The Moon enters its maximum NEW phase position at 5.33° Libra on Saturday 28th September at 11:26a PDT. This 2019 Libra New Moon is the zenith of relational awareness for 2019 as the Moon’s placement in Libra joins the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the sign, adding its strong emotional presence to matters intellectually, relationally, and circumstantially coming to Light at this time. Dare I say, this New Moon phase is a profound moment of intellect-driven emotion – a moment in which the only way to change minds is to reach and change hearts. The irony of this is that the key to changing hearts in order to change minds is through peace-intending one-on-one dialogue.

Libra represents harmony, balance, beauty, and equality; yet there’s not much of that happening in the world right now. That’s part of what makes this 2019 Libra New Moon so important – it motivates us to look at the areas of our individual lives, our communities, and our environments which are out of balance, and to come together in open and honest dialogues to figure out ways of bringing the beauty and balance back into our world as the prominent qualities we all strive to establish and maintain.

In support of those dialogues, this 2019 Libra New Moon phase actually brings us a momentary celestial partnership of the two best-known traditional female archetypes as the energy of objective, intellectual, multi-tasking Venus – the ruling planet of Libra – is given emotional expression through the Moon’s powerful New phase presence.

That was important. Let me state that again.

The energy of objective, intellectual, multi-tasking Venus is given emotional expression through the Moon’s powerful New phase presence.

Venus is the traditional female archetype often associated with one-one-one relationships. Yet the issue I take with this is that many people get caught up with equating one-on-one relationship with romance and emotions, forgetting that Venus rules Libra and Libra is a cardinal airsign. Air energy is not about emotions. Libra is about intellect, communication, and exchanging information in order to bring about balance, beauty, and peace, which are the qualities Venus represents.

The Moon, on the other hand, is the ruler of Cancer energy – the emotional mother of the Zodiac. This is the nurturing, caring, protective energy which helps us recognize if we feel emotionallysafe, nurtured, and cared for. Therefore…

Venus = thinking.

Moon = feeling.

That said, having both the Moon and Venus in the sign of Libra (even though they aren’t in major aspect with each other) during this 2019 Libra New Moon phase is powerful, and is likely to encourage much-desired intellectual and emotional exchange and/or debate – interactions which are long overdue, and now, there’s enough activity and information to engage in them properly.

  • These exchanges are occurring on the large, world community scale. As humanity at large, our collective relationship with our planet and our management of our worldly resources will be major topics of discussion and negotiation.
  • These exchanges are also occurring on the national community scale. Many nations around the globe are experiencing societal and institutional imbalances, injustices, and destabilizations which have their citizens wondering where they stand.
  • These exchanges are occurring on the local community scale, as people begin to rethink their personal values systems and share their values with others around them in order to see if everyone is on the same page, or if the rifts are becoming significant and maybe too much to overcome.
  • And these exchanges are also occurring in one-on-one relationships of all kinds. As individuals are experiencing greater self-awareness and personal growth, they are recognizing that the dynamics in their relationships or partnerships may need to be (re)assessed.

So why is this so important?

Under this 2019 Libra New Moon’s influence, we will be using these exchanges in two ways:

  1. To connect with people one-on-one as a means of having meaningful, healing dialogues which begin (or further) the process of restoring balance and beauty in our lives. One interaction at a time multiplied by many people having these interactions = gradual restoration. The healing component is due to the fact that the Sun + Moon conjunction in Libra (5°) will be in opposition to Aries Chiron Retrograde in Aries (3°) at the time of maximum phase. This reveals how our interactions with others will help us see their self-identity wounds, but seeing their wounds may also make us more aware of our own. This is an opportunity to talk it all out.
  2. Through these connections we also get to assess the one-one-one relationships of all kinds in our individual lives. Through these open dialogues, we may discover just how much we – as individuals – have grown and evolved, and how some of our relationships have (or haven’t) grown or evolved with us… or maybe that we haven’t grown or evolved as much as we thought we had. This comparative component is due to the fact that the Sun + Moon conjunction in Libra (5°) will be inconjunct or quincunx to Taurus Uranus Retrograde (5°) at the time of maximum phase. This reveals how we may be diverging away from if not straight-up rebelling against values which may have been the societal norm at one point. We may find that we no longer share lifestyle values with others in our circles – that it may be time to make (or accept) changes in our connections with others in our lives.

