Chiron in Pisces began its 2017 retrograde motion at 12:07a PDT this morning, Saturday, 1st July 2017. This is the last natural retrograde period for Chiron in Pisces before it enters Aries in April 2018. It will retrograde back into Pisces one more time in September 2018 before entering Aries for the long run in February 2019, not returning to Pisces until 2061.

Chiron is the “wounded healer”. It strives to restore practical and purposeful functionality to everyday matters. As the ruling body of the sign of Virgo, it is a problem-solving, healing, service-oriented pragmatist. However, it is currently traveling in the sign opposite its rulership –Pisces.

Pisces (ruled by Neptune) is the Zodiac sign which reminds us of our interconnection with All-That-Is. It is service-oriented, though it tends to take a more philanthropic, transcendental or ethic-driven/spirit-driven approach of service. It strives to use its abilities as a compassionate, unconditionally loving contribution of service, bringing each and all of us into full and/or greater awareness of our transcendental natures & our Oneness with the entire Universe. As result, Pisces energy can be very idealistic as well as emotionally and energetically sensitive, and is often adverse to anything that is not in alignment with the ideals of love and compassion.

Retrograde periods always bring feedback and second chances in whichever area(s) the planet and sign represent. It also works from the outside-in, allowing us to witness events externally and assess those events internally. By watching others, we will likely find ourselves asking if we would do the same as they did, or if we would choose and do differently. Our internal truths are awakened by the external realities under the influence of retrogrades.

Therefore, this 2017 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is an opportunity for us to witness the current state of our acts of service to each other.

At present, we are experiencing a sense of disconnection from our symbiotic nature with each other, with our planet, and with the Universe as a whole. We are now witnessing a waning collective desire to serve each other and our world – an increasing absence of sympathy, empathy, and compassion; growing emotional and spiritual detachment from one another; an intensifying sense of separateness; and a decreasing awareness of our collective interconnection are all results of our withdrawal from practicing genuine service to something(s) greater than ourselves and our ideals. This retrograde will challenge us to see and experience the impact of our choices to disconnect… and it will provide us with our second-to-last chance to hear the call to turn the tides – to do something to reconnect ourselves to the beauty of being of service to each other and All-That-Is before we must truly deal with the consequences of our choices and actions.

The thing is… Pisces encourages a tendency to play victim to circumstances of our own creation. We often end up giving too much of our energies and/or resources only to refuse receiving from others because especially in Western culture, we may erroneously believe that giving to those in need is noble and receiving what we (often won’t admit we) need is not. As result, many of us have ended up and continue to end up emotionally and spiritually drained and exhausted or overwhelmed and overextended, and resentment and regret often ensue because serving isn’t only about giving service. It’s also about receiving service, and it’s in too much giving or too much receiving where many of the pitfalls of Chiron in Pisces are found. This 2017 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces assists us in revealing those pitfalls collectively and individually.

Chiron Retrograde in Pisces will do its best to help us heal our emotional problems, helping us realize that the solutions aren’t outside of ourselves, but inside ourselves – a shift in perspective about how service really works needs to occur in order for our souls to be truly healed and fulfilled through the practice of unconditionally loving service.

On an individual level, this means facing the deep emotional and spiritual wounds of our pasts which are service-based. What have you taken responsibility for healing or solving that wasn’t yours to take responsibility for? Where and how have you given more in service than you’ve allowed yourself to receive and be served?  Where have you been expecting others to take responsibility for you? How have you taken what you needed without sharing your gifts and abilities with the world?

This 2017 Chiron Retrograde brings an opportunity for you to first recognize these inequities, then to let emotional burdens of these imbalances go. As result, outdated and unhealthy emotional and spiritual patterns fall away once and for all. Anything (and anyone) that does not align with your vision of your most balanced and healthy self and life gets to be recognized as such now through early December, then gets to be cleared out for good from December through March 2018.

The thing is…if you don’t choose to release them, you may be forced to. That’s the challenge with Pisces energy – it often tries to keep us in a state of idealistic denial (or delusion). The practical reality of the world still exists, and for those of us who would rather it didn’t, we may find ourselves experiencing the bursting of our bubbles…

… which brings us to the collective level. Collectively, Chiron Retrograde in Pisces means facing how our ideologies on a number of different levels are causing division and destruction. We get to notice if not experience how polarized many social and societal issues have become, how emotionally invested we have become in our perspectives of our issues, and how our emotions are driving our choices and actions which are creating more intensity and unrest. Tensions are building, and a release is coming – we all feel it, but have no idea what it will look like when the release takes form. Despite efforts to bring people together in love, it seems anger and hate is prevailing at this time.

