The first Leo New Moon of 2017 occurred on Sunday, 23rd July at 2:46a PDT. Yes, it’s been about a week, but after getting my monthly e-zine out, I needed a few days to regroup. I don’t often make personal notes in my blog articles, but I feel a need to acknowledge that we astrologers and numerologists are human, too, and the transits and energies affect us, too. With this Leo New Moon making some intense aspects to some important points in my chart and with a heavy teaching schedule this week, so I needed some time to work, rest, and calibrate.

Now that I’m somewhat back in full gear, let’s finally discuss the effects of the first 2017 Leo New Moon.

New Moons are always representative of new beginnings and fresh starts, especially in emotional or intuitive-spiritual matters. We tend to be more emotionally sensitive during major Moon phases, and New Moon phases make us more aware of what is emerging around us and coming into our consciousness as result.

Because New Moons represent both the end of one lunar cycle and the beginning of the next, we often feel a sense of closure from the lunar cycle that is ending, and a sense of excitement about the energy natalized at the time of maximum phase. This natalized energy often carries forward in the new lunar cycle with the astrological and numerological energies at the time of max phase setting the tone, though the energy of the phase itself is usually felt for about three days before and after the phase is exact..

That said, let’s examine the numerological energy first to see what this first 2017 Leo New Moon has started.

The first Leo New Moon of 2017 occurred on a numerological 22 universal day within an 8 universal month within a 1 universal year. This New Moon inspired a genuine, heartfelt desire to not only open the door to new connections with people in your community, but to also nurture existing connections with individuals in your networks and communities, strengthening the emotional bonds with those individuals with the intention of creating a deeper, more reliable sense of community connection. The 8 universal month energy fuels a desire within individuals to have or wield more influence or power within your community OR as desire to make the community itself more influential or powerful in order to have a more potent effect in applying the 1 year energy to initiate new beginnings and new courses of action in your own life and in the world around you.

Yet when we factor in the astrological transits, we may realize that this 22 energy may also show up as a need to express oneself uniquely and creatively with others, which may test the strength of those connections and communities you seek to stabilize. We may want to be individually acknowledged for building the close-knit communities we are part of, or at least for being part of them. Yet when times get tough, it’s easy for us to develop insecurities about our connections with others and we may begin questioning the stability and security of our relationships within them. This first 2017 Leo New Moon also opens the door to those fears and insecurities if the 22 energy takes on the darker qualities of its reduced 4 energy, and for those who are treading (un)consciously on the dark side of this energy, it becomes more important to circle the wagons and test the loyalty of those closest to us to see if they really do have our backs and support our unique self-expression in bad times as well as good.

Though many of the astrological transits on this day were challenging, they opened the doors for both powerful destructive and creative energies to come into our lives and for each and all of us to express those energies in ways which are unique and exceptional to us as individuals.

Let’s look at the astrological transits directly involving the 2017 Leo New Moon/Sun-Moon Conjunction so we can see why this is such an interesting emotional catalyst for this 2017 Leo Sun period.

  • Leo 8 Sun-Moon-Mars conjunction (0.73-1.87°) – This is a VERY potent transit which infuses the Leo New Moon with a fiery urge to act in the name of creative and life-transforming self-expression. The action part is the key, as the temptation to be impulsive and not think things through will be especially strong. The post-impulse aftereffects initiated unintended revelation and/or transformation processes in our individual and collective experiences.
  • Leo 8 Sun-Moon conjunction (0.73°) square Aries Uranus (28.48°) – Speaking to the above point, the Sun-Moon conjunction makes square aspect Uranus in Mars’ sign of rulership. Though all of the components share an elemental energy (fire), Uranus is late in the sign & the square would actually occur in Taurus if this transit were sign/element appropriate. Because of the challenge aspect, this square actually could result in bold efforts to creatively express oneself being met with assertive competition or contest from many individuals &/or communities.
  • Leo Sun-Moon conjunction (0.73°) trine Pisces Chiron Retrograde (28.65°) – Leo’s assertive need to express itself doesn’t usually align with Pisces’ desire to heal old or long-held emotional wounds. In fact, people’s needs to draw attention to themselves may very well reopen the wounds. Though trines are usually favorable aspects, in this case, fire meets water and 1) the steam generates a fog which obscures clarity, but 2) the water can douse (or at least hinder) the fire. Just when you think you may be making headway in making your emotional healing, you may be met with something that slows you down… but that same thing that slows you down may also give you insight into how the wounds may be healed for good.

There were a few other significant transits on this day which did not involve the New Moon conjunction:

  • Leo Mercury trine Aries Uranus (26-28°) brings more fire to this 2017 Leo New Moon through unique and creative communications intended to appeal to the masses, which in turn will inspire other individuals to express themselves in their own unique and creative ways. This was a great energy for empowering people to step out of hiding and into their power, yet this could also encourage attention-seekers to make bombastic communications in order to stir up public opinion or at least the opinions of others in a smaller, more specific community.
  • The day had two oppositions – Gemini Venus opposite Sagittarius Saturn Rx (20-22°) and Cancer Ceres opposite Capricorn Juno Retrograde (5-6°). It’s the moment of truth in your partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds as they find themselves being balanced by factual truth; and emotional investments seek balance with your commitment to your goals.
  • And Libra Jupiter had double duty on this day as it squares Capricorn Pluto Retrograde (and sextiles Sagittarius Black Moon Lilith (15-17°). A growing call for diplomacy, negotiation, balance, and peace challenges the powers-that-be, especially as imbalances of power and injustices in power’s application seem to be more clearly defined. Yet that same growing call for balance and peace is supportive of and supported by a deep desire for factual truth to come to light. These two transits mean that Sagittarius Black Moon Lilith is also semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto Rx, and the emerging factual truths may very well lead to a revelation of who/what has genuine power and influence as opposed to those who are faking their way through implementation of their agenda(s). Those desperately trying to hold onto their power may find themselves receiving a great deal of push-back from those who are openly challenging or contesting them.

This first Leo New Moon opened the door for some potent revelatory and transformative energies to come through. These energies will only be enhanced as we experience the contrast between ourselves and those we believe we belong with during the Lunar Eclipse Aquarius Full Moon on 7th August and when we experience more self-revelation and transformation around the time of the second 2017 Leo New Moon is actually THE total solar eclipse which will run over North America on 21st August 2017, at maximum phase (max eclipse) at 11:30a PDT. We’ll discuss those over the next few days.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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