The subconscious, self or present-consciousness, and collective and/or “super”-consciousness.

We have an energetic gateway on all three of these levels, making Sunday, 11th November 2018 a 33 universal day. Under the 2018 Scorpio Sun, this is a day of transformative learning or “scholarship”.

Eleven is an energetic gateway in the sense that 1 alone is a direct connection to Source energy – it connects the above and the below (human) energies as if they were one. When we have two of these side by side as we do in the number 11, this represents an energetic gateway through which there is one way of thinking on one side of the gateway, and a different, transformed awareness on the other side of the threshold. It also represents peer leadership through individuals coming together in collaborative action by contributing their unique talents and abilities to something greater than any of the participating individuals could produce alone.

Eleven is what we call in numerology a master number, and my little joke to explain master numbers is that “there’s one for you and one for everyone else”. In other words, when you embrace the energy of that number or bring those qualities to the table to be shared with others as peers, others are inspired to step into their own unique leadership.

This “gateway” of 11 is important because it happens in three different ways today.

First of all, we are collectively experiencing an 11 universal year (2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11). This means that we are inspired by each other to be more of our unique and individual selves, and to connect with others who align with our individual self-expression in collaboration or in community. We see this in both healthy and unhealthy expressions – people who are empowered to be their individual selves for inspirational and creative purposes, and people who feel disempowered and act in the name of a group to win their favor or to be defined or acknowledged by others as a way of affirming their “belonging”.

Secondly, November 2018 is a 22 universal month (11 year + 11 month). This means that community and connection are driving energies, and individuals bond and form community around a common or shared message. In this case, I also get that this is a message that comes together as each individual brings their unique piece of the greater whole to the table.

So when we add the fact that this is the 11th day of the 11th month of a year which totals 11, we have , but absolutely not least, our 33 universal day. This amplifies the 11 energy, but is also the third eleven of this day, intensifying the 11 energy, encouraging the 22 energy of the day and month, and now creating a 33 universal day when added to the day and month numbers.

This is VERY powerful stuff.

Thirty-three represents the “Master Scholar”’s energy. It’s a student-teacher or professor as both teacher and apprentice energy. This is about simultaneously learning and teaching – having experiences and learning the answers and/or gaining wisdom through those experiences, then sharing that knowledge and wisdom with others as you go while also learning how to be a better teacher through what you and others share. These exchanges become individual intellectual and experiential growth – a foundation for community intellectual and experiential growth upon which both individual and collective healing, growth, and expansion can be established and supported.

This close-knit community is often created by a collaborative and shared message, and it is being primarily inspired by individuals having the courage to be their true selves out in the world. Through that courageous and empowered self-expression, they inspire and encourage others to express themselves with the utmost humility and sincerity. Inspiration cannot not come from ego or arrogance – it can only come through authentic expression. Honesty and earnestness are the foundation of a positive collaboration of varied individuals coming together to create something none of them could create alone.

The big message: Individuality heals. Uniqueness heals.

This is a powerful and profound message in this current moment. As matters in all areas of our lives seem a bit (or a lot) more frazzled than usual. Much of it is due to the polarity and tribalism that is so prevalent in just about everything, especially our political and social matters. There is more than connects us than divides us, yet we are being encouraged to suspect each other, doubt each other, question each others’ motives.

The 33 energy encourages us to look for what we can learn from each other… and what we can teach each other, without being condescending, without being arrogant, without being pretentious. What we realize we have in common and what we recognize is undisputed and/or undeniable between various parties is often the truth which transcends polarity or debate – the truth that simply is.

The 33 energy of this day represents the exchange of ideas and information so we can discover the undeniable truths of our present life experiences and heal ourselves and others through incorporating those truths in the day-to-day practices of our everyday lives.

There’s a whole lot of astrology supporting this day’s impressive numeric energy, though it may not always seem like it’s “supporting” or encouraging such truths to emerge. The themes of the astrology echo many of the energies discussed over the last few days through the Scorpio New Moon phase (though the Moon phase energy completed its direct influence on the 10th).

So let’s start with explaining the Nodal Grand Trine-Kite involving the Cancer North Node trine both Pisces Neptune Retrograde and Sagittarius Jupiter (which just left Scorpio a couple days ago), and the Capricorn South Node. This is an interesting configuration because it reveals opportunities for emotional healing through the truths coming to light – truths of which, in many cases, confrontation has long been avoided. Under the influence of this configuration, these truths cannot be avoided any longer – they are too big and/or coming too quickly to avoid, ignore, or otherwise overlook. They are on full display for everyone to see… which actually proves to be a wonderful thing as the expected fallout in most cases ends up being a relief rather than a devastating expose… well, it’s a relief to those who thought their truth was worse than it really was/is.

