Jupiter in Libra begins its latest retrograde cycle at 10:52p PST on Sunday, 5th February 2017. The growing awareness of imbalance, inequality, and injustice doesn’t go away. In fact, under the influence of retrograde motion, you personally may experience it more than you otherwise might.

While Jupiter in Libra was direct, the awareness of the dynamics of the relationships and partnerships involving and around you increased yet also seemed somewhat distant. It was as if you could see it all, you maybe even could experience some of it…but it still felt like you had a say in how it affected you and your life. During direct motion, you had more creative power and in regard to the balances and equalities which existed in your relationships- you were in action or creative/proactive mode.

Yet as Jupiter in Libra turns retrograde, this marks a time in which you may personally experience the impact of the imbalances and injustices around you from the outside in. The events and activities around you actually make an impression or impact on you as you’re in response or reaction mode, choosing how to receive and perceive the dynamic energies coming from those you are in relationship or partnership with. Your perspectives or opinions of what is fair, just, equal, or balanced may change as result of your experiences over these next few months (now through 10th June 2017).

This 2017 Jupiter Retrograde in Libra may be felt more acutely than usual simply because it marks the end of an APDM (all planets in direct motion) period that we’ve been in since 8th January. Jupiter is the first planetary body to break from the rest of the field! Not only that, but Jupiter tends to do everything in a bigger way than all of the other planets anyway. Therefore, this retrograde isn’t a small insignificant event. This direction shift makes a big difference in how we each and all feel about each other and how we are choosing to relate to each other and others in our daily lives and in the world around us.

Diplomacy, peacemaking, and peacekeeping will continue to be major themes at this time, both in our individual or personal relationships AND in our collective, community, or global relationships. We will learn how others see us, and we’ll learn how much negotiating power we do or don’t have as result. We will also learn how balanced, equal, and fair our relationships or partnerships actually are…and we’ll likely find out just what side of any imbalances we may be on in the process. This awareness will be of major importance as peaceful re-negotiations may be necessary in order to level the playing field in your partnerships and one-on-one relationships of all kinds.

With that all said, there are two Jupiter Rx in Libra transits during the remainder of this 2017 Aquarius Sun period:

  • Libra Jupiter Rx trine Aquarius 3 Sun, most exact on 11th February – The impact of imbalanced and unequal partnerships encourages growing social rebellion. The people start asking more questions…and demanding answers, and they’ll seek whatever facts they perceive or deduct aren’t being told.
  • Libra Jupiter Rx quincunx Pisces Chiron, most exact on 14th February – Imbalances and inequalities may reopen long-standing emotional-spiritual wounds…but may also reveal the path to healing them.

What these transits reveal is the social and societal imbalances and injustices which are occurring and impacting ALL of the relationships in our everyday lives, not just on a personal level but on a professional and public level as well. This is why this 2017 Jupiter Retrograde in Libra period is significant – it’s not just about how you feel. When you consider the bigger picture of Jupiter Retrograde in Libra, you realize that it really is true – we change the world one person, one interaction, and one relationship at a time.

It’s also true that the world can change you, one person, one interaction, and one relationship or partnership at a time.

Let’s see how much changes for you and within you through your relationships over these next 5 months.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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