Mars is taking bold and assertive actions in order to express its creative energy in the sign of Leo, which it entered on Thursday, 20th July at 5:19a PDT. Mars in Leo’s main intention is to take action to assert one’s unique and creative self-expression. This is the creative spark of Aries now becoming a flame in Leo through actions which make its presence known, and in true Leo fashion, Mars wants to be acknowledged for its actions.

The question is…what is it trying to create through its actions?

That’s the question each and all of us must answer over the next few weeks. Generally speaking, Mars’ needs some sort of intention – a clear direction, purpose, and/or focus – in order to be creative and/or productive. Otherwise, actions could prove more destructive than creative.

Any destruction that occurs, in its own right, may end up being an unintentionally creative act. Especially as August brings in 9 numerological month energy, there are plenty of old, outdated beliefs and approaches which need to be cleared away in order to make room for new beginnings. Yet what is the intention behind what you create in your cleared space(s)? That is what needs to be addressed during this 2017 Mars in Leo.

But until we get into August, this 2017 Mars in Leo arrives and operates under a Leo 8 Sun, meaning that for its 2017 run, the dynamics in play – even within the upcoming 9 month – will be focused on power and influence. Those seeking the most attention and taking the boldest actions in order to get it are the ones who likely feel most powerless or who feel their power is being threatened. Pay attention to who is taking the boldest and loudest actions at this time as they are either the ones who have long been oppressed finally finding ways to make their Light known, or they may be the ones who have long been in positions of power yet have also been insecure or deceitful in those roles.

Over the next few weeks, you’ll hear and see people trying to create platforms for their voices and self-expressions to be heard. Some people will be doing this on behalf of a group – some on behalf of themselves. You’ll also hear and see people trying to destroy other platforms by trying to create competing or contrary ones. They’ll be actively at odds with the others. But the one common thread of everyone at this time is that individuals want their actions to be seen as special or exceptional in some way, and this drive for exceptionalism will likely result in the destruction or dissolution of some long-standing communities.

Let’s look at some of the upcoming 2017 Mars in Leo transits for a better idea of how these actions may affect our individual and collective landscapes.

  • Leo Mars conjunct Leo 8 Sun, most exact on 26th July (4.22°) – This is one potent transit, and the bad news is that actions taken around this time will likely be taken in order to draw attention to oneself as a claim of superiority or goodness above others. But just because you get attention doesn’t mean you have power or goodness. In fact, you may be giving your power away and tarnishing your good name trying too hard to be noticed, seen, or heard. However, the good news with this transit is that those individuals who have been exercising their creative power consistently and courageously over time may now finally reap some exceptional acknowledgment and reward for their efforts – attention and acknowledgment in positive and genuinely powerful ways.
  • Leo Mars quincunx Capricorn Juno Rx, most exact on 27th July (5.27°) – Actions taken to express yourself creatively may prove to be at odds with your commitments to yourself and/or others, especially on the professional or public level. Are you willing to change your behavior… or will you need to change your goals or promises?
  • Leo Mars semi-sextile Cancer Ceres, most exact on 7th August (11.63°) – Your emotional investment in your family or personal connections may lead to impulsive actions. Though these actions could create positive results and lead to adoration from others, they could just as easily create more chaos and destruction than you may have intended. Be aware that adhering to your values is one thing, but who or what do you value more – those who give you emotional support or those who give you attention and acknowledgment?
  • Leo Mars quincunx Pisces Neptune Retrograde, most exact on 10th August (13.53°) – Impulsive actions to express yourself may be at odds with a collective vision of healing long-standing emotional and spiritual wounds. You may want to ask yourself the intention behind your actions, and is it worth reopening the emotional and spiritual wounds of others in order to get the attention and acknowledgment you believe you deserve?
  • Leo Mars semi-sextile Cancer Venus, most exact on 13th August (15.90°) – Does your partner emotionally support and encourage your creative self-expression? If so, how are you taking action to express yourself knowing you have someone in your corner… and if not, how are you taking action to find someone who will have your back and support your creative actions? Please keep in mind that you may also be tempted to act impulsively in response to a lack of emotional support OR because you feel too pressured by those you care about to act in a certain way. Are your emotional connections (or lack thereof) the reason for you to boldly seek attention from others, or maybe even to withdraw from seeking attention?
  • Leo Mars quincunx Capricorn Pluto Rx, most exact on 16th August (17.28°) – Your creative self-expression is likely at odds with the powers-that-be and their determination to maintain their sense of power and authority. How determined are you to allow yourself to shine in the face of those who would rather keep you in the dark?
  • Leo Mars sextile Libra Jupiter, most exact on 20th August (20.00°) – Be careful with you wish for as your actions to draw attention to yourself and your creative efforts may draw in more attention that you could have imagined. The question is… what was the intention behind your actions? Those intentions will be amplified as Jupiter’s energy expands and enlarges the effects of your actions. Libra energy will encourage peace and balance, but if peace and/or equity is absent, be ready to experience whatever is needed to restore balance, equity, and peace to the matters at hand. This is likely to be a positive experience, but that will depend on the attention your intentions and actions draw in.
  • Leo Mars trine Sagittarius Saturn Retrograde, most exact on 22nd August (21.19°) – Creative self-expression meets accountability to factual truth through this transit. Though trines often read as positive aspects, this may actually be an indicator of a ‘perfect storm’ – a moment in time in which one’s actions to garner attention and acknowledgement may result in being held responsible and accountable for those actions. In other words, steps taken to shine your light may expose your darkness as well… and Saturn’s presence will make sure you’re acknowledged for both. If you’ve made peace with your darkness, this won’t be a big deal – it’ll be easy for you to own up to and rise above whatever accountability efforts come. But if you’ve been running away from your darkness, this may mark the moment when you hit the wall and no longer have room to escape your demons. can you be courageous and acknowledge yourself for both your light and your darkness?

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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