Mercury entered the sign of Aquarius at 1:35a PST on Tuesday 7th February 2017.

Aquarius is what I like to think of as the “jigsaw puzzle” sign. Like its opposite, Leo, Aquarius likes to be uniquely self-expressed. Its difference from Leo? Aquarius wants to use its unique self-expression to make a contribution to something larger than itself – it wants to bring something distinctive to the greater whole, making it a sign of community or humanity.

When it feels it cannot make a unique contribution or it feels like it is being asked to blend in or be like everyone else, Aquarius often rebels against community or social expectations to maintain its individual expression. This is how Aquarius also gets its reputation for being eccentric, odd, or socially defiant.

Mercury represents quick thinking, fast talking, and faster action. It also represents curiosity, learning, and exchanging ideas and information. Its ruling sign is Gemini, which like Aquarius is an air sign, lending itself to the intellectual and communicative. Therefore, Mercury is comfortable in the intellectual sign of Aquarius…

…but not too comfortable. Aquarius is fixed air energy, which implies stagnation. The larger the group of people, the harder it is to shift the mindset. You need an effective tool by which to reach a large number of people in a short amount of time to effect change.

This is the challenge for Mercury in Aquarius – how to bring information, illumination, and possibly change to the masses in an expedient and effective way.

But Mercury in Aquarius – especially this 2017 version – is up to the task.

If you haven’t already noticed in your time on the planet, big changes happen when one or more people take on the task of informing or inspiring many other people through communication. Aquarius is also known for its use of technology and mass media, so you can count on these tools to be put to good use over the next few weeks.

Blending these two energies together, Mercury in Aquarius could show up in a variety of ways:

  • It could be the greater whole coming together to make its collective voice heard.
  • It could be individuals going “off-script” in order to assert their individuality or independence within their community or to effect change in their community.
  • It could be mass media delivering communications which bring individuals together in common purpose…or which divide people with diverging positions.

No matter how it shows up, one thing is for certain – it will have many more people listening, thinking, and/or speaking than usual.

And they’ll be doing so independently…which will help them find and form their authentic communities.

That’s the funny thing about Aquarius energy – that link between individuality and community. You see. In order to find your true community, you must be your unique self truly and completely. You must stand firmly and confidently in your weirdness. I like to call this “letting your freak flag fly”.

The “flag-flying” is important because it needs to be visible for others who have similar flags to recognize that you are of like mind and like expression. Not the same. Similar. Like. You’re part of the same jigsaw puzzle – you’re unique parts of the same picture. You can come together to create something bigger than any of you could do alone while maintaining your unique and individual self-expression.

It seems contradictory, but you really do need to embrace your individuality in order to find where you belong.

There’s a fascinating side effect of this process, though.

And that is the formation of community. When we express ourselves authentically in open or public ways, we may find that we aren’t so different from each other after all. That being our unique and individual selves may actually be effective in bringing us ALL together. Even communities with very different ideologies or perspectives can find something to agree on – one common intention or goal – which peace can be found and respect can be built upon. This may lead to unexpected and unconventional collaborations to further those common goals.

And that’s what makes this 2017 Mercury in Aquarius so powerful. It really is about 1) recognizing the power of your unique voice, and how the greatest contribution you can make to your community and humanity is to be yourself, and 2) allowing and exploring your differences to discover and celebrate the common goals you share, allowing you to find community in unexpected places.

Let’s look at the 2017 Mercury in Aquarius transits in the remainder of this 2017 Aquarius Sun period:

  • Aquarius Mercury square Taurus Ceres, most exact on 7th February – Unconventional ideas and unusual collaborations may find themselves challenged by the differing value systems of the parties involved.  The more their values differ, the more rigid they get in standing their ground and trying to get the other side to change to align with their perspective.
  • Aquarius Mercury semi-sextile Capricorn Juno, most exact on 8th February – A clear new or renewed commitment to goals leads to unconventional ideas & unexpected alliances.
  • Aquarius Mercury sextile Aries Venus, most exact on 10th February – Unexpected or unconventional communications lead to innovative ideas which bring about active (though possibly unusual) partnerships…or aggressive disagreement or dissent.
  • Aquarius Mercury semi-sextile Pisces Neptune, most exact on 14th February – Love may very well prevail as people who come together through common purpose realize they can use their voices to heal. Innovative ideas and visionary social ideals lead the way.
  • Aquarius Mercury sextile Aries Mars, most exact on 16th February – When people come together in intellectually-inspired ways, they’re often eager to take action. Get ready for awareness to become action.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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