The 2019 Scorpio New Moon reaches its maximum phase on Sunday 27th October at 8:38p PDT (4.42°) here in North America and all things west of us.However, for the rest of the world, this New Moon is reaching its maximum phase on Monday 28th October. Whichever day it is for you, it’s certain to be a day of emotionally intense energy that may have you wondering why you’re feeling so many feelings.

The reason why?

Because we are individually and collectively beginning to understand that there have been a lot of changes happening in the world around us, and these changes are affecting us externally and internally, whether we want to admit it or not. Our societal structures and institutions are experiencing massive transformation, and the shifts are starting to affect us directly, and in many cases, personally now. We are beginning to feel the absence of our status quo, and we’re beginning to understand that some way, somehow, we’ve moved past the point of no return.

There’s no going back to what was any longer.

We are officially in uncharted territory.

Welcome to the Transformation Station, where you now get to choose how you want to move forward in your life’s journey! Where would you like to go?

Now, you may wonder why I’m asking you that question – “Where would you like to go?”.

Your response may be something along the lines of, “Why don’t you tell me where I’m supposed to go.”

Yeah. It doesn’t work that way anymore. That’s one of the changes that’s happened over these last few months and years. So many of us gave up our personal power and allowed our courses in life to be directed by relational and societal expectations and demands. We gave our ability to think for ourselves and speak up for ourselves, and many of us lost ourselves in the hype of trying desperately to remain connected to people we were emotionally bonded to even if everything practical about the relationship was toxic (possibly even the emotional connection itself) or to fit into a society that valued appearances over substance.

But now? We’re waking up.

We’re waking up to how miserable many of us are. We’re waking up to how lost we feel. We’re waking up to the feeling that we don’t really know ourselves and we don’t know how we got to these places in our lives where we are so unhappy, and in many cases, so depressed.

We are longing for the joy, the freedom, the authenticity of our True selves! Where do we find it?

We keep asking people around us to tell us… yet we should know by now that’s not going to work.

We find it within ourselves, and to get to it we must go into and through our darkness within. You know. All those negative beliefs and thoughts, those episodes in our lives we’d rather forget or pretend never happened, those toxic relationship patterns, those addictions and obsessions…

Yeah, That stuff. We get to face and come to terms with all of that.

We don’t want to. We’ve avoided that stuff like the plague for months, years, decades. We’ve created our entire identity around keeping that stuff under wraps. How could we possibly be expected to give up the front for… transformation?

Because transformation is what we want.

And yes, it comes at a price. Just like the caterpillar has to give up crawling around on the ground to get its butterfly wings, we get to give up who we’ve believed ourselves to be in order to become who we truly are, regardless of the expectations and demands of others… or even our expectations or demands of ourselves.

It’s time for us to stop betraying our inner Truths. We must let go of the falsehoods, the pretenses, the facades, the lies. All of that is what’s causing our pain.

This 2019 Scorpio New Moon is a call to allow our vulnerability fully. It is a call to allow ourselves to trust the process even if we have no idea where we are being led. It is a call to step into the darkness and trust that we are moving toward Light.

It is a call to trust ourselves and our connection with Source.

This 2019 Scorpio New Moon occurs in the later hours of a 22 universal day here in North America and all things west of it… but it has become a 5 universal day for the majority of the world.

In the western world, this New Moon phase may be one in which you recognize the opportunity to create your life your way, or you recognize the transformation that is occurring isn’t just in your experience of the world – it’s in everyone’s experience of the world! It’s a collective phenomenon!   Community connections are key right now in finding the support you need to sustain your emotional stability through your transformative process, or to contribute support to others as we are all beginning to experience quite an amazing evolutionary step. However, these changes aren’t minor… and as much as people may want to hide their personal vulnerability, the waves of emotion may be too much for them to take. These are the times which inspire us to create emotional safe and supportive space for each other. This 22 universal day energy encourages us to do just that – be safe for one another through nurturing one-on-one connections that build a stronger sense of community stability, security, and safety for all.  

