The 2018 Gemini New Moon – a conjunction of the Gemini 8 Sun and the Gemini Moon – comes to its maximum phase at 12:43p PDT on Wednesday, 13th June 2018 (22.73°) in most Western nations (our half of the world), while it reaches max phase on 14th June in the rest of the world (most Eastern nations). As it does, there will be a whole lot of astrological geometry and numerological energies working their magic in the most curious of ways.

Gemini – being a mutable air sign – is all about intellect and ideas. It’s also about communication being used as an agent of change. It celebrates exchanges of ideas and information, and under the 2018 Gemini 8 Sun, there is plenty of exchange occurring… in the name of positioning for power. The mind games and power plays are strong so far during this 2018 Gemini Sun period, especially in the last 12-14 days. Let’s start by explaining the numbers.

June 2018 is a numerological 8 universal month, and so far, it has proven to be highly effective in awakening us to shifting balances of power and influence in our individual and collective life experiences. Some circumstances are shifting from a condition of imbalance to a state of balance, while other matters which have been balanced are now being imbalanced. Much of this “shifting” of power and influence has occurred and continues to occur through direct and indirect exchanges of ideas and information, and as result, intellectual shifts are happening as well. Shifts in thought, perception, interpretation, and opinion are happening quickly, and in some cases, maybe too quickly for some of us to wrap our brains around. Now, with the Moon joining the Gemini 8 Sun in conjunction for the 2018 Gemini New Moon, we’re being asked to begin intellectually approaching and understanding the emotional reality around and within those shifts. We’re being asked to talk about our feelings about what we are waking up to and the changes in our perceptions of reality.

The 2018 Gemini New Moon itself occurs on a numerological 3 universal day in the Western half of the world – a day of learning, growth, and expansion. We can almost be certain that whatever intellectual and emotional awakening occurs under this influence will increase personally and collectively. For the regions of the world which experience this New Moon on a 22 universal day, this will be a day on which partnerships forged will have opportunities to solidify through shared emotional bonds. Combined with the afore-mentioned 8 universal month energy, both the growth opportunities and the relational opportunities will hold major significance, either in profoundly shifting our intellectual focus or in changing our emotional investments as result of the powerful intellectual shifts.

The key to unlocking the magic of this 2018 Gemini New Moon is found in the 1-on-1 intellectual exchanges we have with others, and these bring up some questions for consideration:

  • 1) Which beliefs, information, and ideas are you bringing to the table?
  • 2) Which beliefs, information, and ideas are others bringing to the table?
  • 3) What are you learning from each other by exchanging those ideas at the table?
  • 4) What do you choose to see, think, and believe about yourself and others as you walk away from the table?
  • And 5) How do you feel about what you (now) see, think, and believe?

This is and will continue to be an exercise in personal power and how you choose to wield it.

This is NOT and is not meant to be an exercise to measure if you are “weak” or “strong” intellectually or emotionally.

This is an opportunity for you to recognize where your mind goes when you are faced with new or different information or when you are able to see matters from a different perspective – to see whether you feel empowered or disempowered by changes in power and perspective…

… and maybe you begin to realize the fact that power is nothing but perspective.

You see. Some of us may not feel powerful in the first place, and often seek a false sense of power through bullying, harassing, or attacking others, putting others down to make ourselves feel superior and powerful.

Yet many of us choose to go through life believing we are powerless over the situations and circumstances in our lives. We give away our power often, rarely realizing we’re even doing it! We allow others to bully, harass, and attack us without speaking up or standing up for ourselves. We choose to endure verbal, physical, and psychological abuse instead of saying ‘no’ or walking away from what we don’t want to experience in our lives. More often than not, many of us choose to be victims to others’ insecurities and fears, thinking or saying that we “don’t have any control over the situation” or that “it’s just the way it is”.

And there’s a few more of us still who have grown so accustomed to things being a certain way – we’ve become so conditioned to a certain perception of reality – we intellectually cannot handle the changes which are occurring around us, encouraging or possibly forcing us to change our perspectives. Some of us may have a difficult time keeping up with the shifts occurring around and within us, causing some of us to experience emotional distress. That’s because we like to say we want or can handle change; we like to believe we want or can handle change; yet when changes actually begin to occur, we become terrified about losing our status quo and fear the “compromise” of our comfort and safety zones. Changes may leave us feeling disempowered as we no longer feel we have a familiar space to express or exchange our ideas (or to not express or exchange them, to remain quiet or silent about them).

With that all said, this 2018 Gemini New Moon delivers a wonderful opportunity to not just change, but transform the ways we see, think, and speak about ourselves and our lives. It gives each and all of us an opportunity to end our old ways of thinking and speaking, to reclaim or rebirth our individual power by (re)claiming our minds and our voices, and to reclaim our collective power by using our minds and voices together in common purpose.

The perspective changes and shifts in power we are experiencing do not have to be perceived as negative or bad. In fact, many of them are probably long overdue. Yet the opening available to each and all of us through this 2018 Gemini New Moon is to find or figure out what our individual and collective intellectual, communicative, and emotional powers truly are and where we do or can experience them in our lives.

The astrological transits which are active during this 2018 Gemini New Moon explain a great deal about what is happening right now, and are quite revealing of the power dynamics playing out within us and around us. Let’s look at each of them to learn more about how to navigate this New Moon energy, beginning with the transits directly involving the New Moon conjunction itself.