And in the midst of this firestorm, the beauty of Chiron Retrograde in Pisces can emerge from the flames, reminding us that 1) we as individuals are part of the Oneness and that in serving others, we must also allow ourselves be served, and 2) we as a collective are One and that in allowing the collective to serve and contribute to our individual experience, we must also serve and contribute to that greater whole.

Keep in mind that service does not need to be directly reciprocal, but you do need to make sure that you are receiving as much as you’re putting out into the world. It’s an energetic barter system. It’s simply the true Universal nature of things.

Symbiosis is the key.

It isn’t a matter of tit-for-tat, but the symbiotic nature of Oneness does require you to trust that what you give will come back to you, even if it comes back indirectly. Since we are all interconnected, what you need may not come from those you gave to, and those you gave to may never have it to give it back to you. You’ll need to trust that what you need will come to you in the perfect way at the perfect time – you’ll need to trust that the Oneness will provide for you because you are part of it. Let go of your expectations so you may see and receive what the Universe is trying to give you through the service of others.

And in being of service to others, keep in mind that being of service isn’t only about giving money and stuff. You may not have material or financial resources to give, but what can you do? Who can you be? How can you contribute something which may not be tangible but is just as valuable to someone? And can you be okay with the fact that those someones may not be the people who contributed to you? Are you okay with paying it forward in your own way?

The point is that the world – the Oneness– needs you to be YOU. We need you to give who you are to All of us, and we need you to receive what All of us have to give you. The world doesn’t work if we aren’t willing to do both, and during this 2017 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces, we’ll see and experience the imbalances we need to correct in order to make sure that nature’s way is restored.

That said, here are the upcoming Chiron Retrograde in Pisces transits for the remainder of the 2017 Cancer Sun period so you can see how this influence may show up over the next 3 weeks.

  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde sextile Taurus Venus, most exact on 3rd July – Here’s another opportunity for you to assess which of your partners (of all kinds) truly share your values and support and encourage both your emotional healing and personal (spiritual) transformation… and which of your partners you support and encourage in the same or similar ways. Reciprocation is key – it doesn’t have to be direct, but it does need to be perceived as fair and equitable for both parties involved in the partnership.
  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde trine Cancer Mercury, most exact on 5th July – A sudden increase or acceleration in collective and/or spiritual awakening challenges the personal values and lifestyle resources of you and many others. What are you really emotionally invested in? Pay attention to what you think about and speak about most to identify where your heart truly is at this time and where you will likely focus your healing intentions.
  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde square Gemini Ceres, most exact on 7th July – Spiritual awakening challenges your personal values. The beliefs you chose to base your lifestyle upon may be proven to be false or faulty, or at least not very well thought through. You may need to make some adjustments as new information urges (or forces) a perspective shift.
  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde trine Cancer Mars, most exact on 18th July – Emotion-driven actions may instigate the ‘perfect storm’ of emotional outburst, which may very well inspire and enable the application of spiritual solutions to earthly challenges. This transit is no joke – just because it’s a trine doesn’t mean it’s immediately positive, thought what comes from whatever happens now will likely prove positive in the long run.
  • Pisces Chiron Retrograde trine the Cancer 8 Sun, most exact on 20th July – Powerful emotional revelations force spiritual awakening to occur. If you refused to see your emotional truths before, you may not have a choice but to see them now. Be ready to face what you haven’t wanted to, only to find out that it may be the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Doing the work to heal reaps rewards you could only imagine before.

Which emotional wounds have you been avoiding within yourself or in your life experience? Are you ready to face and deal with and heal them now?

And where and how do you feel emotionally and energetically detached from Oneness right now? Are you willing to trust and serve in your own unique ways in order to experience your reconnection with the whole?

These are questions we get to answer for ourselves – individually and collectively – over the next five months. After the last 7.5 years, this 2017 Chiron Retrograde in Pisces is giving us one second-to-last time to answer them.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~Light, Love, and Blessings,





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