What we will learn during this 2019 Libra New Moon is:

  • There are individuals in our lives who genuinely support us and encourage the balance and beauty we are striving to bring into our lives. These individuals may not be interested in doing what we’re doing, yet they encourage, provide resource, and lift us up emotionally and/or spiritually with the intention of seeing us become the best and brightest versions of ourselves in our service to the world.
  • There are other individuals who mirror us. These individuals provide us with much-needed insights into ourselves which assist us in seeing who we are (and aren’t) being in our lives, and why we may be having the balance and beauty experiences we are having in our lives.
  • There are other individuals who align with us. These individuals are ones who seem to understand us, who seem to be at least moving in the same direction we are if not toward the same or similar balance and beauty goals. These are the partners with whom we can work with and pursue mutual accomplishment together.

New Moons always bring the energy of new beginnings and fresh starts. Yet the interesting thing about them is that as soon as we get ready to start new things, we usually become present to what needs to be cleared out of our lives in order for us to bring or allow something new to come into the space.

This 2019 Libra New Moon is no exception.

In other words, there are plenty of relationships and relational situations ready for change and/or release. And with the 3 numerological energy of learning, growth, and expansion present as the current universal month energy, awareness of these relationships will only increase until we choose to do something about them.

Here are some of the other aspects occurring during this 2019 Libra New Moon:

  • (Virgo Mars conjunct White Moon Selene) trine Taurus Vesta Retrograde (26-27°) – Actions are taken with the intention of shifting the energy of our daily routines to a Higher consciousness. Can we see how our everyday is actually extraordinary? Can we allow ourselves to see the magic and miracles in the mundane? Under this influence, if we take action under this New Moon energy with this intention behind it, think about the balance and beauty that can be brought into the world with interconnection and Oneness in mind as we live our daily lives. The more we are determined to shift our personal values to this Higher awareness and live in alignment with these new values, the more we may see the changes we are actually choosing to be in the world.
  • Capricorn South Node conjunct Saturn (13-14°) – We are witnessing – and in some cases, experiencing – the efforts of those trying to uphold and enforce past (and outdated) societal institutions and objectives, fighting calls for change, despite knowing full well that it’s time for change toward a more nurturing and caring society to happen. This represents those in positions of “leadership” desperately clinging to a past that keeps them relevant, using every rules and policy in the book to assert what is left of their authority and preserve their societal status.
  • (Pisces Black Moon Lilith conjunct Neptune Retrograde) opposite Virgo Juno (15-16°) – Our most ego-driven motivations are coming to the surface now. This may reveal just how unwilling we are to let go of our beliefs and/or perceptions of others and the world around us, even if they are proven erroneous, but it may also reveal how our egos may be keeping us trapped in beliefs or perspectives of the world which have little to no basis in practical reality. Yet our delusions will make themselves known as we find ourselves having to choose between holding onto these beliefs and our commitment to having our day-to-day lives being practically functional. Are your beliefs working for you, or are they destroying your life? Now’s the time to notice. This may be a call to get out of your head and put your beliefs into action, or this may be a call to let go of what you think is True and actually get back to living the reality of your life.
  • (Pisces Black Moon Lilith conjunct Neptune Retrograde) quincunx Libra Venus (16-17°) – These (erroneous) beliefs will also be challenged by those we are in one-on-one relationships with. Individuals in our lives – even some who have been in our lives for a very long time – may bring beliefs and perspectives which challenge our own so deeply, we may wonder if we can continue to be in relationship with them. This transit may sadly reveal that in some of our relationships, common ground can no longer be found. Yet, in releasing these now-toxic connections from our lives, we open space for something positive and life-affirming to enter. It’s okay to let go of relationships which no longer align with us.
  • Libra Mercury square Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (20-23°) – Exchanges of ideas and information in one-on-one relationships of all kinds intended to bring more beauty and balance into the world seem an exercise in futility in the face of societal transformation. As our societal systems undergo challenge if not collapse, we may be finding it difficult to see the beauty in things happening around us. Yet in the spirit of the New Moon, recognize the destruction and collapse as a clearing of the slate. And if we can remind each other that beauty can come from ashes, we can find a glimmer of hope in the midst of all of the darkness that is happening right now.

It will be interesting to see what actually occurs during this 2019 Libra New Moon phase – what comes to an end, and what comes into the space created by those endings… and what comes through those of us open and willing to connect in new and different ways with the intention of restoring balance, beauty, and peace in our lives and in the world.

This Libra New Moon phase will be felt from Wednesday 25th September through Tuesday 1st October.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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