But in the rest of the world, there is already full awareness that this is the gateway of a major change event, and this New Moon may bring forth the energy to catalyze the new next waves of change in various situations in which transformation is already underway. The divides between the past, the present, and the future are being revealed for very important distinction purposes. And because many of the societies and cultures under the 5 universal day energy for the New Moon are from cultures which have spanned centuries if not millennia, they aren’t a phased by this call to transformation. They’ve been there and done this before. The difference now is how technology plays a role in making the organization process easier… but how it also makes it easier for propaganda to be distributed and the exchange of information to be controlled or hindered. Nevertheless, change is well-underway in the rest of the world, and they are looking at the western countries wondering why it’s taking us so long to join them in the transformation crusade.

Why would the Americas and beyond want to join the rest of the world in this transformation crusade?

Well, we don’t really have a choice in that. The transformation train is coming to pick us up, too.

All aboard isn’t an option – it’s a fact.

The primary major transit of this 2019 Scorpio New Moon is an exact opposition between the Sun+Moon conjunction and Taurus Uranus Retrograde (4°). This is a powerful indication that this call to transformation really is a full humanity participation effort. With Uranus representing humanity, community, and activism, its clear that we are being asked to reassess our personal lifestyle values and think about which resources and values actually matter in the midst of chaotic change in which our societal institutions and structures are showing signs of compromise, corruption, and collapse. Even more interesting we are being asked to do this assessment for our individual selves first, then to seek out others who share our values and priorities in order to form communities which help us continue our forward progress in healthy and positive ways which are productive to and supportive of our personal emotional and spiritual growth.

The secondary major transit of this 2019 Scorpio New Moon phase is a stellium of Venus, Pallas Athena, and Mercury in Scorpio (24-26°). This lets us know that our relationships will help us uncover patterns of behavior and thought/belief, some of which may be toxic and disruptive or destructive to our True selves and what would bring us happiness and fulfillment in our lives; and uncover healthy behaviors which support and encourage our creative energy and our discovery of joy and fulfillment from within ourselves. This a call to transform our minds so we can recognize what circumstances and conditions in our lives also get to be transformed. However, it may also reveal that some of our relationships are holding us back or down, and it’s time to let them go. This stellium is in opposition to Taurus Vesta Retrograde (23°), which is challenging us to reassess our dedication to our values and resources. As the way the world works continues to change on such a large scale, does it serve us to maintain the same values and priorities? With its position opposite the stellium, this is an acknowledgment that changing your emotional and intellectual truths will in fact, change your material, physical, and financial priorities. The only question is… as you align more closely with your True self, what will you find yourself valuing most? The stellium is also sextiled by Virgo Juno (27°), supportively calling us to question by asking us just how committed we are to our transformation and gently encouraging us to continue into the darkness to move through it to our Light.

Another transit of note is Aries Chiron Retrograde opposite Libra White Moon Selene (1-2°), revealing that in order to move ourselves up to the next level of our personal evolution, we must be willing to engage in this self-identity healing journey. This is a call we really should answer, even though we recognize the number and really want to let it go to voicemail. It’s time to allow the healing to take place as it will transform our experience of ourselves and others.

And the only square transit of this 2019 Scorpio New Moon is Libra Mars square Capricorn Saturn (15°).  This reveals that our actions taken in efforts to restore balance, beauty, and peace in the world are being challenged by those in positions of societal authority and power. This transit is a reminder to consider why we may be feeling or actually being delayed, stopped, or re-directed toward a different course. Sometimes, this is the Universe getting us back on track. But sometimes, this is others telling us how they think we should live our lives, and in the case of the latter, we get to figure out what we must do next to stand up for our True selves.

This 2019 Scorpio New Moon really is an opportunity to choose our transformation before it is forced upon us. You’re standing on the platform, and the train’s just arrived.

Are you ready to get on board?

The energy of the 2019 Scorpio New Moon will be felt from Wednesday 23rd October through Wednesday 30th October.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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