The 2018 Sagittarius New Moon arrives at 11:20p PST on Thursday 6th December (15.12⁰). This Sun +Moon conjunction will actually be occurring on Friday 7th December in most of the world, and that may prove to be a significant detail as we examine the impact of this New Moon energy as an organic force for new beginnings, fresh starts, and personal growth rooted in both factual and experiential truth.

For the West Coast of North America and everything west of that, this Sagittarius New Moon will be occurring on what’s left of a numerological 2 universal day. This will bring an energy of emotional and intuitive awareness, especially in partnership matters. Your intuitive abilities will likely be heightened, making you unusually sensitive to what is happening within and around your 1-on-1 relationships of all kinds.

However, for the rest of the world, this will be a numerological 3 universal day – an energy of learning, growth, and expansion very aligned with the energies of the Sagittarius Sun and Moon. Sagittarius may have the knowledge and wisdom of experience in many things, yet with that knowledge and wisdom comes an innate understanding that there is always more to experience and learn from. The learning never stops, and so the seeking for truths both practical and ultimate continues.

I find it interesting that the majority of the world is likely to be both emotionally and intellectually encouraged to seek and reveal more truth in this growing and expanding energy, while it seems the far western regions of the world may be more directly and deeply emotionally affected by the continuing and expanding revelations of truth under this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon. I’m curious to see how this plays out.

That said, all of this is occurring under a 5 universal month, revealing that all of this emotional and intellectual revelation is not in vain – it will inspire and instigate changes, many of them unexpected, and for both perceptions of better and worse; and the 11 universal year energy shows us how these surprising revelations of truth encourage the growing consciousness of our individual inner knowings and may inspire us as individuals to act in our own best interests, revealing new burgeoning communities to us in the process.

The numerological energies are very supportive of the astrological aspects active during this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon. The astrology reveals a great deal of emotional and intellectual pressure being placed upon both individuals and institutions as factual truths continue to emerge. This pressure encourages the increased revelation of truth AND the increased demand for changes as result of those revelations. This may also result in changing associations and affiliations with others in both 1-on-1 and social/community/organizational relationships-they may become deeper and richer in profound ways, or they may fracture and dissolve in dramatic fashion.

The relational intensifications and dissolutions are likely to occur because of varying perspectives of what is real and true versus what is false or fraudulent. The more our intuitions awaken, the more we become aware of what is and isn’t in alignment with factual truth… and the more we may become emotionally empowered and/or upset as we realize our inner guidance maybe directing us toward or away from a long-held belief.

For those of us being guided toward our long-held beliefs through factual verification of our truths, this shift can be emotionally empowering yet also intellectually intimidating. We are being called to live into our greatest and most positive potential, and this may require us to grow beyond the confines of our comfort zones into full expression of our authentic selves.  

Yet for those of us being guided away from our long-held beliefs through the factual verification of all that opposes our truths, this could be an emotionally and intellectually terrifying and disempowering call to accept truths we have resisted or denied, forcing us to release our desperate grip on what has been proven false, seemingly against our individual wills.

Either way, this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon invites us to embark on new beginnings which push us out of our comfort zones and into the truths of who we really and truly are. Whether or not we like the truths we are being forced to accept is irrelevant.What is important and relevant is that we are now outgrowing the external truths we’ve always aligned with outside of ourselves to step into the new beginnings rooted in the truths we’ve always known within. This New Moon affirms that growth and expansion.

Let’s look at the astrological aspects and configurations specifically and how they’re bringing forth the revelations and changes we’ve discussed.

  • One of the notable aspect configurations of this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon is a Grand Trine Kite configuration comprised of the Capricorn South Node opposite the Cancer North Node trine Scorpio Mercury trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde with all aspects nearly exact and all components at 27⁰ of their respective signs when the New Moon reaches its maximum phase. This is a powerful configuration, revealing the pressure being placed upon our societal institutions by a call to tune into our personal emotional truths, to communicate on a deeper emotional level, and to recognize whether or not our efforts are helping or hindering the emotional and/or spiritual healing of all who will allow themselves to receive the healing energy available.
  • There is also a T-Square configuration involving Aries Uranus Retrograde square the Cancer-Capricorn Nodal Axis at 27-28⁰, again pressuring each and all of us to decide if we’re going to align with the will and power of our societal structures or heed the promptings of our personal emotional inner truths. The more we individually step into our truths, the more we may discover we are not alone in our truth.Rooted in authentic emotional expression, new communities begin to form as result of individuals taking action to honor their inner truths. The big-picture question, though, is which communities rally around the traditions of institution and which communities rally around the transformation of institution.
  • The Sun and Moon are not the only conjunction aspect of the day. Mars and Neptune are also in approaching conjunction in the sign of Pisces at 13⁰at the time of the New Moon’s maximum phase. The two conjunctions are within square aspect of each other at the time of max phase,revealing the lack of alignment between the truths being revealed and the ideals being acted upon and the larger challenges this misalignment presents. Either disillusionment ensues as truth dissolves the ideals and delusions, or truth must be enhanced or withheld in order to preserve the illusion/delusion. However,the expansive nature of Sagittarius’ energy (and the fact that Sag’s ruling planet, Jupiter, is also in the sign though not in aspect) implies that truth cannot remain hidden and will continue to emerge in emotionally fulfilling ways.
  • The Mars+ Neptune conjunction also makes quincunx aspect to Libra Pallas Athena,revealing patterns of acting upon delusions or ideals as if they are real; and a semi-sextile with Aquarius Black Moon Lilith,revealing an ego-driven effort to influence the general public in order to implement an ideal which may not be grounded in practical reality.
  • This means the Sun + Moon conjunction is sextile Libra Pallas Athena and sextile Aquarius Black Moon Lilith, forming a Blessing Triangle configuration involving them all. This confirms the well-known pattern of undeniable logic bringing Truth to light coming into play,but it also indicates various groups and organizations’ huge ego-driven investments in these truths coming to light could either taint their validity or give so much verification of their validity that they inspire surprising large-scale events.
  • White Moon Selene also gets in on the action, making trine aspect to the New Moon conjunction at 15⁰. This gives those seeking a Higher truth the hope that it can be found and realized. A growing awareness of what could be created if we allow factual truth to be sought after and acted upon inspires people to pursue the revelation of more factual truth.
  • The one aspect which occurs on its own accord yet brings a VERY important energetic presence to this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon event is Scorpio Venus square Aquarius Vesta at 2⁰ of their respective signs, revealing how dark and/or secret truths revealed in the deepest of emotional confidence may be coming into public knowledge. This may be seen as betrayals to those who confided the revealed truths, and there may be some epic acts of vengeance in response to said revelations.

The energies of these afore-mentioned aspects may make their presences fully known now, or the seeds for these energies could be planted now coming into full bloom at a later date (likely around the next Full Moon on 22nd December).

We’ll be feeling the effects of this 2018 Sagittarius New Moon from late 6th December/early 7th December through late Sunday 9th December/early 10th December 2018. Rather than dwelling on what is changing and forcing you out of your comfort zone, make the most of this energy by seeking and paying attention to the new beginnings are opening up for you through these revelations of truth which may be assisting you in aligning more closely with your authentic self.

Who knows. You may find yourself growing into Truth in ways you never intended or imagined. New beginnings, indeed.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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