But for those for whom the truth really is that bad and know that the ugly truth isn’t all out yet, this configuration is confirmation that “the truth always comes out eventually”, and if there can be “too much of a good thing” and the factual truth is a good thing, this configuration could be that good thing’s overdoing. There will be (if there’s hasn’t already been) a moment in which it becomes clear that the truth is actually healing many long-held emotional and spiritual wounds, inspiring and encouraging even more truth to come out. “The truth will set you free”, yet freedom can be terrifying for those who don’t really want to change the status quo. After all, freedom is a great power, and “with great power comes great responsibility”. Those who do not want to be responsible for themselves and their lives – those who have grown accustomed to playing victim or martyr and whose default tendency is to blame other people’s perceived or actual needs, demands, and/or expectations for their own behavior – are going to have a really difficult time with this configuration. Trines, especially Grand Trines and Kites, are usually seen as very auspicious configurations. Yet “good” is in the eye of the beholder, and what’s good for one person may be very bad for another…

…which is why another large configuration – a Nodal Grand Square involving Aries Uranus Retrograde, Cancer North Node, Libra Ceres, and Capricorn South Node (all at 29° of their respective signs) – is such a force this time as well. This indicates independent/individual, often unexpected, and often self-serving, actions being taken “on behalf of the community”. This usually occurs when there is a collective message or belief in a community, yet it’s all talk… and someone in the group finally decides to “do something about it”. This is also known as, “I’m really doing it only for myself, but I’m using the community as a cover to make it seem like I care about others even though I could care less. These actions taken are likely emotionally-driven ego responses driven by a desire for importance in the community or group that shares their beliefs, but their efforts have a purely personal initiative – to give themselves individual importance or identity within the group.

The self-important actions of others will also force your attention toward your own goals and ambitions, challenging you to consider if those goals and ambitions are as emotionally fulfilling as they could be for you. If you’ve been feeling stuck, held back, or unfulfilled in some way, is it because 1) you’re realizing you really don’t care as much about what you’ve been conditioned (or what you’ve conditioned yourself) to believe you have to accomplish? Or 2) maybe that you aren’t as important in or to the group or community as you’ve believed yourself to be, especially by those in the leadership roles?  Are your feelings of importance are driven by words and/or beliefs alone and is there little to no action or result to show for those? And do you really believe what others in the community believe, or are you simply looking for something to belong to?

Ultimately, this is a test of your independent emotional satisfaction and fulfillment, and maybe even your emotional joy. Are your goals and ambitions what you need to feel emotionally fulfilled? What do YOU want or need to feel emotionally fulfilled? And are you willing to give up your old, outdated ambitions (rooted in outdated social and societal institutions which no longer serve anyone in the collective whole) in order to allow your new ones to emerge?

In other words – and to tie it all back to the numerology of the day – are you ready to walk through the 11.11.11 gateways to see yourself in the Highest and most promising Truth possible, for better or worse?

Are you willing to see how you may or may not be open to learning, teaching, or sharing your knowledge, information, wisdom, abilities, and/or resources with others in community… or how you may expect others to share their knowledge and wisdom with you without you putting a finger forth to contribute yourself?

And which intentions are you setting for yourself and the world around you by sharing your wisdom and knowledge with others? What change do you want to see in the world, and is your contribution to the greater whole in alignment with that intention for change? And are you open to a complete transformation – change in which none of the old identity remains?

But wait – we’re not done.

There’s more configuration energies – what I’m going to call a triple Yod – three Yod configurations which are interlocked.

The first Yod is Pisces Chiron Retrograde sextile Taurus Juno Retrograde, both quincunx Libra Venus Retrograde. This one reveals that our personal healing and transformation work may be bringing reassessment of all of your relationships of all kinds, and wondering whether or not your relationships reflect the personal values you are committed to upholding and whether or not they support the healing of your emotional wounds. If not, this may be a good time to see which ones meetyour standards. Of course, once you determine which ones do, it won’t be easy dealing with the ones which don’t…

…which brings the second Yod/Boomerang involving Pisces Chiron Retrograde sextile Taurus Juno Retrograde, this time both quincunx Libra Ceres opposite Aries Uranus Retrograde. In this one, the values conversation is even more profound with the question of which relationships you value most at this time in your life, and which ones you take action for? Are you taking actions because you feel like you belong, or are you taking actions because you want to belong? It’s an important distinction.

The third is another Yod/Boomerang. This one involves Aries Uranus Retrograde opposite Libra Ceres again, but now Libra Pallas Athena sextile Sagittarius Jupiter are both quincunx Ceres. In this one, you get to figure out if the communities you take action in and/or for share your values or not, and if you still want to be in relationship/association/affiliation with them.

ALL of these reflect back to the 33 universal day energy, the 22 universal month energy, and the 11 universal year energies. Are you exchanging/sharing/giving/receiving with others in the community in satisfying if not fulfilling ways? Are you feeling emotionally invested in and are you invested in other members of the community? Are you inspired to take individual initiative action to bring your unique and individual self-expression to the community? And are you sharing and acting upon undeniable and indisputable truth?

Ultimately, the opportunities and the freedom are there for the taking. All you have to do is walk over the threshold and through the gateways into a new experience of yourself and the world.

Use the energy of this 33 universal day – this 11.11.11 day – to step into your courage and be your own person in sharing your intellectual bounty with others. The world needs you – and you need you – to show up as your authentic and independent individual self, sharing what only you can share, more than ever right now.

Don’t worry – though you may take these important steps alone, you’re not alone. Your True tribe will find you once you’ve chosen to walk through and open yourself to transformative healing.

So be yourself and walk through these gateways with courage and confidence. As you express yourself to heal yourself, you will simultaneously make your contribution to the healing of all of humanity.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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