  • The Gemini New Moon conjunction is making sextile transit to Leo Ceres at the time of max phase, and together, they form the base of a DOUBLE Yod configuration (20-24°). Both the Gemini Sun+Moon and Leo Ceres quincunx both Capricorn Pluto Rx and Capricorn BM Lilith. (Lilith is out of my preferred 3° aspect orb with Pluto Rx, but I’ll call it a conjunction since both “legs” of the base aspect both Pluto and Lilith). This is a fascinating conflux of geometry indicating that conversations can (and likely will) change the balance of power which, in turn, likely changes the desired objectives of one or both parties involved. The changes will depend, in large part, on how acknowledged each parties feels in the exchange. Do they feel heard? Do they feel seen? Do they feel like their ideas, thoughts, and creative self-expression are valued? All of these details will play important roles in how power shifts.
  • One of the Yod configurations – the one involving Lilith – also produces a Boomerang configuration with Selene (21-24°). Yet again, even though Selene is just outside of 3° orb with Ceres, I’ll give it leeway due to its connection with everything else involved. This inclusion of Selene leaves us a glimmer of hope that through emotional awareness of the community and humanity-at-large, something positive can be created out of what looks to be a very intense time.

The Yods are the important configurations involving the New Moon conjunction itself, yet there are other configurations of great significance as this 2018 Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase.

  • A Water Grand Trine involving Cancer Pallas Athena, Scorpio Jupiter Retrograde, and Pisces Neptune (20-24°) is also in effect as the Gemini New Moon reaches its maximum phase. This affirms that emotional patterns are being impacted and transformed through the growing emergence of facts which are either upholding or destroying our ideals and/or delusions of what we believe our world to be. What has long been hidden is now coming to light. We’re all feeling the emotional impact of these long-hidden truths about ourselves and others coming to light… but the question is, are we going to do anything with them or about them? If anything, this is a large part of the emotional excitement we will feel around and during this 2018 Gemini New Moon.
  • A T-Square configuration of Capricorn Pluto Retrograde, Aries Juno, and Cancer Selene continues (20-21°), and it packs quite a punch challenging us with the question of which best serves our self-interests –our emotional investments OR our institutional power? Is one more important to invest in than the other? Or is it more important for us to find a way to balance both?
  • Vesta, which just returned to Sagittarius in retrograde motion, bring forth circumstances encouraging our determination to be free, to grow, and to expand our experience of the world to be larger than ever, and it’s still in trine aspect to Taurus Uranus (29-1°), reminding us to expect the unexpected when it comes to our material and physical resource matters. Money may appear to be the driving force in dealings, but the mind and word games being played will prove to have very tangible consequences for the people who actually benefit from the production, sale, and/or acquisition of these resources. This reveals that those in power are battling egos on a stage, but they may be forgetting all of the “little people” who make that battle possible.
  • Taurus Uranus also makes square aspect to Venus which is in Cancer at the time of max phase (29-1°), but Venus enters Leo just under two hours after the New Moon, only affirming that the afore-mentioned resource matters will be more about show than genuine care, challenging the parties involved in matters to actually back their show with substance. It’ll will be interesting to see the long-term effects of the choices made now – to see what actually comes of them as the results may not manifest right away.
  • And Taurus Uranus isn’t done – it also makes sextile aspect to Mercury which entered Cancer just over 24 hours before the New Moon’s max phase (1-2°). This transit is what opens the door to dialogues which bring more emotional awareness of the impact of unexpected shifts in our resources.
  • This late-Cancer Mercury placement reveals another T-Square configuration – this time involving Cancer Mercury opposite Sagittarius Vesta Retrograde with both square the Aries Chiron pivot (29-2°), bringing challenges to the ego-healing process of all parties involved. Each may claim to have the other’s best interests at heart, but this transit confirms that they’re probably looking out for ‘number one’ – their individual selves and their individual interests. The vital detail here is making your caring communications sound as if you really care. You may actually care, but the question is whether or not the other person or party has enough emotional and intellectual self-esteem to believe you.
  • And Capricorn Saturn Retrograde semi-sextile Aquarius Mars (6-8°) is the last transit of note during this 2018 Gemini New Moon, affirming that efforts to discipline and hold certain parties responsible and accountable may lead to rebellion against the authority or disciplinarian figures.

The astrology is rather challenging – there’s no denying that. Yet no one said reclaiming our power and our voices would be easy. If anything, the astrology and numerology of this 2018 Gemini New Moon show us that this is going to be quite an impactful time for all of us.

However, that impact encourages transformation. And transformation isn’t just change – it’s a completely new way of being. It’s the proverbial death of the old in order to enable the birth of the new.

Are you ready to change your mind to change your life?

Are you ready to transform the way you think and speak to transform your life?

If so, embrace the energy of this 2018 Gemini New Moon and think and speak about yourself and your life differently than you ever have before. This will find you thinking and speaking about others in ways very different than ever before.

By changing your mind, you will change your perception of your power, which will change your experience of reality… and this will be one of your many contributions to changing the world.

Or transforming it.

The energy of this 2018 Gemini New Moon will be felt 10th-16th June 2018.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,




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