Chiron in Aries began its first retrograde motion in the sign on Wednesday, 4th July at 9:46p PDT (2.42°). As it officially began to reverse its course, the Universe began to show us how to heal our individual selves through external events.

Under this influence as well as the influence of transiting Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn squaring Chiron as Chiron takes its first retrograde steps, we began learning how to heal our self-identity wounds by recognizing how our actions and efforts to heal everyone else may be compromised by our self-neglect. In trying to make a difference in the lives of others, we may find ourselves agitating our own wounds.

This 2018 Chiron Retrograde in Aries begs us to ask – where do the events around us inform us of how we are giving our self-identities away? How are we choosing to act against our own best interests in the name of service to others? How are we allowing others to question our identities and make us vulnerable due to a lack of self-identity integrity?

Many of us try to hide our own identity wounds and insecurities behind efforts to help and heal others. We seem to believe that if we can make a difference in their lives, we will get a better sense of who we are for ourselves in our own lives.

Yet the reality under the current astrological and numerological influences is that we are actually draining ourselves of our valuable energy and resources – energy and resources better applied to the conditions and circumstances of ourselves and our individual lives and our individual goals. The wounds in our own self-identities are being brought to the surface through our actions taken in the name of responding to injustices to others and our desire to serve those hurt by the injustices.

Yet as we try to advocate for others as some of us may tend to do, we may find ourselves face-to-face with new rules, regulations, and disciplinary actions preventing us from taking action in ways we’ve done in the past. Consider these new “obstructions” may be forcing us to redirect our attention and resources to our own self-identity wounds and our own self-care needs. In this redirection process, we may realize that much of the stress and pain this 2018 Chiron Retrograde in Aries highlights is more about our self-neglect – the frequent side effect of getting caught up in everything happening around us and the wounds and/or gaps in our self-identities which often surface as result.

Rather than trying so hard to serve others and heal their pain; rather than ignoring or avoiding your own woundedness in the name of “healing” others; consider how the current and new rules, regulations, and disciplinary structures and obstructions may have a real or potential direct impact on your individual life and your ability to live and heal your life as you freely choose. Can you see how current events may now be affecting or obstructing your ability to serve yourself and your own best interests within the interests of community around you?

I ask because for many under this 2018 Chiron Retrograde in Aries (and at this moment, under the Cancer 9 Sun as well), it’s easy to sympathize with others’ pain, but as long as their pain only serves as a distraction for you, you won’t understand how to earnestly and effectively change what is happening and act in alignment with possible solutions to heal the wounds… in yourself and others.

As the Sun moves from Cancer to Leo to Virgo before moving back into Pisces in late August for an even greater awareness of self-sacrifice and self-sabotage, 2018 Chiron Retrograde in Aries provides you with opportunities to take steps now to choose a different course of action – one which serves others while also serving yourself first?

This way, your actions can be effective now and for the long haul because your individual self-identity and therefore, your personal integrity is stronger, fiercer, and more resilient as result. Healing yourself first only makes you stronger in your efforts to affect and serve others. It also gives you a genuine investment and potential for a direct return on your investment in how matters evolve as result of your action(s).

Chiron will re-enter Pisces on 25th August before returning to direct motion on 8th/9th December 2018 (27.90° Pisces) and re-entering Aries in early 2019.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, & Blessings,





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