We experience a Leo Full Moon at 4:33p today, Friday, 10th February 2017 (22.47°). This Full Moon is especially powerful and significant. Let’s discuss why.

First of all, Leo is the sign of creative self-expression. This is where you allow your unique expression of light to shine from you and be seen by others. Leo has a reputation for being an attention whore, but only because it needs to be acknowledged – it needs to have others see and know its uniqueness as a presence in the world. Leo can actually be very generous is sharing the spotlight with others when it is being ‘properly’ acknowledged.

Leo is opposite Aquarius, which also requires acknowledgment of one’s creative self-expression…but in the context of contribution to a greater whole. Aquarius needs to know that it has a unique role in its community – that it has an exceptional purpose that only its expression of light can fulfill. It wants to know it makes a difference in its social circles and networks, if not in the big picture of humanity.

That’s the first thing that makes this 2017 Leo Full Moon so amazing. The Leo Moon – emotional self-expression – is reflecting the light of the Aquarius 3 Sun – a growing awareness of community, collaboration, and a desire to uniquely contribute to something greater than oneself. It’s calling upon each and all of us to look at ourselves, accept and embrace our individual self-expressions, and figure out how we each can emotionally invest in contributing to our communities and social realities in inspiring and illuminating ways.

The second thing that makes this 2017 Leo Full Moon amazing is that it’s involved in our first Lunar Eclipse of 2017. In the case of a Lunar Eclipse, the earth moves between the Sun and the Moon, interrupting the Moon’s ability to reflect the light of the Sun. If we look at what is happening in our earthly affairs right now, we can see many instances of how our human institutions are trying to force many of us to put our earthly concerns about money, property, employment, health, and such in front of our contributions to our communities. Yet what is amazing about this Full Moon-Eclipse is that people are actually placing their earthly concerns at the fore of their community actions and activism. People are standing up as individuals for what they need to survive and thrive in life, and as result of making their individual voices heard, they are finding others who are speaking out with similar messages and creating community with them. After all, many voices together are louder than one voice alone…even if that one voice is the catalyst for informing and awakening others.

Our earthly challenges may actually be helping us find our individual and collective voices and creative expressions again! This 2017 Leo Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse may prove to be more of a call to (re)claim our brilliance than anything else.

This may be the brightest moment we’ve had in a long time – a moment in which the darkness helps us recognize the power of our Light.

But wait! It gets better…

The third thing that makes this 2017 Leo Full Moon amazing is that the Aquarius 3 Sun – Leo Moon opposition which creates the Leo Full Moon is part of a planetary geometry configuration called a “Golden or Mystic Rectangle”. The other opposition which helps this configuration form is Aries Uranus (21.33°) opposite Libra Jupiter Retrograde (23.10°). Sextiles between the Moon and Jupiter Retrograde and the Sun and Uranus and trines between Uranus and the Moon and Jupiter Retrograde and the Sun complete the form.

This “Rectangle” indicates that these energies come together in a positive, encouraging, and empowering way for all four of the bodies involved. It also reveals that this is empowering many voices (Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius), that the voices are growing louder and their message is expanding (Jupiter, even in retrograde, is still about growth and expansion, and the3 universal month energy is about learning, growth, and expansion as well), and they are taking collective action (Aries is initiative action and leadership) to make their presence and their desire for equality, fairness, balance, and justice known (Libra) in creative ways which command attention and acknowledgment (Leo and Aquarius).

This is a big deal.

Chiron in Pisces sits between the Aquarius 3 Sun and Aries Uranus (22.84°), revealing a potential healing point. If the long-standing emotional-spiritual wounds can be addressed, the energy of the “Rectangle” can be harnessed. Yet as much as it could be used to heal, this point could also be recognized as appoint of weakness, targeted in order to do harm. Those who do not want the masses to unify will choose to attack this point – they will do their best to destroy this desire to bring people together. They will continue to create and increase divisions. They will continue to encourage separation. They will continue to do their damage.

There’s also a Wedge configuration involving the Leo Moon sextile Jupiter Retrograde sextile Sagittarius Saturn (25.47°). This configuration shows a checks and balances structure – the Leo Moon reflecting the light of the people, Sagittarius Saturn being the accountability and responsibility to factual and experiential truth, and Libra Jupiter Retrograde bringing the intellectual objectivity of laws and justice to the fore.

However, Sagittarius Saturn also makes a square aspect to the afore-mentioned Pisces Chiron, and this reveals that the structures which hold people responsible and accountable for factual truth will bring forth challenges and create tension for those trying to heal the collective emotional wounds. In fact, it may encourage more harm (a.k.a. – backlash and emotional/fearful acting out) than good.

A Nodal Kite is also in effect, with the Pisces South Node (3.33°) as the focal point, and Ceres in Taurus (1.72°), Virgo North Node, Juno in Capricorn (2.36°) as the other points. The Pisces South Node is bringing an emotional-spiritual awareness to what would otherwise be a pragmatic exercise – it is a call to unity that is making an effort to transcend personal agendas, business interests, and societal institutions. It’s trying to bring us back to a place of reverence and respect for each other and others and All-That-Is.

But there are people in the world who do not want unity. They do not view others with compassion. They have no respect for the lives of others. This. Is. Fact. They cannot be denied or ignored…

…and this 2017 Leo Full Moon will reveal them as well.

This 2017 Leo Full Moon-Eclipse occurs on a 4 universal day for most of the western world – a day of establishing stability, security, structure, and safety…or a day of recognizing where it is not yet established or where it is being eroded. For much of the eastern world, this Full Moon-Eclipse occurs on a 5 universal day – a day of change, adjustment, excitement, variety…pretty much anything but structure and discipline. This is occurring under the umbrella of a 3 universal month, which indicates learning, growth, and expansion and also reveals that whatever events or actions occur will likely become publicly knowledge, and will likely expand awareness among or awakening of the general public in some way(s). This is all happening under a 1 universal year – a year of planting seeds, new beginning, fresh starts, and initiative action. This is a strong indicator that the issues, movements, and conflicts arising now are not going away anytime soon. In fact, they’ve only just begun. We’ll be experiencing them for the next 8-9 years if the isn’t a significant disruption or change in course in 4-5 years.

So the question becomes this:

Can our collective the light shine brightly enough to drive out any darkness? Can our collective courage, love, and respect for one another drive out the fear-based hate?

This 2017 Leo Full Moon-Lunar Eclipse and the transits of this day become the beginning of our quest to find out.

How bright is YOUR light? How much are YOU willing to let it shine?

Because your courage and your light are needed now more than ever.

So shine. Shine with all your might. Shine for yourself, for your truth. By doing so, you shine for and with your community for the world you want to live in.

Rise and shine.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot dirve out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Thanks you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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