – they are deeply emotional expressions of our most well-kept truths and fears. So deep, they may lead to feelings of being punished or disciplined in some way as you face and/or express them. Yet what you need to understand is that these communications and the information that comes through them are coming to you now because you’re being asked to wake up and accept the realities we haven’t wanted to face because you may have been holding on so tightly to your delusions/ideals/fantasies.  We haven’t wanted to see how we are fooling ourselves into resisting inevitable change. The sooner you let go of trying to extend your life as a caterpillar, the sooner you realize that the pain you’ve felt is only the reality of “dying” to be reborn into a butterfly – an outcome better than you ever could have imagined.
  • Capricorn Pluto sextile Pisces Black Moon Lilith sextile Taurus Vesta Retrograde conjunct Moon (19-21°) – Structural transformation leads to confrontation of our individual and collective ego-invested delusions which leads to a reconsideration of what we are most invested in on the physical, material, and financial levels of our lives. What is the real reality of your circumstances, and what do you really need in order to not just survive but thrive in these conditions of massive societal change? The answers are there if you allow yourself to see them by letting go of your attachments to certain idealistic beliefs.

Sagittarius Pallas Athena trine Aries Chiron Retrograde (1°) – Recognize the patterns we go through believing we are taking steps in order to claim our freedom of self-expression and to realize our self-identities in the world, especially if the patterns still aren’t setting us free after weeks, months, years, decades… What does it take to wake us up to the fact that if we really don’t want our self-identity to be what it is, only we have the power to change that?

Libra Mars sextile Sagittarius Jupiter conjunct Ceres (25-28°) – Actions taken to balance the polarities support and encourage the increasing value of first-hand experience. You don’t know how much you can grow until you take the step forward. Even if you aren’t necessarily taking the step for yourself, you can learn more about yourself through the actions you take on behalf of creating balance, beauty, equality, fairness, justice, and/or peace for another individual.

Scorpio 5 Sun sextile Capricorn Pluto (19-21°) – This is a potent combination of energies in that the potency comes through the common theme of deep and far-reaching change. This isn’t just change that affects you as an individual (though you may feel like you’re the only one going through things this hard) – this is change that will forever transform individuals and society as a whole.

And last but not least, the tension of the day comes through Sagittarius Venus square Pisces Neptune Retrograde (13-15°), which reveals how keeping an open mind in your relationships with others may end up challenging your fantastic ideals of what relationships should be and how they should evolve. There’s more growth and learning involved in relationships than we usually expect. This is a reminder of that growth journey, and an opportunity to thank others for the challenges/learning experiences they bring into our lives to help us grow as individuals in how we relate to the world around us.

The energy of this 2019 Taurus Full Moon will be felt from Saturday the 9th through the Friday the 15th of November 2019. Use this time to explore your extremes, recognize your patterns, make conscious choices to choose and act differently, and to allow yourself to let go of your status quo.

Though it may be painful (at first), in the long run you’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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