The Pisces Moon enters maximum Full phase opposite the Virgo 1 Sun at 4:46a PDT on Sunday, 26th August 2018 (3.20°). Upon doing so, it brings so much of what has been happening over the last few weeks into crystal clarity. It’s often said that everything has a reason and a season. This Full Moon brings those reasons into vibrant, undeniable focus as everything that seems to have been random and chaotic suddenly begins to come together in near-perfect order at what seems to be the perfect time, assisting us in declaring where we choose to stand and take initiative action from in the practical lifestyle matters of our lives.

Pisces is a sign known for its visionary attributes, representing our dreams and ideals for the present and future. it also known for its inherent sense of Oneness, recognizing that everything and everyone is connected in some way. This awareness of interconnection may have some of us more attuned to others’ emotional energies, often causing those of us who are highly empathic and empathetic to take on more service and healing projects than we’re really equipped to handle. Add the fact that when we’re focused on helping others heal their emotional and spiritual wounds, we often neglect the healing of our own wounds, and you may begin to understand the chaos part of our current circumstances.

This 2018 Pisces Full Moon will challenge us to acknowledge the emotional and energetic sensitivities of others, yet also acknowledge our own emotional and energetic sensitivities; and it will also encourage us to put our healing needs before the healing needs of others, which may require us to release some of our perceived responsibilities to serve or heal others who may be better served by being encouraged to serve and/or heal themselves. In fact, this may be the moment in which we finally realize and understand that we cannot heal anyone who does not want to be healed, enabling us to finally stop trying to heal people who wounds themselves (and us) again and again and again…

This encouragement to no longer waste our time and effort trying to heal and serve people who deny, reject, or ignore our healing is also supported by this day’s 9 numerological universal day energy of fulfillment, completion, and ending on which we can come through the current emotional and energetic storm(s) with a feeling that these storms are finally clearing in and from our lives. This is occurring in a 1 universal month of new beginnings and an 11 universal year of peer leadership, illumination, and inspiration. Together, these energies represent the completion of what no longer serves us well to serve so we may move forward and upward from here without the burden of the past to serve our greater purposes here in this lifetime with clear focus and an orderly and efficient manner.

A large part of this clear focus and order is due to the Earth Grand Trine configuration which is at its most exact on 25th August, about 16 hours before this Full Moon’s max phase – a configuration involving Taurus Uranus Retrograde, the Virgo 1 Sun, and Capricorn Saturn Retrograde (2°). This combination is a potent stabilizing energy as the Earth energy brings a grounding presence to matters and the retrograde energy provides us with opportunities to observe others’ ethical and moral behaviors and to choose whether or not we want to agree and/or stand with their personal lifestyle values and their ethical and moral principles. It also gives us an opportunity to choose how to declare our own positions in matters of our individual and collective material, physical, and financial resources – what we are wanting the resources for, how we acquire them, how we use them, and whether or not we are achieving our intended goals with or through them. This is a chance to strengthen our resolve regarding our personal values, ethics, and morals through our initiative actions. Are we willing to take physical action to declare our intentions, uphold our values, stand up for our moral and ethical principles, and declare ourselves in opposition or agreement with others if necessary?

But wait – there’s more! At the time of the maximum Full Moon, the Pisces Moon is actually in sextile aspect to both Uranus and Saturn and in exact opposition to the Sun, forming a Kite configuration. This makes the Moon the focal point of the configuration, and this is where our emotions get involved… only this isn’t only involving our emotions. Pisces is very sensitive to emotional and spiritual energies – to the point of being empathic, intuitive, and psychic. This Moon position makes us sensitive to everyone’s emotional energies, which can often make us more emotionally reactive. The question is… are we acting upon our own emotional promptings… or are we acting upon the emotional energies of others? This will be an important question to ask in the days leading up to, the day of, and the few days after this 2018 Pisces Full Moon as it will be important for us to understand that our emotional energies may be affecting our practical results. Our ability to restore efficient and effective practical function to our lives depends on our ability to discern our emotional energies from those of others, restoring our intuitive function to our lives and balancing it with our practical.

Yet the real focal point of the day beyond the Full Moon is Taurus Uranus Retrograde. This is because it’s not only one of the points of the Earth Grand Trine – it’s also the focal point of a Fixed energy T-Square configuration with Leo White Moon Selene (1.49°) on one side and Aquarius Black Moon Lilith (2.23°) on the other. Taurus Uranus Retrograde provides an opportunity for us to see how we have either strengthened or weakened in practicing our values both individually and collectively. It brings forth many unexpected and unpredictable events which provide us with situations which challenge us to either choose to align with ourselves or to choose to move away from our intentions and desires. It makes things explicitly real, and it makes things explicitly clear as result. This is our moment of truth – when we can see clearly where and how we may be either self-sabotaging ourselves and our abilities to establish conditions of stability, security, and safety in our lives or setting ourselves up for success beyond our wildest dreams by being leaders for ourselves in the practical matters of our lives.

This 2018 Pisces Full Moon + Grand Trine-Kite + T-Square is a moment in which our individual worldly ego-driven desires and etheric Spirit-driven desires are seeking their balance through the values of a collective whole which is trying to find a stable sense of its values in the face of unexpected challenges to those values. The Grand Trine is showing us how our resources can be acquired and applied, and how our personal and collective results can be achieved through their clear, intentional, and physical/actual application. The T-Square is inspiring us to stand for something – to draw our lines in the sand, to declare our values and establish our boundaries, and to designate where “enough is enough”. The question is whether or not we can find that balance between our egos and our Higher selves.

Some of us will find our emotional and practical balance and fully reconnect with our True selves through the energies of this 2018 Pisces Full Moon and the configurations which are also occurring… and some of us won’t. Both results are okay as regardless of where we may find ourselves, we’ll all have a better sense of where we each and all stand after the Full Moon.

Thanks for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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