Venus moved out of its Pisces rose-colored reverie into the eager flame-thrower that is Aries at 7:51a PST on Friday, 3rd February 2017. Now in the sign opposite its rulership, Venus is going to be experienced in one of two ways – through convergent partnerships in which a common goal is shared and action is a laser-like joint endeavor, or through the tension and combustibility of a divergent partnership in which the partners have very different goals and are moving in different, non-parallel directions.

Now there are those instances in which partners can have very different goals and be very encouraging of each other’s independence and individuality. Yet these are rare – very rare. In fact, I’m going to call them “unicorn partnerships”. These are people who care about each other enough to know they are partners, yet they recognize that they get in each other’s way if they try to do things together. So they cheer each other on. They live parallel lives which come together every now and then to enjoy each other’s company. It’s a very unconventional style of partnership.

Yet are these really partnerships?

It depends on how you’d define partnership.

In fact, I’d even say that most partnerships face challenges because many people cannot see partnership as a ‘two individuals independently empowering each other’ thing. People tend to see partnership as “togetherness”, maybe becoming too dependent on their partners for something – whether its companionship, emotional support, physical affection, fulfillment of societal expectations of what partnership should be or look like, etc. They come to believe that they cannot success or progress without the other…and I believe this is why these “unicorn partnerships” are so special and valuable at this time.

These partnerships are saying, “I trust you to go and be yourself, and I trust you to let me go and be myself, and I trust that we will be with each other when it works for both of us”. These relationships aren’t fear-based – they’re trust-based. They are accepting and acknowledging of each person’s individual self-expression and activity needs…and they trust and respect each other.

Trust and respect are key. So is true, equal sharing.

The latter is where things get rough. Despite being in Aries, Venus is still the planet of not only partnership, but of balance, fairness, justice, and equality. So when Aries reveals the individual wills of the partners involved, it also reveals any imbalances or injustices or inequalities which may exist. This is where you’ll hear arguments about who gets more time to do what, or who has more freedom of expression, or who is always supporting who, etc. In truly equal, balanced partnerships, you won’t hear these disagreements. You’ll hear cheers of encouragement.

This is why this 2017 Venus in Aries is so powerful. It is revealing the state of our partnerships of ALL kinds. Pay attention to the conflicts, but also pay attention to the comradery. Pay attention to the partnerships which are thriving, even if they aren’t traditional or conventional. It’s important because these are the partnerships which are showing us the way to a new paradigm of what it means to be in relationship – one which may be the new template for future partnership connections…for all purposes.

In other words, follow “the unicorns”. They will lead the way to new expressions and experiences of partnership.

This 2017 Venus in Aries will have two transits in the remainder of the 2017 Aquarius Sun period:

Aries Venus squared Capricorn Juno, most exact on 3rd February – Partnership tensions challenge the ability for partners to move forward toward a common goal. Do you still share the same goal, or are you moving in different directions now?

Aries Venus sextile Aquarius Mercury, most exact on 10th February – Unexpected or unconventional communications lead to innovative ideas which bring about active (and possibly unusual or unconventional) partnerships.

This is round one of 2017 Venus in Aries, by the way. Venus will be going into retrograde in March, and will re-enter the sign of Pisces in early April before changing direction and moving back into Aries for round two.

We’ll know then if we’ve learned the lesson of the unicorns the first time around, or if we may need to learn from them again.

Thank you for reading and sharing Signs and Numbers. Until next post…

~ Light, Love, and Blessings,





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